Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs ~~-~~ Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development ,, `r'~ +,_ indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Cowichan Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 28th day of July 1999 . Cowichan Indian Band Bylaw to Fix Tax Rate and Percentage Additions for the Year 1999 (Rates Bylaw) Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this /7~~ day of ~~~'e 1999.
COWICHAN INDIAN BAND ABylaw to Fix Tax Rate and Percentage Additions for theYear 1999 WHEREAS : A. The Cowichan Indian Band "Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaw"was made pursuant to Subsection 83(1) of the Indian Act for the purpose of taxation for local purposesof land, or interests in land, in the: "reserve" (as defined in the Property Assessment andTaxation Bylaw) including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the "reserve" . amounts that are B. Subsection 83(1)(e.1) provides for the imposition and recovery ofinterest on payable pursuant to this section, where those amounts are not paid beforethey are due, and the calculation of that interest. enacted NOW BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the following bylawbe and is hereby pursuant to the provisions ofthe Indian Act and in particular Subsection 83(1)thereof, for the purpose of fixing a tax rate andpercentage additions for the year 1999 . Short Title cited for all purposes as the "Cowichan Indian Band Bylawto Fix Tax 1. This bylaw maybe Rate andPercentage Additions for the Year 1999". Tax Rates 2. The following rates are hereby imposed andlevied for theCalendar Year 1999 on the assessed value of land andimprovements by property class. Property Class Tax RatePercentage Utility (2) 4.00 per thousand (a) per thousand Light Industry (5) 2.30 Business and Others (6) 2 .30 per thousand Farm (9) 1 .00 per thousand per:, v.^itagV Audi-dons 3. The Tax Collector of the Cowichan IndianBandshall onSeptember 6, 1999, add ten per cent (10%) on to the current year's taxes unpaid on each parcel of land andon the improvements the said unpaid taxes including tax rates together with the amounts added thereon, and aforesaid, shall be deemed to be taxes of the current year due on suchland and on the improvements thereon.
Interest on Taxes in Arrears 4. Taxes in Arrears are subject to interest at the prevailing Bank of Canada rate plus 2% calculated from January ofthe year following . of Canada rate (plus 2%) in effect on the date the taxes in arrears are paid. Place ofTax Payments 5. The tax rates and percentage additions shall be payable at the office ofthe Tax Collector at the Cowichan Band Office, 5760 Allenby Road, Duncan, BC. Tribes, 5760 Allenby Road, Duncan, BC V9L 5J1 . APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council of the Cowichan Indian Band held at the Cowichan Indian Band Administration Office, 5760 Allenby Road, this ~ day of ~vA1999. A Quorum of Council consists of five (5) Band Councillors . EY nest L.. Moved By: Chief Ly ia ,,itsum Councillor Louise Underwood Councillor Diane Dani (~/T s Councillor Arvid Charlie Interest charged will be calculated at the Bank Mailing address: Cowichan ' Seconded By: G, rv . o v~4 W tlli c~.~5 ---Councillor Ernest Elliott Councillor c Leonard Antoine Councillor Dora R . Wilson
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