Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs , ~ Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Westbank First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 16`h day of September 1996. 1996 Expenditure Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 25th day of octdber. 1996.
Westbank First Nation Taxation 1996 Expenditure Bylaw 96-TX-03 A BYLAW TO AMEND THE WESTBANK FIRST NATION TAXTION EXPENDITURE BYLAW, 1995,PASSED BY CHIEF AND COUNCIL THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE 1995 AND BY THE MINISTER THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1995 . Whereas : The Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-law, 1995 was passed by Chief and Council of the Westbank First Nation in the best interest of the members of the Westbank First Nation, as a by-law in accordance with section 83(2) of the Indian Act for the purpose of the expenditure of monies collected by the Westbank First Nation pursuant to Westbank First Nation Property Assessment Bylaw 95-TX-07 and Westbank First Nation Property Taxation Bylaw 95-TX-08, enabling bylaws approved by the Minister, on the 5th day of June, 1996, in accordance with section 83(1) of the Indian Act ; and Whereas: Pursuant to the Expenditure By-law section 3 .2, on or before June 30 of each Fiscal Year, the Band Council will prepare the Annual Budget and will by by-law add the Annual Budget as a schedule to the enacted Expenditure By-law and Whereas : Pursuant to section 5 .2 of the Expenditure By-law Chief and Council may by Band Council Resolution extend the time by or within which anything is required to be done pursuant to the Expenditure By-law and anything done by or within such extended time is as valid as if it had been done by or within the time otherwise provided for in the Expenditure By-law . And Whereas : The Council deems it advisable and in the best interest of the residents of IR#9 and IR#10 to amend the Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-Law 1995 ;
NOW THEREFORE : The Council of the Westbank First Nation enacts as an amending By-Law thereof as follows : 1 . That Schedule "1996" is hereby added as a further schedule to the WESTBANK FIRST NATION TAXATION EXPENDITURE BY-LAW, 1995, by by-law 96-TX-03 . APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Chief and Council of the Westbank First Nation held at the Westbank First Nation Administration Offices, 300-515 Highway 97 South, Kelowna, British Columbia., this 16th day of September , 1996 . Chief
EXPENDITURE BYLAWANNUAL BUDGET Schedule "1996" REVENUE: ^ B.C . Assessment Roll 1996 Rate Invoice Class 1 187,928,104 10.6749 2,110,186 " Class 2 2,730,153 34.3485 94,489 ' Class 3 0 27.0833 0 Class 4 0 34.0676 0 Class 5 876,001 23.7936 21,343 " Class 6 18,042,700 22.3808 403,810 Class 7 0 16.8847 0 Class 8 918,700 10.9215 10,034 Class 9 0 8.2669 0 210,495,658 2,639,861 LESS : Home Owner Grants/Senior Grants/Other (500,000) Status Exemptions (10,000) sub-total 2,129,861 sewer parcel tax 21,761 interest & penalty estimate 50,000 " TOTAL REVENUES: 2,201 ,622 EXPENSES : 1996 W.F.N . General Portion 238,420 McDougal Creek Park 85,000 Utility Service Building 100,000 W.F.N . Water System 125,000 C.O.R.D . Service Agreement 165,070 Westside Fire Protection 96,883 Sewer Parcel Tax 21,761 B.C . Assessment Authority 32,500 B.C . Assessment Appeals Board 10,000 Administration : Collection exp 100,000 Consultant 10,000 Professional fees 70,000 General Admin 247,075 Projected: Allow for doubtful accounts 50,000 Stabilization fund 321,941 Capital projects fund 263,986 Contingency fund 263,986 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,201,622 0 " Calculation of Class 1 increased by $104,072 due to minimum tax payment Calculation of Class 2 increased by $712 due to minimum tax payment Calculation of Class 5 increased by $500 due to minimum tax payment File : 96EXBLBD
WESTBANK FIRST NATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL NIIMDGR : /996 5' 7 - O 771G CIIIEF ANDCOUNCIL OF WI?STnANK fIRST NATION O1' KELOIVNA, BRI11SH COLUMBIA DAl'ED 1111S 16th DAY O, : September- 19 96 DO HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: WHEREAS: The Westbank First Nation passed the Taxation By-law and Assessment By-law pursuant to the provisions of the Indian S, and in particular pursuant to Subsection 83(1) of the Indian Act as approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Westbank First Nation Council, and approved by the Minister on the 5th day of June, 1996. WHEREAS: The Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure Bylaw, 1995 was enacted pursuant to section 83(2) of the Indian Act for the purposes of the expenditure of monies collected by the Westbank First Nation pursuant to enabling bylaws . WHEREAS: Pursuant to section 5.2 of the Expenditure Bylaw Chief and Council extend the time of section 3.2 to September 30th for the 1996 fiscal year ; and WHEREAS: Pursuant to section 3.2 of the "Expenditure Bylaw", the Expenditure Bylaw Annual Budget, Schedule "1996" has been prepared by bylaw 96-TX-03 and is hereby added to the "Expenditure Bylaw". NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: The Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure Bylaw Budget 1996 Schedule is hereby approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the band council held at the Westbank First Nation Administration Office, Kelowna, British Columbia, this 16th day of September 1996 . CHIEF /V v1/1.~ ,/ /~ I-'C-O-U~NC"1LLOR A QUORUM OF WESTUANKFIRST NATION COUNCIL CONSISTS OF COUNCILMEMBERS c of
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