Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien CANADA I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Chearn Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 27°' day of June 1995 . Cheam Indian Band Rates By-law 1995-T05 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 24th day of ,7uly, 1995. Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4
+~~t1 ~` 14 ",. CHEAIVI INDIAN BAND TEL. (604) 794-7924 FAX. (604) 794-7456 52130 Old Yale Road, R .R .#1, Rosedale, B .C . VOX 1X0 Schedule "A" Cheam Indian Band Prescribed Tax Rates For the Taxation Year 1995 Class of Property Tax Rate 1 . Residential 10.08664 2 . Utilities 59.71918 3 . Unmanaged Forest Land 25 .49 4 . Major Industry 27 .76121 5 . Light Industry 22 .59045 6 . Business/Other 25 .38372 7 . Managed Forest Land 24 .89952 8. Recreational Property/ 6.70743 Non Profit Organization 18 .28937 BE IT KNOWN that this By-Law entitled "the Rates by-Law" which forms part of the Taxation By-Law passed by Chief and Council and approved by the Minister on June~23, 1993, that being a by-law to establish by by-law a system on the reserve lands of the Cheam Indian Band for the fair and equitable taxation for local purposes of land, or interest in land including the right to occupy, possess or use land within the boundaries of the reserves is hereby enacted as by-laws 1995=T05 by the Chief and Council of the Cheam Indian Band.
'*1 Indian end Northern Ahalres Indiennes Aflalrs Canada et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE : The words *from our Band Fund1' 'clph" 1' of 'qv "nu" ', whih" r " r b NOTA " l"" mots the Call . Mull 'da tends d" "to band*" OCAP114J' ou 'r "wnu" salon 4 gas dolv "nl pYahr" done fouled The council of the Le conseil de CHEAM o .! M Date of duly convened meeting Dale de I'assemblAe dument convoquAe' I 2 ~ 7 I 0 I 6 I Ql 5 I 00 HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE. PAR LESPRESENTES: WHEREAS: The Cheam Indian Band Council on behalfof Cheam.First Nation have passed a Taxation By-Law whichwas effective as ofJune 23, 1993 . WHEREAS: The RatesBy-Law are reviewed annually for fair and equitable taxation. THEREFORE: Be It Resolved that these rates (see Schedule "A") were approved and passed at a duly convened meeting ofthe Council ofthe CheamIndian Band held a Cheam Administration Office, 52130 OldYale Road, " Rosedale, British Columbia, this 27 day ofJune 1995 . MOVED BY Charles K Douglas SECONDED BY Charlie Douglas Ouorum 3 , ~ (councillor - conam" q (Councillor - ConINlbr) lCounclhor - conl "al "r) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RtSERVE AU MINISTERE Expenditure - 0lpman Aulhorny (Indian 4q Section Isoure " of funds Aulaill (Ankle d" h Lol aur source 4101 londf Ia Indl "n1) CIPpv QR"v"nu" Recommending ollk"r - R"cornmandl par Srpn" Iur " oa4 Anmr.i~~ _ a .. .,.~. . . - . .Chronaoeled no - N* con"Iculll F4rr qtw" nc " no. - N" d" r11k "nc" dy dossier "pp"uIn " 11 r""olutlon r"punllng up " " "ndhorM from Band Funds. 1n rModulbnl porlanl our da d"p"n""" 1 MA-0 4" Ipnd " dN bando. Cash free balance - Solde disponible Capital account compto capital $ Y.A Province Revenue account Comple revenu B . C . $ (Chid - Chef) (Councilor ~C dlbr) (Councillor - Conl " 0tr) (Councilor - Conl "ul "r) (Councwor - con ""01 "r) ~ap" ndAUn - Dlpmle JhAuo q0(tilkdh " i4 Ld ~lur Indl"nt) R"v" nu OC "ph"I OR "vcnv R"rml "cornmndmp officer - R"command" pat $ign "lur" 0 " u
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