Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Osoyoos Indian Band Tax Rates By-law No. 001, 1998 dated 01 June 1998 is a true copy of the said by-law. Richard r Lands and Trust Se ices, a Superintende defined in Section 2(1) Ind Act RSC 1985
Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development inrliPnnac at rli i Nnrri rranartiAn Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Osoyoos Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 1st day of June, 1998. Osoyoos Indian Band Tax Rates By-law No. 001, 1998 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 2nd day of July, 1998 .
Indian and Northorn Attatres Indlennes ~`F AffairsCanada et du Nord Canada Certified True Conkf BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Bend Funda NOTA: " -Capital" Revenue- . whichever Los Mots Ides tonds or " de noire bonds* " capital, Is the case , must ou "Revenu " ee lon Is cas bandes doiverd paraltre dons loules The council of the Le t:onseil de la bande Indlenne OSOY00S INDIAN BAND Agency District SOUTH UNIT Province BRITISH COLUMBIA I Place Nom de Irendroit OLIVER, B.C . Date 01 JUNE AD 1s Day - Jour Monlh - Mols DQ HEREBY RESOLVE-DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: WHEREAS the Osoyoos Indian Band has passed and have had approved it Property Taxation by-law dated December 22, 1995 approved by the MinisterofIndian Affairs on July 22, 1996 : and Whereas: The Chief& Council ofthe Osoyoos Indian Band deem it advisable and in the best interest,; of the Band to engage in the taxation for local purposes of land, or interest inland, in the reserve lands ofthe Osoyoos Indian Band . Including the rights to occupy, possess, or use land in the reserve, and Whereas: It is necessary for the levying of tax to establish rates on land and improvements for Band Govemment Municipal, Hospital, and Regional District purposes for the year 1998 The Chief& Council ofthe Osoyoos Indian Band here enacts as follows : 1 . The following rates are hereby imposed and levied on the various classes ol'property for the year 1998, applicable to the whole of' the Osoyoos Indian Reserves: Taxation District : Comprising of: Property Classes : Osoyoos Indian Band The whole ofthe reserve CLASS 1 : Taxation district . lands of the Osoyoos CLASS 2: Utilities Indian Band . CLASS 3 : Unmanaged Forests CLASS 4: Major Industry CLASS 5: Light Industry CLASS 6: Business / Other CLASS 7: Managed Forest CLASS 8 : CLASS 9 : Farm (rural rate) The minimum amount oftaxation upon a parcel of real property shall be $350.00 3 . As soon as practicable on or after the 4th day ofJuly, 1998 the Surveyorof Taxes ofthe Osoyoos Indian Band shall add to the current year's taxes unpaid as at 4:30 P.M. on the 4th day of July, 1998, on each parcel ofland on his Roll, ten per cent (10%) of the amount thereofand the said unpaid taxes, together with amounts added as aforesaid shalt'fro`m the 4th day ofJuly, 1998, be deemed to be the amountofthe current year's taxes upon such land . A quorum for this Band This by-law may be cited as "Tax Rates by-law No . 00 1, 1998 Pour cene bande le quorum est consists of THREE (3) ouncil Members. Membroa du Consell. (cnlel - Chell O%D ~22r7~ (counanor - con.alwr) 222~ (C«ur<clud(Cor~a"Ine<) (Councillor - Con .eiller) (Councilor - Coruellla) (Councilor - ConeeYler) (Councilor - Corualller) (Councilor - Conreilerl (Councilor - ~adn«) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - R8SERV~ AU ~d Fund Code 2. Com tAer e ompte Balances - Sddee du c d'ordtneleur 9. b~+de A. Capital 0. Revenue - Revenu - _ I f ~ S s. Reconvnended - Reoornrf~endebte Approved - Approuveble Date Recnmmendnp OMerr - Reoommandd par eas (9-am Ieaa2t-M@582 Chronological No. - N" consbcudl 1998 - 38 File Reference N" de rdtArnnce du doasler appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds . les rAsoluUons portent ttur des d6penses A mGkne les londs des Current Capital Balance Solde de capital a Committed Engagd a Current Revenue Balance Solde de revenue $ 98 Committed Engagd Year - Ann;; a Tax Rate : Residential 10.2301 33 .3961 23 .4147 23 .0902 23.8472 Recreation Non/Profit 9.7374 11 .0155 ~ " ' nolllor - Coneelfra) (Councillor - Conse(qea) (Councillor - ConaetAer) (CoundDor - Conaeller) MINISTERE ErpendAura - DIRerww 4. AuMialty W pndlen Act 9ectlonl . t3arlrw d Funds , Lal waideen~e ~ V wr eoura dw londe - ` I . I [] Caphat p Revenue fl4vmv Date Approvln0 odloe r-Approw" par n,.r ..
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