Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Osoyoos Indian Band Tax Rates By-law No. 001,2004 dated June 2,2004 is a true copy of the said by-law. , ' L , .8 , , * .. I Thomas Howe ; I ~i'rectorL, ands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) lndian Act RSC 7985
On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, i HEREBY APPROVE: pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act. the following by-law made by the Osoyoos Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 2nd day of June 2004. Osoyoos Indian Band Tax Rates By-law No. 002, 2004 @ Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this ' !L day of ;'w-red ti,, ~ KC,FJIT ,lmr;- ,rn5;,rr82 SI,. n.rp;t-r recycle
irid~ana nd Northern Al la~resrr ~dlerincs ct r l r ~N ord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION The words "from uur Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requeslrng expend~turesf rom Band Funds. , 111cc nt1r:crl of the OSOYOOS INDIAN RESERVE Date (II duly convened meeting @ M f I l ' ,I L [I . !? i l l l lt t :IS the C j c l > r , w > c ind~anf 3 d ~ l t lh as pij~st,(d rlrlcl Ilavt. 11011 al>pr(n.c(I 1t.i Ilcccnlbrr 22. 1095 ;)ppralvcd h! rhr \I~rltstcro f lnd~an,.lffair<u n Jul!, 22. 19[>h:a nd Whereas The Chief & Council of the Osoyoos Ind~anB and deem jt advisable and In the hest interest o f the Band to engage In the laxation for local purposes of land, or interest In land, in the reserve lands or t h ~O! SOYOOISn dian Banrl Including the y h t s !a occi~pyp, ossess, or use land In the reserve, arid 121tiereas, I t IS 11er;essary for the levvrng of tax to establ~sbr ates ori land and Improvements fnr Barid Government hlc~nrc~paHl.o sprtal and Reg~onaDl tstr~cpt urpuses for tt~r;. vear 2UO4 The Ctllef & Cnuncil ol the Osoyoos Indran Band hereby enacts as follows: I . The folloiving rates are hereby ~m!?oseda nd levled on Ikre varrous c l a s s e ~o f property for the year 2004. apl:l~cable to the whole of the Osoyoos lnd~arRl eserves Taxation Distr~ct C~nipr is ingo f, Osoyoos Indian Band The whole of the Reserve Taxatton District Lands of the Osoyoos Indian Bend 1 The mnlrnurn amount of taxat~onu por1 a parcel nr real property shall be $350 Q ( 1 : As soon as prac.t~rnhleo n or after the I ' ~cf July. 2004 the Surveyor nf Taxes of l h ~O?s oyous lnd~an Band shalt a d d lo the current year's taxes unpa~da s of J 30 p m (he 4'h of JuJy,2 004, o n each p a r c ~ol f lar:d on h!s Roll, ten per cent (109;) togelher w ~ t ha mounts adderj as aforesa~ds hall from the 4Ih dsy-4 July. 2004. be deemed !o be lhs arnount o f the currenl vear's taxes upon'such laud - c-7..- 7h1sb y-law may be cl!ed as "Tax Rates b y - l a w - ~ O O 12,0 04 -, L- Quotun? ( 3 . ) . TIlRE .. E - - . :L <;- dLG f \C - hief) - - .. C , . . , . [Cuuncillor) / (Councillnr) / . (Councillor) (Cfluncillor) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Expenditure I Aulhority I Source of lunds (Indian Act Sectlon) ' ! 1 Capital Reveriue . . . . . . . R~r:orr~r~iendoinffqic er Recornrnending officer . . . . . . . Siqnnt~rrr Date At~provit~ogli icer - A p ~ ~ i r l ~parr~ e Appruvirng nlfirer I .- File relerer~cen o. . . -- ..... - - -.. I Cash free balance I Capital account - B ,C . 1 Revenup accourrl B P~I)PcT'TT\- l ~ ~ l ~ lhiy~-l:arit~ d iittCI Property Classes; Tax Rate: Class 1: Residentla1 10.6802 C!ass 2 . Utilities 38.3293 Class 5: t ~ g h Itn dustry 26.3953 Class 6 BusinessiQther 24.7403 Class 8 RecreationiNon Proflt 10.5204 Class 9. Farm 12.8204 of t h a~m ount thereof arid the s a ~ du npa~d! afcs . /' J ' I, -. --, .-" . + - .. ... (Councit hr) .A (Councillor) . . (Councillor) 1 I Expenditure Aulhorriy I source or funds I (Indian Act Section) 1 Capital , - ! Revenue . . .... - .. -- .- . -. -. . - . ..... -. 51y1,alurq Untr . . . . I
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