Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.I-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Deputy Minister's Approval Order, dated the 6thd day of July, 1994, and the PAVILION INDIAN BAND TAXATION AND ASSESSMENT AMENDING BYLAW NO. 1 (1994) dated the 3rd day of July, 1994, are true copies of the said Order and Bylaw . Richard Frizell, Dir,ecto Lands and Trust Servi es, B.C . Region ; a Superintenden efined in Indian Act, RSC 85 .
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development , C,Ar~ADA On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Pavilion Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 3" day of June, 1994. PAVILION INDIAN BAND TAXATION AND ASSESSMENT AMENDING BYLAW NO. 1 (1994) Dated at Hull, Quebe I c this 6 /.~k- day of Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4A,, ~~ Ministre des Affaires ' indiennes et du Nord canadien 0 1994. Dan E. Goodl Deputy Minister
Pavilion" In&* n Band Box 609 Cache Creek, B.C VOK IHO Ph : 256-4204 N11 TAXATION AND ASSESSMENT AMENDING BYLAW NO . 1 (J-994) WHEREAS : the Pavilion Indian Band Taxation and Assessment Bylaws were approved pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act on May 27, 1994 . AND WHEREAS : the British Columbia Assessment Authority has requested that the Pavilion Indian Band extend the date for issuing assessment notices to allow sufficient time for a transformation of municipal jurisdiction to First Nation jurisdiction . 0 AND WHEREAS : it is necessary to make amendments to those dates in both the Pavilion Indian Band Assessment and Taxation By-laws to accommodate this requisition . BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED : that the Chief and Council of the Pavilion Indian Band enacts the following bylaw Pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act . 1 . Short Title This Bylaw may be cited as the Pavilion indian Band Assessment and Taxation Amending Bylaw No . 1 (1994) . 2 . Section 1.0 of the Pavilion Indian Band TaxatiIon Bylaw (the Taxation Bylaw) is amended by deleting it and substituting the following : (1) For the purposes of the 1994 taxation year, taxes levied under this b y law are due and payable on or befLore October 1, 1994 and for ever,. year thereafter on or before July 2 of the year in which they are levied . (2) If a portion of the taxes remains unpaid on October 1 . 1994 for the taxation year 1994 and July 2 for every year thereafter, there shall be added to them, as a penalty, 5% of the unpaid taxes ; and if a portion Of taxes remains unpaid on December 31, 1994 for the 1994 taxation year and on October 31 for every year
t-l'iereafter, there shall be added to them, as a~36itional penalty, a further 5% of the unpaid taxes and the amount so added in each case shall for all purposes '-)e deemed part of the taxes . (3) If a portion of the Taxes, including penalties, remains unDaid on March 31, 1995 for the 1994 taxation year and on December 31 for every year thereafter, thev are deemed delinauent on that day, and after that day shall. bear interest ---t a rate prescrjibed hv the Chief and Council bv bylaw until naid or recovered . Accrued -r-,,+~e-est --hall all purposes be deemed part of the de-linauent taxes as if they had originally formed part of the taxes . 15 . Subsection 30(2) of the Taxation Bylaw is amended by deleting it and substituting the following : on completion of the taxation roll the surveyor of taxes shall mail to every person named in it, -for the 1994 taxation vear on or before September 1st 1.994, and on or before May 31 for every year thereafter, a taxation notice in the form and containing the information that the chief and council may prescribe by bylaw . 16 . Section 88 of the Taxation Bylaw is amended by deleting it and substituting the following : This Bylaw shall come into force and effect upon approval bv the Minister . 0 : 17 Subsections 2(l) and 2(1 .1) of the Pavilion Ind-an Band Assessment Bylaw (the Assessment Bylaw) are amenLded hv deleting 'them and substituting the following-~11) The Assessor shall , when so directed by the Chief and Council and not later than August 1, 1994 for the 1994 taxation year and not later than May ist in each even numbered year after that, complete a new assessinent roll in which he shall set down each property liable to assessment within the reserve and give every person named in the assessment roll a notice of assessment, and in -each case the roll so completed shall, subject to this bylaw, be the assessment roll for the purpose of taxation during that year and the following calendar year . Subs .ection, 41(5) of the Assessment Bylaw is amended by deleting it and substituting the following : 4-1(5) Notice Of writing of every complaint in respect C-Ep an entrv in
(a) an assessment roil shall be delivered to the assessor riot later than Auaust 31 for the 1994 taxation year and May 30 of every year thereafter in which the assessment roll is completed . (b) a revised assessment roi'- shall be delivered to the assessor not later than Ma ;, 30 for the 1995 taxation year and May 30 for every year. thereafter in which the revised assessment roll is completed . 19 . Section 89 of_ the Assessment Bylaw is amended by deleting it and substituting the follo-wing : This bylaw shall come into force and effect upon approval by the Minister : APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council of the Pavilion Indian Band held at the Pavilion Indian Band Administration office, P .O .Box 609, Cache Creek, British Columbia, VOK 1H0, this 3rd DAY OF JUNE, 1994 . MOVED BY -!Sj-%,ron Ed vJGa.rdS ; SECONDED BY o / li~_~du/ard s A QUORUM OF BAND COUNCIL CONSISTS OF 3 COUNCILLORS . Councillor
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