Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, lndian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Lower Sirnilkameen lndian Band Annual Tax Rates By-law No. I , 2004 dated October 22, 2004 is a true copy of the said by-law. , , ,', +'L I i t . _ / ~ h o f i a Hs owe [ ' Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
M~n~stdrec s A l l a ~ r ~ sr ~ ( l ~ c ~elln e s Mini~tsro f lrld~anA tfa~rsa nt3 c lu Nnrd canad1t.n ot ~nlcrlucuter~I~r r le ra l Nrirtherr~D eveloprnerlt a r c Ferler al 113 tcr IO$:CI tell aupres des Metis et d ~ c I,n chens non ~nsc r~ t s fr~rM ctis and Non-Stalus lrldiarls I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lndian Act, t h e following by-law made by the Lower Similkameen lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 22nd day of October 2004. - Lower Sirnilkameen Indian Band Annual Tax Rates By-law No. 1,2004
1& 1 r;l ~,"~;;thern BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE The wwds bwn our Band Funds" -capital" or 'revenue", hichever Is the case, must appear In all resolutions requesting expendllures fmm Band Funds Cash free balance The Council of the LOWER SIMILKAMEEN Capital account $ D-J M Y-A Province Revenue account Date of duly convened meeting 22 70 2004 BC $ THE CHIEF AND COUNCIL OF THE LOWER SIMILKAMEEN INDIAN BAND DO HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: LOWER SIMILKAMEEN INDIAN BAND ANNUAL TAX RATES BY-LAW NO. 1,2004 WHEREAS pursuant to the Lower Sirnilkameen Indian Band Properq Tamtion By- lm~it is necessary for Band Council during each taxation year to enact a By-law establishing, imposing and levying the tax rate for each separate property class within each separate taxation district; NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the following By-law be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the lndian Acl, and in particular section 83( 1 ) for the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxation. 1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the Lower Similkumeen Indian Band Annual Tau Rates By-law No. 1, 2004. 2. Pursuant to the Lower Sirnilkameen Indian Band Property Taxution By-law, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with the rate schedule attached as a Schedule "A", which forms part of the Annual T m R ates By-law Ro. 1, 2 004. THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY ENACTED by Council at a duly convened Quorum THREE ( 3) BARBARA ALLISON THERESA DENNIS Councillor Counclllor FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Expenditure I Authority (tndian Act I Source of funds I Expenditure I Authorrty (lnd~an I Source of funds I I section) I I I Act Section) I I Signature Date Signature Date Approv~ngo fficer Approving officer Signature Date Signature Canad D a ate I 5 d
SCHEDULE "A" Prescribed Tax Rates for the 2004 taxation year for the following classes of property: Class of Property as prescribed under Rate of Tax applied against the land and Schedule "A" and Section 23(G) of the improvements as determined in accordance Lower Sirnilkameen Indian Baud 2002 with the Lower Sirnilkameen Indian Band Assessment By-law Property Taxation By-law Class 1 - Residential Class 2 - Utilities Class 3 - Unmanaged Forest Land Class 4 - Major Industry Class 5 - Light Industry Class 6 - Business and Other Class 7 - Managed Forest Land Class 8 - Recreational Class 9 - Farm 1 1 ' i "Jurisdiction 716" Land + improvements 4 9.1439 -- - - .- . j 6 1. OOO -4 27.8549 1 27.01 04 1 - - -- -- - ! 23.2354 i 20.6353 -"- 11.3958 9.0686 -4 10.1975
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