Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the St. Mary's First Nation Rates By-Law No. 2003 Yr-11 dated July 4, 2003 is a true copy of the said by-law . omas Howe ! Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
Minister of Indian Affairs , 5 6. ~ : Northern Development ;, ig Ministre des Affaires and indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the St . Mary's First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 4th day of July 2003 . St . Mary's First Nation Rates By-law No. 2003 Yr-11 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario thiso?? A/ day of 2003 .
ST. MARY'S BAND ADMINISTRATION 7470 Mission Road Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 7E5 0 Fax: (250) 426-8935 Email: stmarysreceptionQcyberlink Tel: (250) 426-5717 TITLE : Rates Bylaw 2003 - Yr 11 Schedule "A" Prescribed Tax Rates For the Taxation Year 2003 Tax Rates esid , enti . al , 16.6169 ~tilities~ 81 .5788 LIn=managed forest l t and MajorIndustry ; , 75.7201 5: Light Industry : 42.5254 6. Business 37.1763 7. Managed forest land 8 . Seasonal 19.1681 9. Farm 18.9227 1, 6r °-w 5~a ~k BE IT ICNOWN r~ ~ ._ t~ia ~~ t . ~th . i ~ s-by ~ law entitled Rates~Bvlaw ., rt ,c=, . which forms bvlaw.~pass'ed'by~C1nef,andtCouncil ~s part of the Taxation ;>and`approved,by the " Minister on 1992, March 9'h, that beiiiga/b."yla,'w;to~tablish~via~b"yla;w~}systmon the reserve lands ofthe St. Mary's First Nationfor~theffair and eq~utatile'Y'taxation for 1oca1 purposes of land, or interests in land, includ~m. g"'therrigahts'~to%u I p I y I d v _~-,. , p1'orssess or~ h u h se ' reserves is hereby p e n r ~ n H a i c ]i t l 1 ~ 1/ u ` lands within the boundaries ~r ofthe ed~as 5 , w RatesBvla ~. w h7 2'003 Yi=1:1=by the Chief and Council ofthe StMary's FirstNation. ~ APPROVED AND`PASSE-by the -~f ~'d~~, ~ St.~Mary's First Nation-.Council This~Day ofJuly4: 2003 ti, _ = u~~? .c~ `~ ~~ A quorum fo , ~ -, t his First Nation consists ofthree'(03),Councillors Cheryl asimer, Councillor Robert Williams, Councillor
ST. MARY'S BAND ADMINISTRATION 7470 Mission Road Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 7E5 Fax: (250) 426-8935 Email: Tel: (250) 426-5717 THE COUNCIL OF THE ST:MARY'S FIRST NATION DO HEREBY RESOLVE . :t ~t;~ t., < NY Chronological No. 981-39-~Km-. , . . . That for the taxation y.e,ar;2003;~any times, dates, or periods established under this bylaw or the St.Mdry's First Nation Assessment Bylaw, shall be changed or extended by such reasonable amount or amounts ~as,may be necessary to permit, enable and allow the effective and efficient implementation and administratrion ofthis bylaw and the St.Mary's First Nation Assessment Bylaw. A quorum,for, . t * hi5~=first n"ation;'corisists'of(03) Council Members. . ~,1 r / \s . . ~S` Cheryl Casimer, Councillor Robert Williams, Councillor Terry White, Counci116r: Signed this~-Day of May, 2003
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