Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION r Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.I-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy ofthe Lillooet Indian Band Assessment Amending BylawNo. 1995-2 Being a Bylaw to Amend By-law 1993-1 dated July 27, 1995 is a true copy of the said by-law . Richard Frizell Lands and Trust Se a Superintendent as Tefined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Lillooet Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 27th day of July 1995. Lillooet Indian Band Assessment Amending Bylaw No. 1995-2 (Matsqui Decision) Being a Bylaw to Amend By-law 1993-1 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 30th day of rtovenber, 1995.
LILLOOET INDIAN BAIND ASSESSMENT AMENDING BYLAW N0.1995-2 BEING A BYLAW TO ATMEND BY-LAW 1993-1 wRFUFpc the Council of the Lillooet Indian Band is amending its Assessment By-law in accordance with direction from the Supreme Court of Canada decision rendered on January 26, 1995 and in particular the reasons for judgement written by The Honourable Antonio Lamer, P.C., ChiefJustice, in Matsqui Indian Band and Matsqui Indian Band Council _v,_ Canadian Pacific Limited and Unitel Communications Inc. - and -Indian Taxation Advisory Board - and between -Sish.a Indian Band and Siska Indian Band Council Kanaka Bar Indian Band andKanaka Bar Indian Band Council Nicomen Indian Band and Nicomen Indian Band Council Shuswap Indian Band and Shuswap Indian Band Council Skuppah Indian Band and Skuppah Indian Band Council Spuzzum Indian Band and Spuzzum Indian Band Council - v, Canadian Pacific Limited -and-Indian Taxation Advisory Board (the "Matsqui Decision") NOWTHEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED that the Council ofthe Lillooet Indian Band, at a meeting duly called and held, make as a By-law the following: By-law No. 1993-1 approved and passed at a duly convened meeting ofthe Council ofthe Lillooet Indian Band held at Lillooet Indian Band Office, Lillooet, British Columbia on the 23rd day of September, 1992, where the Lillooet Indian Band deemed it advisable and in the best interest of the members of the Lillooet Indian Band to establish, by by-law, a system for the assessment and taxation of land, or interest in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, such assessment being ancillary to and necessary for the establishment of an equitable system of levying taxes for local purposes on land, or interest on land, including rights to occupy , possess or use land in the reserve, and the same is hereby amended by:
(a) In subsection 40(3) of the said By-law, striking out "in addition may be paid the remuneration as may be ordered by the Chief and Council" and substituting : "In addition shall be paid the remuneration as may be ordered by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to sub-section 48(5) of the British Columbia Assessment Act, R.S.B.C . 1979 c.21 as amended from time to time with respect to the remuneration ofthe members of an Assessment Appeal Board (as that term is defined in that British Columbia Assessment Act) during the term ofthe office of the member of a Board ofReview." (b) In Section 40 of the said By-law, adding sub-section (5) as follows : (5) Unless the member ofa Board ofReview sooner dies, resigns or is removedfrom office forjust cause by Band Council Resolution or otherwise, a Member of a Board of Review shall hold office during good behaviour for a term of not less than three years, commencing on the date of the appointment under sub-section (1) of this section." APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting ofthe Lillooet Indian Band held at the Lillooet Indian Band Administration Office, Lillooet, British Columbia this 27th day ofJuly. 1995, as witnessed by our signatures given belowbeing a majority ofthe Councillors ofthe Band present at the meeting. (Member of the Council) (Member of the Council)
e*, Indian end Northern Allalres mdlennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada ChrOndogi0al no - N " Conslculd File reference n0 - N- do 161614MCI d . dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION " RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE' The words 9rOpn Out Band Funds' 'cepDal' Dr 'rsvanue', wnithever q the cots, NOTAt mOb 'En must eppelr m ell rqauliDns repussnng Los IDnCs do ndrs -de' 'Capllat' espenduures from Bend ou ","on.' sebn Is cas davent Funds peraqre done louts, fee resdulrons partent eur Oes OApsnses a moms les londs do, DenOes Cash free balance - Solde dlSponible The council o1 the Le consell de Capital account L I L L 00 ET INDIAN BAND Compte capital $ o,) rA Y.A Provmce Date of duly convened meeting Date de I'assemblAe dumenl convoqude ' Revenue account 2 7 0 7 9 5 B . h . Comple revenu Dp HEREBY RESOLVE : D PAR LES PR~SENTES : DO HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: WHEREAS; the Band Council ofthe Lillooet Indian Band deems it advisable and in the best interest ofthe Band to continue, by bylaw, taxation for local purposes of land, or interest in land, in the reserve and WHEREAS; the Property Assessment Bylaw has been enacted for the purpose ofcontinuing assessment and taxation for local purposes ofland, or interest in land, in the reserve, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, pursuant to the Indian Act and in particular pursuant to the provisions of subsection 83 (1) of the Indian Act; THAT; pursuant to Section 40 (1) oftheLillooet Indian Band Property Assessment Bylaw, that Chief and Council do hereby appoint Latuent E . Rivard, AACI, to the Lillooet Indian Band Board ofReview to hear - appeals on assessments of lands and improvements located on Lillooet reserve lands and to conduct such other relevant matters pursuant to Lillooet Indian Band Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaws and WAT .- the term of appointment is for three years (1995, 1996 and 1997), and THAT; the per diem payment, as a member of the Board, be set at $250 . (two hundred and fifty dollars), to be calculated as follows for each 24 hour day: - for less than four hours, one-half ofthe established per diem rate, and - for more than four hours ofwork, a full per diem rate, - plus reasonable travel costs . Costs are to be submitted for review to the chairman ofthe Board ofReview before submission for payment. . APPROVED AIND PASSED ; at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council for the Lillooet Indian Band held this 27th day ofJulv. 1995 . Ouorum TWO (Cnql - Chef) 14" (eanclbr - ConsHDer) (CDunN a l ~ lDr -~ cansemeh An Icwneinor - canseDlar) (CDuncslor - Consemer) ea) .61 (Cwncal.Dr - conshile , (Counc .llor - CDnsMer) (Councillor - Console.) .(C-in - s.,nar I ICwntna - Gwsselsr) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RI=SERVtAU MINISTERE EsOMCllure - DlDensea Authority (Indian ACI SaDUon source d funds spenCnuls - D"Denfes thMer 4n ADI SecIM SWrC Aulorh" IArllcle 4 " DI Iunag do LCI sur SDUre"En fonds AUutOnt" IAfribncdls Oe la La sur Spuras dn IDnOs IM Indwns) tee Ina4ns) Oeap4al OR "venw Rsvsnu a aR "vsnu " O~n~ R svanu R "commsndmg oflcsr - RsCmtmindA psr Kpmmen0utq DIIKV - RstOmmand " pat Slgnatura Dais 59natum Dais onng o11KSr - Apprpuv" par -- pp,wmq WIKw - ApprDUV " Dar - . . Slgnatur " Oafs S9nelure Date MS (tbEq) 757Gf1 .g~be55~ " Canada
Indian and Northem Allaires mdiennes Allairs Canada et du Nord Canada Cnronolcgcal no - N" consecuul Flle reference no - N' do 1616-6 d . dms,w BAND COUNCIL " RESOLUTION Rt=SOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The words 'Irom Cur Bond Funds* *Capital' p " more raanus'. wDkDMM q Caae, NOTA, Lea 'Oea lands [he must Was, in all re1C1u1roM ropuetling do npra bends' 'capltal' 'r-u- erpendaurea from Band Funds nu salon h eaf dpvenl pvutre danf toulee in rRSpulpnf portent fur do. Elponeas a mAme 1. tond>t do, Danoea Cash free balance - Solde disponlble The council of the Leconseilde c Ca o p m i p t t a e l e a a c p c i o t un LILLOOET INDIAN BAND al t $ DJ M Y"A Province Date o! duly convened meeting Date de I'assemblAe dument eonvoquAe Revenue account ' 2 7 0 7 9 5 B . 0 . Compte revenu DO HEREBY RESOLVE : DECIDE, PAR LES PR SENTES: DO HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: WHEREAS; the Lillooet Indian Band deems it advisable and in the best interest of the Band to continue, by bylaw, taxation for local purposes of land, or interest in land, in the reserve and; WHEREAS. the Property Assessment Bylaw has been enacted for the purpose ofcontinuing assessment and taxation for local purposes of land, or interest in land, in the reserve, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, pursuant to the Indian Act and in particular pursuant to the provisions of subsection 83 (1) of the Indian Act ; THAT ; pursuant to Section 40 (1) ofthe Lillooet Indian Band Property Assessment Bylaw, that Chief and Council do hereby appoint Donald L. Brothers, L.L.B., Q.C . to the Lillooet Indian Band Board ofReview to -hear appeals on assessments oflands and improvements located on Lillooet reserve lands and to conduct such other relevant matters pursuant to Lillooet Indian Band Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaws and; OAT; the term ofappointment is for three years ( 1995, 1996 and 1997), and; THAT; the per diem payment, as Chairman is set at $300 . (three hundred dollars), to be calculated as follows for each 24 hour day; - for less than four ofwork, one-half ofthe established per diem rate, and - for more than four ofwork, a full per diem date, - plus reasonable travel costs, APPROVED AND PASSED, at a duly convened meeting ofthe Band Council for the Lillooet Indian Band held at Lillooet, British Columbia this 27th day ofJulv, 1995 . Ouorum TWO (Councillor - ConeaOer) ICouncrep - Cnnteater) (Coune8lor - Ceneelnn) (Ceunnnp - Conunw) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - Rt=SERVt_ AU MINISTERE Erpendlture - Oepenuf Aulhpdy (InElan Act SKIM Source d lundf .pendnure - Depemef ulDpily (Inpan ACI SKIM Auterhs (AnRle SWrpe Of luna~ Oe to La, our Source an tplp$ ulorn" (Antle de la Lo our source on lone$ lal IndNnf) n InO .Mf) ORerenue CO" Revenu calls, Ne.enue ~Revenu dmq ofIRO - ReeprllmanAil par ecommendmg olfiker - Rxommln0o Dar Signature Dale Sqnatus Dale ramp oecer - Approuvili par rpmq arllcar - ApDrouv! pal --Slgnaluq Dale Slpnalua Dale " eD5 (I?-0D) 7SJD21-0J685E2 Canada
Indian and Northern Atlaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE* The wads 'Irern our Bond Fundt' 'Capital' or 'rNenu.', whkMver NOTA r6 case, .ppa.r In .p rndutbnf repuntme Lee niab 'an fondle do ndH e .nd.' the Met e,pendnurn Irom send Fund, -Capitol- au 'rwenu' eebn I! Cie donlnt plraitre done Was Ief rhdulqnf part "nt eur on dQp.nln e mem6 In Woe an eMdn Cash free balance - Solde dlsponible The council of the Leconseilde Capital account LILLOOET INDIAN BAND Comptecapltal $ OJ M V" A Province Date of duly convened meeting Date de 1'assemblAe Revenue account dument convoquee , 2 7 0 7 9 5 g , 0 , Compte revenu DO HEREBY RESOLVE : DECIDE, PAR LES PR SENTES : DO HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: WHEREAS; the Band Council ofthe Lillooet Indian Band deems it advisable and in the best interest ofthe Band to continue, by bylaw, taxation for local purposes of land, or interest in land, in the reserve and ; WHEREAS; the Property Assessment Bylaw has been enacted for the purpose of continuing assessment and taxation for local purposes ofland, or interest in land, in the reserve, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, pursuant to the Indian Act and in particular pursuant to the provisions of subsection 83 (1) of the Indian Act; THAT; pursuant to Section 40 (1) ofthe Lillooet Indian Band Property Assessment Bylaw, that Chiefand Council do hereby appoint DavidG. Sparks, MB.A . I.B ., S.R./W.A. to the Lillooet Indian Band Board of Review to hear appeals on assessment of lands and improvements located on Lillooet reserve lands and to conduct such other relevant matters pursuant to Lillooet Indian Band Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaws and *T ; the term ofappointment is for three years (1995, 1996 and 1997), and THAT; the per diem payment, as a member ofthe Board, be set at $250 . (two hundred and fifty dollars), to be calculated as follows for each 24 hour day: - for less than four hours ofwork, one-halfofthe established per diem rate, and - for more than four hours ofwork, a full per diem rate, - plus reasonable travel costs, Costs are to be submitted for review to the chairman ofthe Board ofReview before submission for payment. APPROVED AND PASSED ; at a duly convened meeting ofthe Lillooet Band Council, this 27th day ofJuly, 1995 . Ouorum TWO (Coune9b - consemer) icouneator - eenasser) (CounNlor - Conemer) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RtSERVt AU MINISTERE Eepenaaurs - Ospensa thorfly (tnew, An Settm Swrce d Nnee Expenditure - Oepensn ulhornr (noren Acl SKIm Swrca d lunoa tanl(Artieh as Is La sur Sourcs an tonas Amado IAOCle do Is Lot wr Sourca en tanac In Indent) les Ina'ans) q~ oFnanus Revanu oG ~ asl aRevenus nevenu R omrnenamy dhcer - Rxornmanos per atornrnsnainp orlcer - Recommand! per -Siqnatun 081. Sqnalufo Owe pprovinp oecer - Approlrvil pot pprwinq dl¢sr - Approuvs per Sqnnun Date Sgnalure Dole SPS " I7-S9)75JDtt-0J6SSEt Canada
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