Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIIFICCAATIIOON, Purrsuantt to Secttion 86,, Indian Acctt RSC 1985 C.I1--5 and ameendmeennttss theretto,, I certiiffYy that thhe atttaacchhed copy off the Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattion Taxaattion Exxppeennddiitture Ameennddmeenntt By--law 97-TX--03 dated June 24,, 1997 is a trruue copy of the said by-laaww.. Gaaiill Kssonzyna Landss and Trrusstt Seerrviiceess,, a supeerriintendenntt as deffined in Seeccttion 2(1)) Indiian Acctt RSC 1985
MMiniinsisteterro off IInddiiaannA Afffafairirss MMiniinsistrtree ddeessA Afffafairiress a a n n d d NNorotrhtheerrnn DDeevveellooppmenetnt iindiienneess eet t dduu NNoordrdc caannaaddieienn OOttttawaa,. CCaannaaddaa KK1 1AA O OHH44 II,, tthe Mininiisstterr off IIndiian Afffaiirrs and Noorrttheerrn Deevveellopmenetn,t, HEREEBBYY APPRROOVVEE,, puurrsuaanntt tto seccttiion 83 off tthe Indiian Acct,t, tthe ffolllloowiing byll aw ma a d d e e by tthe Weessttbankk Fiirrstt Naatitionn,, iin tthe Prrovviince off Brriittish Coollumbbiaia,, att a a me e e e ti ti n n g g h h e e l ld d o o n n tthe 241t1h dayy off Junee,, 1997. Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattion Taxattiioon Expeennddiitture Ameennddmeenntt Bylaaw 97-TX--03 jadk-c '46wwt . t :? t :A ~ . . Da a t te e d d a at t Ottttaawa,, Onnttarriio tthhiiss R9 day of ~/~ 1997.. Canad~
LEGAL CODE of thhe WEESTBANK FIRRST NATION WESTBANK FIRRST NATION TAXATIION EXPENDITURE AMENDMENT BYLAAW 97-TX--03 A BYLAAW TO AMEND TIHlE WESTBANK FIRRST NATII ON TAXATIION EXPENDII TURE BYLAW,, 1995,, PASSED BY CHIIEF AND COUNCCIIL TIHlE 6TIHI DAY OF JUUNE 1995 AND BY TIHlE MIINIISTER TIHlE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBBEERR,, 1995.. WHHEEREAS: thhe Weessttbannkk. Fiirst Naattiion Taxaattion Exppeennddiitture Byyllaw,, 1995 waas passed by Chhiieeff aand Coouunncciill of the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiion in the besstt iintterrestt of tthe Baandd,, as a byllaaww iin accorrdance wiitth sectioon 83(2) of the Indian Acctt for tthhe purpose of tthhe expeennddiitture of moonniies c co olll le ec ct te ed d b by y the Weessttbannkk. Fiirst Naattiion purrsuantt to Weessttbankk. Fiirst Naattion Prropeerrtty Asssessmeentt a an nd d Taaxxaattion enablling bylaws as approved by the Mininisistterr,, in accordance wiitth sseeccttiioon 83(1) off tthhee Indian Acctt ;~ and WHHEEREAS: purrsuantt to Seeccttion 11 ..1 off the Weessttbank. Fiirstt Naattiion Taaxxaattion Exxppeennddiitturre Byy lla aw 1 199 99 55 t th he e Exppeennddiitturre bylaaw maay be ameended by the Baand Coouunncciill by bylaww~; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVY ED THAT: The follloowing Deefifinniittion be added to Seeccttion 2:: "Sttaabbiilliizattion Fundd"" meeaannss a fund desiigned tto holld any surpllus moonniies remaaiiniing in the Taaxxaattiion Fund att the end off the Fiiscall yearr s sp pee cc ii ffi ie ed d in the Exxppeennddiitturre Byyllaw Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett Scheedulle.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:: The ffollloowing Deefifinniittion in Seeccttiion 2 be ameennddeed tto rread:: "''Band Coouunnciclil" meeaannss tthe Chhiieeff and Coouunncciill offt the Baand a a s s e e l le e c ct te e d d b b y y t th h e e elliigiiblle meemmbeberrss off tthe Baannd puurrssuaanntt tto tthe Indiian Ac c t t a an n d d any succeessssorr thereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Suubbsseeccttiion 4.1 be ameennddeed to rread : Alll exppeenndditituurreess,, including allll cosstts off adminiinsitsrtraattiionnss,, cc oo pl ele cc tt ii oo nn ss ,, rr ee aa ll iiz zaa tti io on n off seccuurriitty,, complpalianintsts,, legall and connssuullttanntt serrviicess,, eeduuccaattiionn,, ttrraaiiniing aand honnoorraarriiaa ffroom tthe Taaxxaattiion Fund wilill maaddee iin accorrdanccee wiitth tthe Annnuuaall Buuddggeett and tthe Taaxxaattiion Exxppeenndidtituurre Ammenenddmmeenntt Byyllaw 9 9 7 7 --T TX X --0 0 3 3 Paa gg ee Noo .. 1 1
.;, r Weessttbank First Naattion Property Taxattioon Bylaaww anndd when made aree autthoriizzeedd expenddiittures frroomm tthhee Taxattioonn Fund providded seectiioonn 3..22 above has been compplliied wiithh.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:: Subssecttioon 4..33 be amended too reeaadd:: Alll moonniies depossiiteedd inn thhe Taxaattion Fund and any iintterestt earnneed tthheerreeoonn wiillll be expended inn accordance wiith thhee Expeenddiitture Bylaaww Annnnuuaall Budgeett solelyy foor loocal purrposes innclluudinng thhe proviisiioonn of Locall Serrviices on Reesserrve,, capiital prrojjeeccttss aand allll costs associateed wiith thhe admininisisttratioon and enforcceemment of tthhe Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion Properrty Asssessmeentt and Taxaattion Byllaws in accordance wiitth subsecttiioon 4..l1.. NOW THEREFORE BE ITT RESOLVED THAT: Subsseeccttion 4..44 be added to read:: Alll surplus moonniies remaaiining iinn thhe Taxaattion Fund att thhe end off tthhe Fiiscall Yeearr speciifieed inn thhe Exppeennddiitture Bylaaww Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett Schedulle maay be ttrraannsffeerrrreedd iinnttoo the Sttabiillizatiioon Fund and maay be applliieed toowards tthhe operratioon a costs for thhe nextt Fiiscall Yeeaarr,, overrruns on exiistinng capiital projjectts or for any ottheerr conttingenciies.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT:: the Chhiief and Coouunncciill of the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiion enactts as an ameendiing byllaw,, Byllaw No.. 97-TX--03 purrsuantt tto secttiioon 83((2) off tthe Indiian Acctt;; PASSED AND APPROVED by thhe councciill off the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattion aatt a dully convened meeeettiing offt he Baand counncciill helld at the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Addmmininsitsrtraattion Offffiiccee,, Keellownnaa,, Brriittiissh Coollumbbiiaa,, this 2, 5Y/ day off ~_ - 1997.. Coouuncniclillorr /I J./4-4-y-yfLk J : CKuUnncic1i1llot 0 an nd d a add minin isis tt rr aa tti io on n Coouuncniclilllorr Coouuncniclillorr Taaxxaattiion Exxppeenndidtituurree Ammenenddmmenentt Byyllaaw 9977--TX--0033 P P a a g g e e N N o o . . 2 2
EXPENDITURE BYLAW ANNUAL BUDGET Scheduulle "1997" Reevenue:: BC Assssessmeenntt Roollll 1997 Raatte Invoiice Cllass 1I 212,,793,464 10.7087 2,353,55661l * Cllass 2 2,,906,8853 35.22999 104,,969* Cllass 3 0 n/la 0 Cllass 4 0 34.88547 0 Cllasss 5 876,,001 24.119965 21,,696 Cllaasss 6 27,,023,400 23.44846 634,,857* Cllass 7 0 n/la 0 Cllass 8 918,,700 11 .00422 10,,394 Cllass 9 0 n/la 0 244,,518,,418 3,125,477 LESS:: Homee Ownneerr Grraanntts/Seniior Grr.. (550,,000) Ottheerr Sttattus Exxeemppttiions (l1O0,O,0O0O0)) Suubb--ttoottaall 2,, 565,, 477 Seweerr parrcell tax 35,,595 interesstt & penaalltty estiimatte 80,,000 TOTAL REVENUES:: 2,681,072 EXPENSSES:: 1997 W.F.NN.. Geenneerraall Poorrttion 148,,000 Puubblliic Woorrkkss 35,,000 Byyllawss 35,,000 Reeccrreeaattiion 30,,000 Commmunuintity Pllanniing 35,,000 Utitilliity Seerrviice Buuiillding 57,,000 Gym 400,,000 Watateerr Systeem 100,,000 C.. O..R..D .. Seerrviice Aggrreemeenntt 167,,868 Wesetsstsiide Fiire Prrottecttiion 108,,050 Seweerr Paarrceell Tax 35,,595 B.C.. Asssseessmeenntt Auutthhoorriitty 38,,253 B.C.. Asssseesssmeenntt Appppeeaalls Booaarrd 10,000 Addmminiinsitsrtraattiion :: Coolllecttion exppo. 150,,000 Coonnssuullttantt 10,000 Prroffessssiionaall fees 75,000 Geenneerraall Addmiin 263,,372 Prrojjected: Allloow for douubbttffuull accountts 50,,000 Sttablliizattion fund 307,,839 Caappiittall prrojjectts fund 312,,548 Coonnttiingency fund 312,,548 TOTAL EXPENDIITURES 2,.6681 ,.0072 o0 * Noottes:: Caallcullabon off Cllasss 1 increased by $74,,820 due to miiniimmuumm taax paymeenntt Caallcullabon off Cllass 2 increased by $2,357 due to miiniimmuum taax paymeenntt Caallcullabon off Cllasss 5 increased by $500 due to miiniimmuumm tax paymeenntt Caallcullabon off Cllasss 6 increased by $223 due to miiniimmuumm tax paymeenntt Caallcullabon off Cllasss 8 iincreased by $250 due tto miiniimmuumm ttax paymeenntt
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