Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

PJlnistre i l ~ hsi ia~resin d;+r ~r iese t M~nisiercj : India:) A,t?a~ras ncj ~ I NJor d c.anadicr! et interlocuteur ft'deral . ' 3 . Northerr) De;;~lopment and Federal In!erlc!culor a ~ p r ed~e;s Mkl15e t des Ind~c-nsrl on ~nsc r~ ts fo! I>:lG;is an9 Nan-Stalws in3ia::s I , the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by t h e Osoyaos lndian 8and. in t h e Prov~nceo f Brit~sh Colunibia, at a meeting held on t h e 22nd day of August 2005. Osoyoos lndian Band Assessment Amendment Bylaw 2005-1 Da!edat Ottawa, Ontario this 2b' dayof :1;J ~ -' L:.;.>iL-rh-2'0 05
OSOYOOS INDIAN BAhU FZSSESSR/IERTA hIEND3IEFT BYLAIT' 2005-1 A The 0snyuu.s Itiilir[ri Llcrrld P~-y!sl-[7j~h air/io)l Bj, i;r~a\1~1 d Osri~oosI utlirrrr ncltrtl t ' t .~)pcrA~S) .S ~ ~ . C S B Ij'~lt!l\I1I1W C I C enacted by Chicf and Coi inci l 01' ttle Osoyoos Lrir!i:c~~ Rnnd in 1995 2nd approved by the Minister of Indian Affairs in 1996; KO\Y THERFI'ORE BE I'P RKSCII ,\'F.D: '1 l ~ a t1 1c CIlicfand Counci\ of tllc Osoyuos Irldiarl Rnnci enact thc foliowing hyiaiv p~lrs\litntto CIIC i ! 1 d i c t t 1 11(-1, and i r p~ a rticuIar szctio:~8 311) of tIls I / rd i~: /Al cr, 1 l'his by la~vr, nl;ly he c ~ t e da s the i l s se .~s i l~/c1~1~e: f td11reHt1r.1t: r 11. 2007-I. -3. I'lje definition of "/lssess!~retrArc r " i n sul>jection 1 . ( I ) of ihc / I ~ ~ ~ s . i t L)3ij el(1~11~, ist hcreby r:pz:tlcd and replkccd with the folllxi,ing. ""Assc,ss~~reA~crtr" means thc .-isse.s.rnterrr .4cr, RSBC 1996, c.20, as nlay be a~ncndcd." Fur- gt'eate~-c cr,tair~j t~ , rlw!cr or!c!::; i'd ' I<Snc: 1970, c.21 i l l thc Asscssr~~rftl\~.l(i11 1* shall her-eix~aftemr ean /Isscsst)rct:r l<.?B(-' 1090. c.211, its JII:~:; I ~ c a t ~ x l ~ d e ~ l . 1 .Y . 'I he iic>fi l l it ~ O I I of L ' A ~ ~ ~ ' ~ sAi ~ r r~} ~ l~ ACIi" i il l S~I I ~~S C Ci ~ ~ ~CI (~II) I~ ijf ~ I ) I C ,-i.s,s~.sse)t.l t i$.lrr\i, is her thy repealed and rep laced itwith thc following: ""Asso~~t t te lAl tr ~tltnriiy.4 ct7' nlcans the ,+fssesstt~c.tAifr it~iovi!A~c. r, RSBC' 1996, c .21 , as may be amended." kor greater certainty, all references to the A.ssess?jiiv~Ar lirltol-it) A(-r or Assr35~~?retrr Alctl70,-r!~1. 1r.r liSBC 1 979, c.22 in the ..jssesst~elrrI lyicr~\s h:ill hs r t i nnftcl III ean ~ l s se s s t~ i rArr~rtfi ~or-i[A~cl t, RSBC 1996, c.2 1, as rtlay be atncx~dcd. 3. 'I'tlc folIo\ving clefinition is hereby a~1tlt.dt o subscction 1 . ( I ) of t l A~s.\i 7..;.u~ret~c fj~:iolra. ficr tile d ~ l liiti ion of "closcd cil-cuit television ~ o r ~ ~ o r a t i i ~ n ' ' : ' ' m Lt~nmo issioner" nlcalls the assessnlent commissionc.~a ppoi~~teudn d:t rile :l.r;rc~stv~vr.t/ lr,;/mrilj. . k r , and includes a persot> nu tl1or17eAi n iimlt- in g thy
2 assessment coxnmissioner lo act on his 3r her bcllal f for ar.>.o f tlrr pur-poscs o f tllc ~ I . \ S C . S A I ~ IACc~!I.~" 5 . Tlie fullowitig defiiiition is hcrchy added to subsection 1 .(I) of the Ascrs.ct?r~?~f R~,ln::~!pft crt hc dcfinitiatl of "taxcs": 4 ' " t ~ l e ~ ~ n ~ m u ~ ~ i c aitnicolundse's? land and itnprovemcnts uscd or held rr<r the purpost's nf; or for pulpvses n n c i l l n r ~t,o . tl?? husii-rcss of rt t e l e c o m r ~ ~ ~ u n ~ c a ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ s : commcn carrier that opcrates a tclepllol~cs ) stem, data COIII tnunications ne:u i l r k clr cable tc'levisiorl iir~d<rtakingb: ut docs 11ct includc I;~nda nd irnpr overr~c.?rsi n 1,cspecl of a telccnn~tn1~nic:~tic0n~m1r~n on carrier thnl i s ;I r;irlio cr Ic-ic:rsion hroadc,isting or rebl-oadca~tingu ndertaking." 6 . S~tbscct.ion2 6.1 (3)(.b)i s hereby repcaled and replaced i \~ i tlhl~2 ~ O ~ ~ C ? U ' ~ I ~ S : L tllc- cost of industrial tmpro rvcrnentsl ess depreciat~on ,I . -! t . -1 Ilc f~~llotvii~s lhgs rcbq added 2s sub~cctl im2 6.1(4): "(4) For the pilrposcs: uT lllis scction 26.1, the Assessor shnll lice the dtprccintio!~r ates a ; ~ dp rinciples for the appiicatiijr~o I- deprec)a;:or~a s thusc cs~ablisl-lcdb y rcg~il:ction from time to tilnt- ~ l n t l c rt lic / I S \ - ~ , ~ : I , : L ~ J I , / f ~ , l . ~ ' SP17,CIAL \';'IL,IIA'rI ON RULES FOR LIA hlS, POiTER PLATTS A31) SUBSTATJOKS "Sprrial valuation rules for darns! power plants and subst:~tion_r 36.3 ( 1 ) 1, this section. "dam" means any stnicture dcsigncd anci built lo corltrol 31 stulc water i11 a wa;ct coursc fur the purposz of, or for purpnsc ancillary tl2: ?encrating clsctr~city; "pon cr plant" means any s t n i c t ~ ~ dr ce s i ~ n c da nd built to cotltai;~b oilcr 5 . turbines cr compressors for thc puiposc of, or for p~iq>o.;cs; 111ci1lat-yt c'. ~ s n c r . r l t i nel~c ctricilj', "substation" mc;~lls a facility at t i l ~ i c le~l cclric curr.tlrlt is si\-itch<J. t~.nnsformcdo r con ver~cd j at a darn or power. p:ant, (b ) between a power p12111 and a transmlssjon sysrttn, n;-
( c ) hct\vc.en a transtnission s j s tctn and 3 dist~-ihtui or) netwo~-k, ( 2 ) This sczlion applies lo prc7ycr:ics ~ v h o r cth crc is n d ~ ~ l~lO, \ CLI pl;.ri~ r,l-s ~~bslationo,th er th:itl ~'rnpcrlics to \vhioh sccti on 26.1 applies. ( 3 ) Drspite any ot11cr section of this bylax,, t l ~ ca c:rlal t,aJue of n PI-opertyt o which this section app:ics is ( a ) tile aciual t7allic of the lar-rd as clct~rn~inetL.I ~IIJCI section 26, and ( i ) tke dams, powc~p. l a n ~ sa ncl s~rbstations0 11 thc property, ar:d (i i) any orher i11lpl.r7vclncntso n the property, detcnllincd i n accor~lance witE. si;bsectlon (4!, less d e p r c s ~ ; i ~ i i ~ ~ l cictel.tni;~cc;l~ t dsp pl ie3 irr nczor-darice trei rh r;uhsection ( 5 ) . (4) b'or the purpclses of this s rc t iu i~ ,th .; Asscsscrr sl!all w e r;lc rstes, fnrmulnq, n ~ l c sa nd p~inciplcsf or the calculntior. of cost a? rhosc establislled by the con.u~nissioner as authorized undct thc A~sessn leuA~c t. (5) the purposes of this szcliot~,t he tlssessur shnll usl: (he clquccia:ior~r ates ilnd prin5plcc f i t~hu app1,zation oTdepr t .~~; . t io~~ ;IS t.:~osee s!;~.blishcdb y regulation f r ~ nt im~ c to tirl~e~ !n?i ; r thc Assessn~s?lAt cl." 10. Subsection 27.1 . ( I ) of the!~flt; .ltrl),i s her-ebv ;irnendtd by repz:-llins t l ~ e o ~ ~ c n i nwgor ds and 1-cplacint~h em \\,it11 the fc lion i n g '27 1 ( I ) NU:IVtlI:s lai~Ji[lgst .ctlorls 26 o lil 26.1, the A s ~ c ~ jsrl~nrl lb. y usi ti5 rates prescrjbed by lh- co:nlnissior:er, dctennlnc 1112 ~,alt ,ucl ' illc hllclu lrrg prop~riirs:" I 1. Subsection 27.1 .( 1)(iii) of the Asssssn~etriR vl(,rv is hxcby rcpenled 2 x 1 replared \\-ith thc follcwing: " ( i i i ) the pipe lincs of ii pipe lir-rc c~l-pur;itiori for rhe fr->nspo~'t;lt~,>orf pctrnleum, petrolcum products, or natural gas, including i.alves, ulenr~ort ts. fastenings, ar.d appurtcnailces locafrd on ~ h cI- igh: of way, but not
including distribution pipelines, p u m ~ i n s equipr~le;lt, conlprcssor eqrriprnet~ts, torage tanks and builclrngs," 12. The fidIowilrg s~lbsectionsa re hereby xdded as 27.1 . (2) 2nd 27.1 .(3): "(2) For the pulposes of subsectirrns ( 1 )(ii.)a nd (v), "right of l ~ a y "n lzarls Ian0 and improvements [hat an intcresl holder is entitled lo use for the upcr,atiorl of tl-rosc things r c f xed to in subsection ( I )ji), ( i i ) o r ( i i i ) t hd t ar t . to be valued ~ lnderth is section, bur "riglit uT waq" docs not include Ian\! allc! ili~provsrncr~risn ii*hicli tilt: 111:crest~ J ! c I L ) I - dcles 1101 J~a'c,i2' 11 ir)!~~-t'st ~ v i i l ~ tihnc meaning of this bylnw. (3) For the puiyoses of applying subsection l(ii), t t ~ c" track in piace of railway cor-poratron" inc lirdrq all strucrrrres, cr ect ior-rs and things, ot11c1 th:m ally buildings, bridges, trestles, viaducts, overpasses and similar things, coal bunkers,. cor-ral~s,t and p i p , f ircl oil storage ;anks, oil frrellt.~g erl~~ipmentn,a tcr tanks. station houscs, crigiiic llouszs, roundhouses, turutables, docks, whanes, freight shcds, weigh scclIes, repair a r ~ dc leaning shops and equipment, boiler houses, offices, sand towers and equipment, pavement, p!atforms, yald fcncing and lightirls, po~l;e~llous=s, Ira~~srnissiosnt a tions or substatio~~asn: d the scpal-ate equipment ~ O I .e ach ol'lllcrri, as are n c u c s a r y fcr the opera ti or^ o f the rarltval*" 13 . Schc.;l~~"lIcV " of thc Assc.rst,ietir flq,law is hereby amcndsil as SolIoi~s: :I I?), addirlg tb.c followi~lgc Iause as the first c latlse in Schedult. "IV": 0.1 111 t l~ i sS cl~e~luI"co,, athcriny: pipeline" t i i e a l ~a pi~,~,Ii l~lcs.c clt ; ~ r l~c transporlation of (a) na tu r a lga s f~ -oma~~~ : . c l i - head to thc in t akeva lvea t a sc rubb i t~~ , processing i.rr rejitling plant i~Ilic11p recedes the tri~risfkru f gas to a tra~;smissionl ine or a dist~ibutiocli ne, 01- (b) ~etroleum0 1-a petrole~uli~p roduct from a v-ell-Fiead ro Ihc itltake valve at a refining, processins 01,s to:-age faciIrty \ i r h~s l l precedcs transfe~o- f t3c pe t~r~ lcuonr ~p etrolsum product lo a tr~:11ispurtatiol1li nc."
3 . repealing clause I(a)(iii) in its enlircly a ! ~ d1 .cp1nci11gi t wi:h l t i c follou~in;: i ) 2 0 or I-~JIs-tcra ta 01 lcasehold lots } co~~rro'leclor~~~n~~agedby~erson~,or:~pcrsoti,~:l~otontti~I 01- mnn;lse 85% u~ tllorc of tllc strata or leaszhr~ldlc cts on the parcel or contigilous parcels referrtld lo ill clause 1 (aj( i i , j (& la): ,lovc rltat nre uscd or at silnblc as rcferrccl to in clause 1 (a)(iii)(B) itbove, and II)) offered for rcul, or i,enird, for- periods of lcss th:in 7 days tr persons, or ii person as ovcmight arcor~irr~od:itiofro~r r-L: lcast 50% nf thr: 12 111011th period endinq c)n Oorclbcr 3 1 or' the year previous to tke t a x a t i o ~ ~?c ar Ibr nh:ch t l i e asscssn~cr1~-t3 11i s c~li-lplcfe~!, and, fill thc puqloscs of tlus cl3rrsc 1 (n)(iii). srrala 01 Icaszhold Icr; t h t ~ I "C11 scd or a\'ai1fihle for o~ernight~ ccornmodation''d o 1101 include strata or ieasehold lots thet nrs used or a~.:iil;ibIc f ~ w ~s.u-kiiig,s torssc 01- si111i1;:l p11tposcs 01-f or ~ornrncrci~pilu ~yoscs other than oi-crnight accor;~moda;ior~;" c. by ac-1d:ng tllc following as clause 1( a)(i\,): "(iv) i1-1 respcct of a single family rcsidcnci t i~a t is the prjr~cipal rc'sidetlcc of the irltertst Ilo tder, ( 1 rooms within the resitlencc: [hat arc orfeted fur rerlt u r r c n t d by tlic interest holcter as hcd 3rd b t ~ n k f a ~ t nccomnnodc".tion (1) for periods of less than 7 dzys! and ( T I ) for at least 50% of the 12 rnc-nth period endlng on October 3 I of the year p1.t3\.1011~1 0 tile tnlialioti yeiir. for wl~i rhrh e asscssr-rlent roll is completed. c ~ ~ I I c : . tllan that arcn equivalent to 1 t i -nrs thc atrerase room size of all the rooms wit11i11 the residc~lce: hat ar: ot'ferxl
fox rent or r-nt cd hy t h c i~ltcrcsth cldcr 2s bed ; ~ n db reaL:f;.st ;iccornmodation, and (R) llle proportion of the common area of the residence that lllc arc3 ~f I ~ -C0o nls descrilled in cla~iscI (;l)(iv)(A) ah0i.c aitd not included in this class if of thc total ;ire:1 o f tl~c rcsidcnce" d. 1)). I-epcrtlingc lcll~soI (d) and replacins i t il,i th tlw follon'iny: "1;irld o r improsc~:ients, or ho l l~ , iisccl for child daycarc lluryoscs, including ~ r o i l pd sycares. prcsuhot:ls. spccial r-iecis rlaycarcs, f~ t r l~ i ly cla;;car cs, out n f scllool care, 1-usidcnti;~lc arc, erner_c,:ncy .:-are and clii l i l r-rii~ldl~a~sg d,: --tlncd i n thc C'onlmunitv C2.r~F a-cility Act of the P ro~~ incc o f Hririsil Cc~lu~ilboiar rcgxlations to t l ~ r-i4~c1 ," c. by I epezli~igc lause 2 n11d replacing it with the following: "2. Class 2 property includes only (a) ,and cr in?prurmenrr.r-r!trss ccl or held ,IS rlacb in placc, rigLitc i or a bridge for t'le purposes of, or for I ~ L I I - ~ O S C ~a rlcillaly t c ~ . t 1;rc ~ L ~ L ~ I ~ofC'tSraS1 1sp01t ation by mi In.ay, and (1.) land or irn;jro~.c:netifs1 15etl or held foi- the purposes of. or fol- ptirposes ar:cilldry to, t i le busincss of . . I I , te lccon~i-r:~~t~icati~11ocnIsu,d ing transmission of mcss:!grs by means r-)f elr:rtrir: currents or signals for ccln~pcnsatiorl. . . . 1 1 1 . generatinn, tr,znsrnis~iono r distribution of electricit-,0 :- cxcept that par-t of land or iinproi.ct~ier~ts (c.1) used as a sathering pipeline. I J ) used as a n office, r u t ; ~ i ls :llcs outlei, n d n ~ i ~ ~ i s t r s t ~I.loriri;'d in2 or lilt. an a:~cill;lryp urpose, or
( ~ 1 used for ;i purpose ot1:cr t h ~ na pulpose dcs:ribcd in clnusc 2(al cr [b) above." Class 3- Forest Land f . by r e p c a l ~ n g c l a u ~3e i l l its erltirety; I 1 1 ;): rcpcalins clausc 5 ~ I iIts entirety and replacing i l \sit11 thc: folIou.itig. ' Ciass 5 propel-ty rnrrsr rrlcl~rdeo rllj, Iilitd or llnprc; erurnis, or l~i:il:, (a) used as a gathering p,peliue; (5) used or held for the purpose of c x i ~ - ; i c ~ ip~t ~z~c.s sir:g, ~nan:lfacturing or transporting of products, or (c) used fclr the srorage of products a s ancillnry to or in conjl117ction with the extracting, processing, mnnufacti~~-il01l-s ttansportizlg oi' products to in clause (b) riho;~, 1,111 ducs not i~lcluclct hose lands cr in~prol-cincntso,r - both. t ) ~ s c dor held for 111c purposcs df, or for purAposcs 3r.c1ll3r~to- , 1 1 7 ~ : bus~nesso f 11-a*-ispor:atiobly~ I ;rilw;lp, j used;y ;is ali oritlet for thc sale of a finished prorllicl to a 1~11-fihaserf or puqwse of his or her OUT c~t~s:lniptiono r use and ,. ncjt tor r s a l e in either t1:c ful~ni n xhicl: i t hvas purchased 01., !ti)- olher Sorni, anJ (2) used Tor cxlractiiig, yl-oc:\ssing, r n n n ~ ~ f x : i i r - i nogr stclragc o r foncl, rlo~l-alccho[rcb c ~ e r a g e s,J r w;iter-.'' Class 6-R ecreational Prupel:yIhtui1-PI-ofit Organizat io~ ( x ~ i )p istol shaoti~lg (xvi i) hcrse back riding;
( x s i ~ )b icycl~ngin additioi~to , or as part of, one o f ihc activities U I uses scl out in clauses S(1)(3) ( i ) to (xsi) abo\-e." i . by rcpeal ing the opening \r:ords of clause 8( l jib) ;111d~ -cpI;?citligI r t i r 7 i~.tfll (IIC fulloii ing: "(b) tlint part o r any larid and in~y~roven;entuss td or sr t aside Sot. use i-ls a 1.3la:e of public worship 01- as a ~>>cs t i th~Lglll for a nan-p r i ; f i r fi iiternal organizati~no f pcvsons c.f either or b ~tJ7) s e ~ e st,c lgctller with the facilities necc~sar i ' ji naid<i~(;itlo (hat use, for a: Irast 150 ddys in the pcar ending June 30 , of the calendar q r a r preceding the calendnl ycar fur crhich Ihc assessment roll is bcing prepared. not coun:ing any day in which the land and improvements so used or set aside <Irea lso u s d Ibr" 'RF,I'E.ALJbG OF SC:HEDLTL.ES VII, 1'111, IN,Y A N D XI 14. Schcrluli-s VII, VIII, ,\I X arld SI of the r ; s sess~) t fR,~,t~ li;:a,~re. hereby repealed. A~ ' 17roveral : a d u l v col-lvc:led rrie?tirlz ~i ti^ Chiel all2 Co~ir~coilf the Osoyoos Indian E u 1 this '&d;,y Lof, i . ! ,2005. J Councillor
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