Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Sliammon First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 5'h day of May, 1998 . Sliammon First Nation 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 18thday of June, 1998.
Sliammon Taxation Authority Property Tax Rates Bylaw 57mc Va.rd eouKCtl R"ati"o Prepared by Kevin Blaney, Surveyor of Taxes for Chief & Council Sliammon First Nation Real Progertv Taxation May 5, 1998 °-GBepage.samlc8c
Sliammon First Nation 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw May~, 1998 Sliammon First Nation - 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
May j , 1999 Band Council of the Sliammon First Nation 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw WHEREAS pursuant to section 18.1 of the Sliammon First Nation Taxation Bylaw it is necessary for Band Council during each taxation year to enact a bylaw establishing, imposing and levying the tax rate for each separate property class within each separate taxation district . NOWTHEREFORE the Band Council of the Sliammon First Nation enacts as follows: 1 . Schedule "A" annexed hereto (in section 2 called the "Schedule") is hereby declared an integral part of this bylaw. 2 . For the purpose of subsections 18.1 (3) and (4) of the Sliammon First Nation Property Taxation Bylaw there are hereby established, imposed and levied for the taxation year 1997 the following tax rates, namely for each separate property class within each separate taxation district the tax rates set out in column 4 of the Schedule beside the property class set out in column 3 of the Schedule . 3. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw. 4 . This bylaw shall come into force and effect immediately upon approval by the Minister of fndian Affairs and Northern Development. Sliammon First Nation - 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council of the Sliammon First Nation held at the Sliammon First Nation Administration Office Powell River British Columbia, as of this 6' `h day of May, 1998 . Councilor Councilor _f}~ ; ~ii1~ i` Councilor Sliammon First Nation - 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
Schedule "A" Sliammon Taxation Authority Classes of Property Rate Class 8 .4212 Class 1 - Residential 29.5802 Class 2 - Utilities 26.6997 Class 3 - Unmanaged Forest Land 25 .9862 Class 4 - Major Industry 22.9316 Class 5 - Light Industry 20.9316 Class 6 - Business/Other 14.1349 Class 7 - Managed Forest Land 8.7746 Class 8 - Recreation/non-profit 9.9049 Class 9 - Farm Land Sliammon First Nation - 1998 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
Sliammon Taxation Authority - 1998 Budget ------------ . . .-_ ._ _ -1 -------- -, ---1 --9 -9 -8 ----- --- 1998 -Prov -isional Taxation Budg -January ~1 3. --___------ ------- - - _-_- ~ --_ --.__, -- - -------~ --_ _----~ - ---- ----------- ----_ . .-_.- -- --- --- - f- ------------ ---------- ' Assessed Values:-------_ 1 _ ___ --------------------- - -U6--1--i--6~e -s-------_ ~- } - -- -- -- ~-------- ------~-------. --. -- ---------- . . .-- - - - -- -- . . ._. .- --- -~- - ---- -- ------------- -- Res i d -en t i -al --4 j -~ -_ -$1 ---------- iClass 1 8,847,100.00 Classg ~ ! Commercial ! ~ $147,700.00 Class 1 additional ~Residen tial-~-------- Class 2 - -- $269,700 .00 exdudn BC tfydro) ----- -------- --------- -- --------------------- -------- ~--------------- . . . _ TotaTlaxes Payable . -_i " -------- --------- ------- - -- .- ~ -- - -i ----- - _ ------ ----------- -}----- --- Less-------- -- Less Shog --- - ----~--------- ~ Collected: ---- ---- ----------- ---- -- - - T' otal Taxes _ -_- . ._~ ------ '------- --- - ------- ---- - --- -- ---- --------- +--- - - ---j-- - - --- -- ----t- Additional Revenue: ---- --- - ~ ------ ---- -- - - --- ---- ---------- ---{ -- - -Water user fee - d-- - 1 t - I n t ere s t - e a --rne ----_-- --- - f -- --- -- - - ------------- ---- - ------- ---- ---~- -- ---- - ~-- - - - -- ~ ---"-- ------ - -rt '-- -~- --- - ----- -"------ Tota l 1998 Provisional Budget-_~ i ~CaP~' al Pro ' ects Fund ! (10% ofro ~ t a x e -s -- $ -1 -1 -6 ,7 -17 -. 9 - -- -- --- ---- ~Income Stabilization Fund 10°~ of Oro. , taxes - $116,717.9 ------ -- --- - - -- - --- - -- --Water User Fee ---- -_ -_~-- __- _ l . ~8-R fonalDistrict Coriiritiution -_ -- ---- ------ ---- - f ; A U d I r C riinistretioncosts: -_ ----- ------ ---- _-- ---- - -_--- j S W u C rveyor of Taxes: -- -' B S --alary 31533 ---- . I n s u -r a -n c -e --_ ------------------- -- ~- - { -- - ----------- --------CPP ------------ - --------- ----------------- -------- 1 ---- ----------+----------- ---- - - - --- rPension Plan Administration - Mila e Telephone d~ Fax --------- -------- - ------------------ -------- Travel Training/Staff I _ Vlforksho s . - ~_----_ - --------- -- ------ - - -- ------ --- -- --- Re n t ------- - - l - --- -- -- -5 -2 ------- . . . 615 .------------k - ---- -- - ---- ---------- --T e c h n i : ca l --Su p p o -rt - -- - t _ I le al Fees ------ -- ! -----------~ ----- - Appeal Process. -_. --- - -- -- --BCAA . - s . -t _ s -- - - - ~ : ~- . ---- . - . ! . ._ . . . . . -------- . -. ---. - - . . . Total AdmininsUative co !Total Budget : ! - 15/04/98 3PRAC98 .WK4 DRAFT2 -------_ : . ---- . ~ - -~- ----- _ " --}, -----{- -{ _ ~-_---_- - , . . -- 1 -------- - --- - t--- - - ----------- ~ - Rate - ~ - -- -~ Taxe s ---~----------, . -- ---. -. --. -_ -- . Payable _ --- - ._ . . .--- j - --- -- - {----- - i ---_ -_-_~-_--__l _ . ._ - -- -~- - - - -------- - -------------~r --- -Y~- --- - -~-- -- ------- - - ---i .6 -21 -2 - ---~- $162,484 .6 ~ 2 --8 ----_--; - -- ----------- 22.9354 _ y--- -- ~ --$ -3 -,387 -- - - - - - - " -- ---.5 -6 } ! --- ----- ---, ---_-'---$7,977 .78~ 4--(~4,386 .26 -- - -- -- --- ------- ~ --- -- - ----- -- - - I-- -~f --------- ---j - ~ --$ -1 -69 -, -4 -6 -3 -.7 -0 ------ ---' , - - -1 .~ " . . - . . - . - --------- --- $16,763.42 - - -- r {--------~ I__ ----~- ----- ---- ~ --,---------- --- - ---$26 ,060 . -44 ---- --- - -1 : - -------- . .. .--, -- ---- - - ; - - - - - ~ $126,639 .84 -- --" 1 ' ---------_,_------ ----: --- ---_ .--~ ~ - . ---- ~-----$ --7 -,9 --20.0 ! ! -- -0 - - -"-$3,605 .44- ---- ---- - - - --~ - --1 -3 -8 - , -1 -6 -5 -. -28 ------- - - -i venue ' ~ $ - _---r - i - - $11 , 671 . 79 .___ _ I --------- -----$11,671 .79 ' i7,920.00 ---~--_--- I ~ - - -------~E34"981 .00 ---- -- -~--__ -- ----- ----~- ~- ----- - ' -_--$37,440 .00 I --- 1_ $1 ,286 .00 $1,069.00 ~ ---- ------ ------- -.292 .00 - -- $1 $483.00 - -- ---- - - -- - - - -- ---_--------~ _ _ _$_1_,90_9 .00 -~ $436.00 $300.00 $2,500 "00 --------- ~~---------~------------ ---------. . $2,500.00 - --- .ti-, 6-06.-06 _.7_- . . _ .------ - -- ; - --------- --- --- ----$ --2 -. -4 -0 -0 -. -0 -0 - -------- - - - ~- - - - ---_ ' - -$2 -.0 -00 -.0 -0 --- -------- -- --- _. . . .. - " - - - -- -- - - j- - - -~ --- - $2 ,500.00 - --$100.00 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ --. -----"--$ -2 -, -200 .00 - _ -------. -- - -- ---- --~ ------------ - ~ -- -- 1 ' - . - -- -- $59,415 .00 _"- 51 25,659.58 ; ! . 58 PM 02
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