Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act KSC 7955 C.l-5 and amendments thereto, I certify f+att he attached copy cf the Tsawwassen First Nation 2004 Rates By-law dated 12th. day of May, 2004 is a true copy of the said by-law. ~ h o m a ' sH owe, ~ i r e ~ i o r ~ a t i d ka nd Tiust Services, a Superiniendent as defined rn Sec 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985 , $ - , . I ; i 8 ! . . k . ,{-;
@ ; Affair-es ind~ennes lnd~ana nd Nortbsern *'!h et du Nord Canada Alklirs Canada ?<o~~s- r~ ;~n~s t rg Deputy P,11111ster On behalf of the Miiister of l nd~anA ffairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Tsawwassen First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the72th day of May 2004. Tsawwassen First Nation 2004 Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 30 day of "r
rnxnqr-loNR ATES BY-LA\\- zoo4 I3L'-I,A#t' NO. 2004 - TX-U 1 \$'I IEIIF,;,ASt he Chiif and ('ounvil i ~3t b ;lnd m a ! rnir)lc b).-';tn:; for 111c pt:rpn.;e oJ' iax:itir)n c - f land or ~ntercstsi n I,md in B I-C.SZI-IC'1 r I rlcal plrposzs p,list:ont to scciior~ S3(I I u f rlrc I r~J i anA c t and \\.it11 14csprct to any tnaIter ansing out u f or ancillary tv thc c..rcrcisc oi'po\wr~u tider section 83 cjf rhc Act; AVD WIJLREAS the-Council oi'the T'sa~~vasxeV~irrst Nation, also h1ou.n as thc Tsawwassen lndian Bandl eriricled a raxntion by-law (which, as subscytier~tlya rncndcd, is hereby rcfcrrcd to as the Y'axation Rs-law") and an assessment by-law (which, as subsequt~ntljaJm cnded. is hereby referred to as the "Assessment By-laivX) on Mar.cli 1 1. 1994, respectively; A N D WHIIIRE.4S thc Mir:istcr of Indian ~\ff:iirs and Nonkcnl Develrjpmcnt approved hot11t ho 1'3~3tiolBl y-law and the Asacssn~cntB y-Iaiv on h I ~ 2y6 , 1994; 31E 17' lIEI1EBk' KESCILVED that thc Chici'and Council ul'thc ?'sa~nv;lsscnF irsr Nation crlacls [he following by-luii pursuant to scctiun 83(1) of thc Indian Act for tI~c purpusc of e s ~ a b l i s h i ra~tc~s of taxation fur rhr: year 2004. I This Bylaw ]nay be cited for. all purposes as the r['sa~vwassenI :irst Nbtion 2004 Zntes Bylaw. 2. 'I'he tax raLe3 for each class of property shall hc in accordance with Scliedulc ''.A7' which is attached. find forms part of the l'sa\wasscl~F irst Nation 2094 Kates I3~1a)s.. , 'This By1ar1- is hercby enacted by C'ottncil at a duly ~ i ~ t i i - ~rnncedti rlg held nn the 12111 -- Courrci llor Russell Williams A:'120C4 retes bylaw.doc
TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION T.4XATI O N R AI'ES ]]I&--LAW2 004 BY-LAW NO. 2004 TX-01 SCHEDULE "A" The ~ o u r ~ cofi lt he Tsawvassen First Nation hereby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2004 taxation year for the following classes of property - ,- --- - -. -- -. - ----- -- Class of property as prescribed under mate of tax applied against each Section 6 of the Tsaivwassen First I 1 $1.000 of the assessed value of the Nation Assessment By-law and I the land and improvements as determined Tsawwassen First ~ a t ~ Toanxa tion By- in accordance the Tsaw~assenF irst law 1 Nation Assessment By-law and t he I Tsawwassen First Nation Taxation By- --- ------ -----. ------ C la -ss - I re siden t ial - -- - - - . 9 - .73 C la ss 2 - utilities 60.2 - Class 3 - unmanaaed forest land 0 -Clas s 4 - mgor industry .- -. - -- ---- -I ---- - Class 5 - l i ~-iint d ustry --- -0 ---- - -Cl as s -6 - h m iness and other 27.9 - -- Cla-ss -7 - m a n a e e s t l a nd ------- - Class 8 - recreat~onallnon~roofirta . 10.4 && - Class 9 -- far m -- - .- - - - t- - 0 -----A:P004 rates by law.doc
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