Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre and des Affaires Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien : : \NAUA On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Cheam Indian Band, In the Province of Britlsh Columbia, at a meeting held on the 20" day of May, 1994. CHEAM INDIAN BAND TAX RATES BY-LAW 1994-T02 Dated at Hull, Quebec this -~/ jc~~_day of ~2~l 1994. Dari E. Goodl Deputy Minister Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4
f R U IYI l, 1 . N R 11 l, 11 1 I~ I U IV N . nn9 SC6RDt8.! °A" Chasm 2sain" "And Preseribod !as Rates For the Taxation Year 1994 Class of Property Tax Rate l . Residential 12 .08 a . utilities 62 .12 . Unmnnaged Parent Land 25 . 42 4 . Major industry 26 .04 5 . Light Industry 23 .93 6 . ausineoo/Other 20 .03 7 . Managed Parent Land 17 .03 e. Recreational Pro?.aty/ .~rA3 $.~4 Man Profit Organization 9 . Farm 19 .41 HS 1'1' KNOWN that this 6y-Law tntitlwd "the Rates 8y-Law" Which farina part of 'the Taxation by-t,aw passed by Chlvt and Council and approved by the Minister on June 23=d 1993, that being a by-lav to establish by by-law a system nn the reserve lands of the Cheam Indian Hand for the fair and equitable l.axation for local purpoocs of land, or intereets in land Including the right to occupy, pnasese or use lands within the boundnries of the reserves is hereby enacted as bylaw 1994-T02 by the Chiet and Council of the Choam Indian Band . .~....e . . r . .` :-" ;:.
r rt t1 m l : I . A k K f ; H I I, TO N N . nn3 APPROVe0 MM !AM"=O a! a duly convenod mectinq of tha Council of the Cheam Indian Hand held at G:heem Indian tland Administration office, Roeedalep Dritieh Colainbia, a0 this day of A1.4-If , loot, MOVED e: /SA9K sscoaDEa By A QUORUM OF OarD Couac:z eoWszsre or CotnrC=i.LORS . v coveCz ~ls~ Q,~c~~go ~+tuA !/lGroz OUNC=ZJAR COV"CILLOR a v
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