Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.I-5a nd amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copies of the Kwaw Kwaw Apilt First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 dated June 2 , 2004 are true copies of the said by-laws. . ' J. ,-, i , I L,L L .:- - Tho6as Howe ~ i rkc torL, ands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of the M ~ n i s t eor f Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 03 of the lndian Act, the following bylaw made by the Kwaw Kwaw Apilt First Nat~oni,n the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 2nd day of June 2004. Kwaw Kwaw Apilt First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this lTfLday of
\ Kwaw Kwaw Apilt First Nation I Rates Bylaw No. 2004 \VIIERF..4S 1wix~:11tw ~ubce i t t~71S13( I)!al of the l , ~ ~ ! ; ~.A:ctt:. K.S.CI'.18 fi. c.1-5, thc Council o f a BdnJ I I I : ~ J ~n. ~ a k c1) \ 1.1~12 fur- t I I C purllosc o f t a x a t ~ n rf~u r Iclcal p u ~ p ~ j s ov sI'I anti, o r i tltcrests I I I I ond, i n c l u d ~ n y riyl~tstc occupy. possess or t lsch I ~ n idr j a rcscrrc 2nd r v ~ t hrc <,p?;! :n any r n a t t c ~ sn ribing out of or a ~ ~ c i l l ~ r ) , to q u i l l purpuje; I\ND \VHEI<E.AS i.'nutlcil uE th' K\ Kwaw Ap~l rF irst N\;attr,i~( a i c ; ~k nown. ;is the t;watr Kxvnw :'ipilt 1 : l d l~nE ~ncl)e ~ ~ a c t cthdc F:xra\\. K~<:ai\t- \pi11 F~r.stl a t ~ u nPr clpcrry A s ~ c s s ~ n c nRrj .law Arncndnlcnt 1-1995 arid t l~uK waw Kwniv hpllt Fils1 N, i t~un Prnpcrtv T;t.wt!on Bylaw Amcndrnent 1-1995 uri L)r,-rn7ht.r OS, 1905; IVO\i' HE I?' H!-IItEUk' RKSO1-\'ED that the f ~ l t o ~ ~R~yrl:ag~ vh e i11ld is her~t l )c' n ~ c t ~pl tdrb uJnt to tllc pruvisiol~so f thc O ~ r f ~ r A~ r cr and !n p.irricular scctiun 8 3 ( 1 ) for the pirrpuse of e s t a l i l i ~ h ~ nagn rlual I-ales of taxatin:) 7 t'ursri;inr to Scctinl~3 o S the h ' ~ , a /~,&i i~i,, 4prlr / 'rr-r r :Yar~urrP i , o j~o ,Ay. s.sussnlcn! #!,/<lrr: rltlrerr(l/ltrnt I-/9PJ, rhc lax rates for r , i c l ~i l ~ ~o,fi p roperly shall t~ i11 accordance 5 ~ 1 t h Schciiulc ",\-1" w h ~ c !i<~ a rtachrd. and furrnj part of the Ll:.nw Ku'aw A p i l t First Natioll Rates Hylaw No 200.1. 'I'his Bylaw is hereby made and approved at a duly convened . meeting of the Chief and Council of t l ~ cK waw Kwaw Apilt First Nation. also known as the Ktvaw Kwaw ApiIt Indian Band, this 2 "LI tlayof ~ i i u r 7 2004. K+v:I\\-I i ~ v i i nA pilt b'i1.h t Sation Rates Ryl:~itS o. 2Il0-1
Kwaw Kwaw Apilt First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 Dand. l ~ r rebya rlupts ttlc follor, irig taxiil io~lr :lLt.s for the u Ilj?(tl: ~ l r ~ ~ c ~ i ~ d Ir-r1~9r0~5r r~ n dSe ction 3 nf- ~ h c .E .'\, ,:\t, h . - l r r t i r . ;!,r![il 1 l r . > l ! \ . ~ l : l r ~ f l /'I-~),~~.~.II, /(1\:1111?11 ti)l,lu. . ~ ~ t : l ~ ~ ~ l f( -~ /Pt ~!'j~ , ~ t l l I Kwatv Kwaw .Apilt First N ;1 t '1 011 Rates J3yla)v No. 2004 Schedule A-I 4 ta xation ycnr l'or thc Cr,llu,*il~gc lasrcr intprcvctncut~ t o r c ;~chc lasj of pltlperty LL, b e t out in thc assewmcnt roll fur t i l t K\I.IM'K .\Y,I\V h p ~ l ! I I . t t j I h'311011 ~ U I < L I ~ I 1I 0~ :S T Z ~ I OI I I I t tw K ~ ~ r ! iI i i
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