Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Ashcroft Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 30t' day of December, 1997 Ashcroft Indian Band 1997 Property Tax Rates By-law ~'u.J mz~6 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 3rd day of February, 1998 .
ASHCROFT INDIAN BAND 1997 PROPERTY RATES BY-LAW VaIEREAS: In 1993, the Ashcroft Indian Band Assessment By-law, and the Taxation By-law, were passed pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act, and were approved by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in 1993; ANDWHEREAS: It is necessary to adopt a further by-law for the purposes of implementing the Ashcrof3 Indian Band's taxation system. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the Chief and Council of the Ashcroft Indian Band enacts the following By-law pursuant to the Indian Act, and in particular Section 83(1) (a), (a . 1), and (g) of the Indian Act . SHORT TITLE This by-law may be cited as the 1997 Property Rates By-law . Pursuant to the Ashcroft Indian Band Property Taxation By-law the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" which is attached to and forms part of this By-law . k007-02 001
APPROVED BY CHIEF AND COUNCIL at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Ashcroft Indian Band held at the Ashcroft Indian Band Administration Office, Ashcro$, British Columbia this 3y day of Qs~ , 1997 . MOVED (I BY (9P c~,i t~. (~~ ~ r''~-~ SECONDED BY A QUORUM OF BAND COUNCIL CONSISTS OF o(. COUNCILLORS Chief - ~ .t-' 0 &Gt:.Councillors :
SCHEDULE "A" Class of Property Rate of tax applied against each $1,000.00 of Net Taxable Value of Property Tax Rate I - Residential 18.46 2 - Utilities 43 .76 3 - Unmanaged Forest Land 42.08 4 - Major Industry 41-63 5 - Light Industry 50.03 6 - Business and Other 34 .03 7 - Managed Forest Land 13.61 8 - Recreational/Non-Profit 13 .40 Organization 9 - Farm 16.13
,y Indian and Northern Affaues Indtennes T Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The words 'From our Band Funds' "Captal' a NOTA les Mots 'des londs de rove bend!' 'capeal' du bandes The council of the Le conse0 de la bande indienne Agency District Province Nomde l1endrat 28 Date City - Jw Dp HEREBY RESOLV E DECIDE, PAR LES PRESEANhBreas On September 26, 1997 Band Council adopted the Ashcroft Indian Band 1997 property Rates By-law, And Whereas the rates m the bylaw were set m accordance with the rates prevailing m the adjacent village of Ashcroft, And Whereas those rates are substantially lower than the Bands rates for the 1996 taxation year, And Whereas the village of Ashcroft has lowered its rates for reasons which are not relevant to the situationon our reserves, AndWhereas we now consider that it is not mthe best interests of the Band to lower the Property Tax Rates from those which were set m 1996, NowTherefore be >t resolved that the Ashcroft Indian Band 1997 Property Rates By-law dated September 26, 1997 is now rescinded and replaced with the Ashcroft Indian Band 1997 Rates By-law dated December 1, 1997 A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande Its quorum est consists of fixA A Council Members Membres du Conseil (cwncm« - carsener) (Camcma - Corneuer) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINIST ERE I C Ba d nd.Fu nd Code CmptAw ealames -W-e Soldes d'wdmi" du 00 ber'de LACapdal 8 Revertue - Revenu 6 Rewmmended - RecommerWable Daie Rororrcnend Oscer - Rxmnends BPS (9&e6) 7570P216J&8562 Ctionabpcat No - N' coreACud File Relevene! - N" de rNSrace Wdoom -Revenue- whichever t,y the case must appear n an resdutaro r equestinp espendlures 'Revenu' sebn to Cast dopvert peredre dans from Band Fund! toqnes In rAsd4Aans portent sur des depensea ! m6me leg fonds des Current Capital Balance ASHCROFT INDIAN BAND solde de captal CENTRAL DISTRICT Committed Engag~ BRITISH COLUMBIA Current Revenue Balance ASHCROFT Solde de revenue AD 19 Hemmrtted Mam - EngagA M= Yem - An,ee (Councillor - CorroeAer) (Councdtor - Casaam) ICamosla - Cauaaer) ICauncua - Cacersel 3 Expencliture - 06pense, _~4 A~6J1hMAy (InchanAct sourc a of Fwds as We (At a do la Sox" diii; Itinds I.*" IS [I Captal [] R Rqivim App,wed - Aoprarvatfe per Date Appron Oncer - ApprwVe (",anar15'
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