Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Mirus!re des Atfaires indlerlr:er; et F.11-lister of Ir:d~an Allalrr, 2nd rlu Nvrd c-arlad~enet l i -~ tsr loc~l if.e~d:k ral Northern Dovclonrnen: ar;d FEI-lhrall nt~~rl(~c:u;or ,q~~;)rcsd ~ Ms b t~s~ 2 1d cs Indiens rlcw irlscrlts ior Mtl~r;a r?d F.J:>ri-Stati~l n~ ~ i i!~:l : ~ ~ f , the Minister of Indian Affairs a n d Northern Developmer?t, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to secticn 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by t h e Leq'a:nlel First Nation, in t h e Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 25th day of May 2005. 1eq'a:mel First Nation 2005 Rates Bylaw
1 Leq'a:mel First Nation 1 Rates Bylaw No. 2005 i\'fIERE.4S pursuant In ~ u l l ~ c c t ~Yo3 (rl )~( n ) of tlic !~i&t[Ac.r. R 5 c'. I QU, c 1-5. tlle Council n l ' n Band tnay rr~akch ylakvs f o r t he p iirpose of t axatiun for 1 ocal p urpo5es o f 1 and. n i I ntcrcsts i n land. i n c l u J ~ r \ y r i ~ l ~ t s t tooc cupk. prlssch5 ui i15c land 111 a TC~?Ta i\d- tH ill1 respecl tn an! nlal tvrs i~risingu ul o r or' arlclllar! t o sucl1 p1irposc: >I) \ \ ' HE IT HEREBY RESOI.VEI) thnr t h c tolto\t Ing UyI;i\\- hc ;ind I S l l c r c h ~I -11a~tt.pJII r5LIJ!It to thc p1ui 1Sluni of' the & / j t ~ l ! ~ j ~a*n!d in ps~r icn l i~jcrc tlun 83(1) for 1 1 1 ~p tilposc of e ~ t ~ h l ~ . ~ l i;i~r j~;\:r i u aralt cs of taraticln. 1. -1 111s1 3!,lniv m t y hv c i tc t l fu r al l piuposcs as t l ~ eI .cq'l:mcl First Kiltinn l2:1tus I{! t ; l n NIL 2005 2 P u ~ > i l ~ i n~(u Sectlon 3 of the I.rq;j t~1r.1 ,h'(r!rorr P ~ - o l ~ c , ~/ / .st.~ c . s s r l ~ r P~ ~I ,~! ,rI \~ , .-ft~~,~tlt/r)rc/r-i/rg V- i , the tali rntcs fnr each ~ 1 ~ 0b1 hpr upri-(y ~ l l i i l lb e ir l accordaj~ccn i l 1 1 !jcItctlulc "A-1'' which i> ntt:icl~cd, ;mtl f i l ~ t t ~r ;j~ r (o r tht. 1,rrl'i rnt.1 First N n t i l ~ nl i; irr.< I3ylaw No. 2005. This Bylaw is hereby made and approved at a duly convened meeting of the Chief and Council of the Leq7a:mel First Vation, also known as the Lakahahmen Indian Band, this _2< day of Pi i+, - ,2005. Ouolum (.:I , ,- , ;<<-./' ~ Is t Ia tu l -c '-: + , q.rJ./ / / A G - , , ~ ~ A / ~ / - -- ----I 1 ( ih ic f Susa!f-hIcKamey -- J -- - .- ,, S ~ e n a t u r c .:. dhdL> %( .ci5~+- - \ C o r u ~ c i l . l o rB arb Leggat L_- .. - --- ..--. .. -- 1,eq'i:nlel Fit-st Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2005
L Leq'8:rnel First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2005 The <:c~o~lccil~ tf b c 1.eq'a:mrl First Nation, also knonrl as t h e Lakahahmen Iridiari Hand. I~creh? adopt\ the f n l l o ~ v i ~la~sga t ion ratcs for the taxatifin year fur the rollowing classes of propcrt!-: r----- C'OLUMN I Al)fcjrr l tr~i .~1~-t1 9'15 and Scclion 3 of the &{['a. ~tlrFl f f i lJ~tio)Pi roprrt~. J?~,/n\ittst ~ t , . t t d t ) ~1 ~- 1, V~Y~>.f I r-- PROPERTY CLASS 1, eq'i:mel First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2005 Schedule A-1 1 C O 1 , U ~ f S2 imp:ovemcn~s for c.1c11 class af propcrty as set o~l t i n thr a5scssine2t roll for tbc Lrq ' i .mcl Flrsr N , ~ t ~ o n t P r ~ ~ ~ r vA-sfici-,r .r??~c,Ir~!~. - / ~ I I A" r r i i -, ~ ~ r i r ~ ~1 r-~1nYtY 6. RATE:
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