Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 G.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Tobacco Plains lndian Band 2004 Rates By-law dated May 26, 2004 is a true copy of the said by-law. ' ;l,L .( L l : L- <! { Thomas Howe E Director, Lands and Trust Senf~ces, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of t h e Minister of Indian Affairs and Northe.rn Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuar-11lo section 83 of the lnrlian Ac!, the lcllowing bylaw made by the Tobacco Plains Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on lhe 26th day of Whay2 004. Tobacco Plains Indian Band 2004 Rates Bylaw ? Dated at Ottawa, Ontarto t h ~ sL r" day of . )...,< .. 2004 Canada
TOBACCO PLAINS INDIAN BANI1 BYLAW #2004-TX2 V'IJEREAS pursuant to subsection X3(1) o f tile Jrtdian . Ic t , the Council of a liatld tnay makc hplaws fds the pulposc of iaxalion k)r local puq~vscso f la:ld, or i i l t~resiln land inciuding thc rights t i ] occupy, possess 01- use land.; within the boundaries of'11ic RCSCITa-ned with respect to any matlers arising nu! of anv or :my at1ci1Iat-y to such puq>osl:: AY13 WHEREAS The C,ouncil of the T d ~ a c c oP lains Indian nand cnaceed 1-hc '1-olsacco Plains Indian Rand Taxation and ~ Z s s e s s m t . nh~k - laxi: 011 March 9: 1992: NOW BE IT HEREBY KESOEVED that ~ h fcoI 1uwing b iaw he 2nd is hcl-chj, enacicd pursuant to the p r c n - ~ s i o no~f the I~lclirrnA rt snd in part~culart n Seclio~tl; 3( I ) for the puqmsc of establishing annual ratcs o f taxatinr~ 1 . -1 his bylaw tnay be cited for ali pu~yosesa s the 'I'c~baccoP l~ i t l sIn diar! Band 2004 Ratcs Bylaw. 7 L. l ' u r s ~ ~ ~trol ts cctlon 2.1 oi'thc 'I'cjbacco Plain.; in dial^ Barld 2 axation Byla\+. tllc ratcs for cdch class oi'prope*, shall be ~ I aIc cnrdancc 1 ~ 1 t"hS chedule A' ' ivhich r k a t ta~hcda nd firms pari ol'!hc Bylau . 'I llis Bylaw is hrrcby t:nacletl by tllc ( 'hicf ancl couricil of ?heT obacco I'lains Indl,~itB and at a duly ctmvcncd ~ ~ ~ e e t lhreilrgl o n ~ h- c- 2 h- d,i-j , o i Ma\. , 2004. -. -. . . - .- I :ouncilor Levi Grin cl le
Tobacco Plains lndain Band Rates Bylaw NO. 2004-TX2 Schedule "A" The Council of the Tobacco Plains Indian Hand hereby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2004 taxation year for the followtng classes of property: Classes of Property Tax Rate 1 . Hesident~al 2 Utillty 3 . Unmanaged forest 4. Major Inrl~rstry 5 . Cight Industry 6 Business and Other 7. Mznaged Forest 8 . Rccreatl~nI Non Profit 9. Farm
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