Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

-CER-TI-FIC ATION Pursuant to Section 86 , Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Musqueam First Nation 2004 Property Tax Expenditure By-law dated 7th. day of Jure, 2004 is a trde copy of t he said by-law. ' , . / r r Thomas Howe, D~rektor 'Lands and Trust Services, a Superintendent as defined in Sec 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of the Minister of lndian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant tc section 63 of the lndian Act, t h e following bylaw made by the Musqueam lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on t h e 7th day of June 2004. - Musqueam Indian Band Property Tax Expenditure Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontsriv !!)is L 7 h d a y of
Subszct~cbri $3 (7 ) ot' tilt Itrdicr~!, Ice pr?s\,ltic:. thnr ; i n csl?cnd~(~n~r;c~.d .;:o rit of' IIIOIIC>'sr i~iscJ pursunn: to subsc~-r luS~3 (~ 1 ) of the Itrdiriil . ~ i c rm usl 11e rrl:iclr uriclcl- the: nu~!lurityu r' a b))ln;v r ) ft hc coi~~lri l ot ' tt~cb ntlil; Sccl~on1 2 of' thc: Pr,opcrty Tax,it~r)nU 1.h~:-ii rtlrtjri~es dlc rtrakti~go C c z ~ i i ~ei~rp~c rlJ<turcso ut uC property tar revenue and. i n addition, this Taxation Expenditure Bylaw is hereby enacted for the purpose, itllc*l- r r k r r , uf cstnhlishii~gp rclccdurcs fvr the aii!ll,>t.i7n!imo f ~.xyrnditul,cbt o hc rnatlc nut o f property tax revcriue from lime to tirnc; NOW KIi 1'1' HEKI-1RY KF.SOLi7T-:IjI hat thc l ;d lo~cj l~bgy lntv bc and i s hereby cnncled pursuanr to the pro\ isio11h r3f tllc Iiidi<lt~/I cr : l i d it1 p;~rticu!ar suh~cct~or-8i.s7 ( 1 ) R I I (~ 7~) tl lcrct)i, fcr lhe ~ L I I - ~ O SoCf :lutIini.iziliy euprndit~jrrxt n hc: rt~ndco ut nt'pro~>r.lty1; 1\ 1 - cc~rj lle. UI_~~'IU1I1I- INS 2. 111 tliis I,yl,iw, including witliout litniting the genci-ali~yo t' t t ~ cf i,rcEning in ~111: rccitiils nn~! th i c scctio~l. ' ' ~ n n ~ ~p:rillp et't? tax hedgct" rt1c:IIls :I budge! tllnt includub arlcl ir:rntitit:s in a gcncr;-11\ v;I! projected propeily tax rc\.errnc for a fiscal ycar, s u ~ ~ l uo:r: det'icit pr(:pert>. tax rzvcnuc carriicl oirer froill j~rcviousf iscnl years and projcctcd cxpentlitures ro he ~ m d zc ~ u :o f propetty In\; reverluc lor thc Iiscill ?car h r local IILII'~IOX.,; '*barid cou~lcilr .eso1utio11"m cnns :I motrnrr ~ ~ a s s acriJcl ;ipp;o:,cd :I[ a meeting r~lco:,u~-ic!l pursuant to the co~lsetlol f ;l rn;ijor.ity uf tlw rluonitn of'thc cor~i~ciiloorsl tlie bald; "como~unity n-orks" irlcludcs, w~rhoutl ~nlitatiu~l,dcsipn:ncgo. rlstn~ctrn:, ruconi~nlcti~~;, ~rerit l~lgr.u plnoii~l,:, elll;~rgirl,~c.x tc.nd~ng.~ -c~n(~vinmgo1. . illy. rcpairinp. n~aintoining ;11lt1 operating l7uildirlgr. t\ corks and f ic i l l t1~(5t ltl~ert l ~ ; ~ pi lu h1 ic n ilrks). located ait l i ir l rcsemc: allti vtvncd, opelaturl. cont r~olled, 1t1an:i~ccli ~ J l i ~ i n i ~ t ~prrcod\ .ic lcd n r lin;ulciall!. s,~ppo~'tcil. 7 ~ I i 0 1 1 ~ot . 1 1 1 11;l11> I7y tlic barxi 01- cou~lci lo il tlchali of 111;. b a i l ~nl n ci (15ed tilr crtnrtui~~it; scn.iccs or ycrlc1.;11 ~ oirn\n1 c.ilt scr~' iccs,i rlcluding, i c i tho l~l~i ~ n ~ ~ itillcg gci~cralityn f [he t i>rcgn~nb~a,r d ;tdminihtratlu~n~f'i iccli, t ~ ~ p~ubrli~c dar ks !, ~r.ds, c'e~llctt'ric!,~ i 1 I 1 ~ 1 rCi .Cl I ~ ~ I L ~ ~ .
dwcart. cc1:rt-cs. groiip liornes, lil,mr-its. ti[-clii\cs. i~ lu scu i~a~rts ,g ;~licrics,r ccr.c.ntion cerltres, parks ar:cl plny~r,oundsl,o gctl~er\\ , i t11 1,cscrvt. lands appurtcuilnl !I~cicto: "community scrviccs" i r~clucles,~ vithoutl irnitatiorl, prngr,irus atld scrviccs (othor 11i:i11 utility scr\-~ces), operated, ct)nlrollcd. marlagcd. ndnitnistered, providcd or tinancially su~ylr~~-tcd. \vl~(!IIyu r i11p ad. 1,)' t l ~ rt]i 1[1C1o r co1111ci10 11 ~cI I ; I IofI'' the band and of tjcr~cfitt o any rcsidznts of rusclvv (\vhctl~cri n coriirrioti with any no!i-rc>itlcnts of resenc r !I- ]lor) ~ricluding,i vitho~rt I i ~ r i iitn g I I ~ Cg cr~ernlityo f thc Tb~-i:goi~s~~g.~ i l dpli:t t~lich eath, cult ~tl.,~r!i-.c ruation. education. dnycitrc. I!br;~r:,, park. plrlygrcn~r~d~.~ c ' loir~ Ceir c p1otectj011P TT)~I.;IiI1H11Sil s c'rviccs; " C O ~ II I C ~ I " tnenrlt thc c0~11iciL1 ~( IFI L ~ I L I S ~ LIIrlCdia~n~ UIiI~ ~litxi i t l ~ i t lt he rnu;~ni~lngt ' sul>:,uclio11 7(1 ) of t11c ~ I I ~ I I ( I. tIrI. t 3 7 C I C C I C ~ by t l l c : b;lrld 111em1,ersi i,<l[uIl rrlc 11) ~ i ~ n c : "fiscal year'' mc:jns J;~r~uar1ys t of' n c;llL*nd;ir yc'ar tllrr3uph r)r,~*rnlbc.r3 1st 01' tlic snlile ca lc~ldnyr ear: 6L general govcrnrncnt scniccs" inc?ucics, tvithout Ilniitation. gcrvchn~mcnatn d admit~istt:ii~r, i prfigr.itt~s. scrviccs and opr r r i t io :~o~f t h u band or c~urlci l(7 11 behalf o i the band i~lcludiiig. without litn~ting thc genur:i(ity of the foregoing. tlie operations of council 2nd tllc development, preparat~o~ic,n hrzcrnent and adrn i~~r~tmt loof n councll L)T 1);llid policies, h j l aws and progr;lm.c :ir~dt hc adnlinistratior~a nd aper.:itlutl of departmcrlts ol' the band; "hlinistcr" n-~c.:iust tic i l l i~i is~oefr Ind~i \n.4 Tt;1irs arid Northe1.11D L.c\ !l-~prnenat nd ~ricludcsa prr,snn dcbs:gt~atcd1 11 \.r-ritirlgb y the n-~l!~istc,r. "pcrn~tit cti property tara tinn by-la11 capencli turcs" nic;~ns rllarc expenditures rlut u l P K L ~ J > C ' K ~ L .t ;ix revenue auih(~itz ccl to bc rnndr: unricr- sr~hscctiorl1 2 of thc. Property l'~1xntidr1 I3ylaw; ''propert) a$rcssrncnt byla~v"r ncans t h~ ,M usquea~llI ndia11 Da~idI )rcq~c"+ty.4 sszssmcnt t3ylnw oppr ovcd artd passcd by c o ~ i ii~l zin d 3pp1-ovcdb y the hlinistcr, as arnendccl from time to ti~no: "property taxation bj-Inn" rnoarls thc hlt~scluenrn 1ndls11 U:~tld1 )t~pcrryl' axntinn Uylniv appru\.cd and passed ' ,1 ~Iicc c o u d and app~,r)\tbrlI,! 11le Miniqtcr.. as an~cr~defrrl-f i111t ~ r r l cto tilnc. ' i p r ~ p ~ r tt!a x rcvcnuc" l tnxcs a ~ l iot 11er mnncqs riliscxl uncicr the Propcrty i~ssessrncnta rid Xixatioll Uylaii.5, includi tlg ~vithoutI iil~itingt hc gcaCr;ll~tyo f tilt' f{>rcgoiil? all i~ltcrcjrc *:ln~citIh cretw ar~dO I ~ ~ L;'tI~. c i i ~ ~ l ~ l l ; ltht ieor~r~ts)f I 011)t line to time; "public wol-ks" includt..c: (a) dcsign~ngc, c~~~strinugc,t r cconstrlirti:~pu rcat irlg, rcpl:ic*ir~ge.n lnrglrlg. cstc.~~ding. ~ C I I I C ~ V I I II~I. C I I r~qIx~~~ii-, i ~i~gI. : ~ ~ I I I J oI r~ oI p~ c~rIa~t i ~ l~ : ( II roads, st1 zcls. o\.crl)rlsses, ur~ticq~;issessi,d e\( ; r l hb. Llclt crossirlgs. curbing l s r~d~ctbu,n ~lelsc, ulvc~tsc. * ~ n l ~ , ~ r ~ ka~n~d ircznt3tisn ing tvalls; (ii) c'cluil)n~l~Mt'I,T L'S, ivnsks and fiicilit it<.~ n ~ l ~ ~ cstl ainn~g1 nrJs: ind co~tdui~s, ncccss;rr-y to supp ly pulllic: lighting I\ ir 1 1 i l 1 I tscrt c, irlcluding r{ i tltoul
lirnitinp lllc gcr~cr,l~t jl o f t l~cfo rcgoi~iga. ll nece,c:tly prll~*st,c .~ivcrsc, ross- i i I n l 5 , cnc;ljcltlclllh. 1r.i~l~rur11s1lncr~ cturcsa1 1d othcr rzlnrcd w u r h and f',' lc. -II 1 tics; (111) ~(ltlduitsfo r IVII-CS. fibre-iq~~luans d pipes t;lr purposcs other th:tn providing public lightir~gt vithin reserve. 111c.Iuilii1lgv i thout limiling the gentbr;~lilyu l' the foregoirlg all rleccs\ary p ~ l r s , t oivcrs, cross-arms. encarcincnls. t~-nnsfo~-mstenri ctut-us and or11c.l-r clatccl narks and facilities: ( i t ) slortn or sanilary scivcr or \V:I~L-I lincs. norkx and ficililics, 111c!ud;11g s c n ICL> C ~ I I I I ~ > ~ I (~> ~SCIIVI LS-I - UI- iv:ilcr ILI ICS 011 l ; i11~1i ~ t n ~ t t:I i ~I ~~: IgI I I , ( ) scwcrilgc Irc';ilrlicr~nl ~ i r lw ;~tc'r treatrjler1t work.;. t;~cililic.s; ~ n dp jants; (vi) relilini~~l:w it lls, rip-rap, slicct-piling, sc;i-n;tlls, p i l it ~gs, dykes artd - l ) ~ ~ ~ ~ k \ v i,l?l . t;ctlto. ~i gu r ;~djacc~tlot tlie se;l, ;i 1:ikc or a rivct; and ( I a ny buildings. \vorks or facilities relatcd or ,~r\cill,it-);t u anything refcrrcd to in subpnrrigrapIls (i) 11uc)ugh( vi). together with resewt: lands appurtc~~anthl crc~r): (6) r c~~lc~ l i ; iCtIi~V~~yT C ) T I I I \ C~I~I >~ ~ Il ~t i~~~r ~ l i r~z\s~ttrvt 'e( Ila nds; artd (c) crearing new la~ ldsb v any Inn.f~!lI ncans ~ n z l ~ ~ c lw~itrhlo~u.t liinit i11g tlie genur:illty of tllc forcguing. by tiic placzlncn~a nd compaction of' permitted soils and other f i l l n )~tz~. i : i l~; C L reserve" nlearls 111c)\cI LillJ:it hc Icgal titlc to ~ v h i c his 1,estuci In I l c r Pilaj~5ty:t hat haye been set apart by Her h la jcs~yiu r t11c iihc 2nd benefit of'thc hand, ~vhcthr,i-1 1icy be desigtlated ln~idso r conditionally surrcnlc.~-c.tIl:t ucls UI- otllcm isc ant1 spczial rcscrves ! I C I ~ II~i~ ndat hat Ilave bcorl set apart fbr the use atid l)e~lt'fito f tlic: ~ I U S C ~1L11dIi;C11L~l 3aI1~1d ~i i ~~l i l I c ~ !tit te ~ ~ C I - Cis~ nOo t V U S ~ C I I in Jler bl;i.ic>ty willlirl the rneaning {ot' sect ior~3 6 of' ~ I I CI t~di;~Anc t: L L ~ ~ r \ ~ofj ,toaxre s" nlcalis tl~ca urvcyor oi' loxcx appointed hy council uilder thc Musiluenrn li~iii~Hlra~rt d Pmperty Assessment and 'I';~.uir~ioUny 1;iws; < & utility scrviccs" includcs watu;, stul-111 3cLr.c.r. sn~iitarys eives. garhago col!zctioti. p~rbage disposal. solid \vnstc disposal, seivape tseatrrletlt ar~dw ater trc-ntincnt prngr.nrtls, sc.r\.lces and opcrat icl~is. 3. ( 1 ) 'I l~i:, b y l < i i~~ii rllorizcsth c expenditure ot'propr.rt! I:I \. rcvetlue by council 011 bchalf r~i'tlleh lustlucnm India11 band fur local purpn,i.<. (2) Witllor~tl i~llitingt hc gc~~cr-;i l inV t' . F L ~ ~ ) S C C ((~1 )~ IhIu t for grcatcr ccrtnirity, this hyl~ir nuthorizcs thc cxpcnditt~ro~f 171O PCI I!' t ; l ~r cveriuc bl. C O L I I I C ~ I < ) r j [ ~ c I I ~fI' of the 1l;itiri 011 C C ~ I I I I I I U ItyI ~ w orks, C O ~ I I I I ~ I II I>I, I x i - i ~ C C S ,g ciicr;il govern~i~estc~nt, ic~.>~ .C I - l~ I Ip rvpcrty t ana t ion bylaw expundi~ur~I N\.I I I I I ~w t )rks am1 ~ i tt i l y scr.viccs.
4 . ( 1 ) 0 1 1 or bclbrc Octol~ur? Is1 i l l each fiscal ycar. the sutvcyor of tnxcs sllnli prcpnre and tnblc \vilh cou~lcil;I tlraft atlnunl pmpcrty tax budyct for the tl-lcn curralt tiscal year ant1 ;I drali band council rr*sulu:iotl aplltoving thc hudget. and i'ouncii shall e~denvnur.t t l coi1hic1c.r such hudgtt : l i d rcsolution on or hcf'orr: Jlecembcr 15th (11 thc same i i s c ;~!l,e ar. (1) An ntlnunl 111-opcrtyta x budget I I I : I ~ , hut is tlot rcqili~-c(tIo , bc in lllc f'~r.rn0 1' that draft annual ~ I - L ) ~ L - It-a~x. budge1 : ~ t ~ ; : ~ l;i~s cStcl i ~~ .d~Ai llco t ti is bylait.. ( 3 , Suhj ect to subsccticwi (4), all cxpi.niiit~~r,c.~sn adeo u ~r,l' pr-operty t a r~zv Co~ulcili s nuthnrizcd to ~nakeu nder this bylaw shall 1 ) ~ .~ undep ursuntu 1,) ;11i annual PI-clpcrtyI ; ix h u d g e ~tl int has h c c ~;)t1 11jrovcd by b ;~ r~inda ncil rcsolution. (a) brrnd council may at any tirrlc iind frotu time to time amuild any r+lmual propzl-ty tax budgct and anj. band council reso lu~~oapap roving ;in annual PI-c'pertyt ax budget, ; u l ~ l C b ) nothine in this bylaw shall h;i\c the ef'ftct uramend111g subsectiorl 1: 01'tIlc ['ropcrly 'I'axatiun Liqtlaw or ot'lirr~itirlgth e nutllcxi~ntiotlo f, i-lr requii-ill? adclllior~alp tcrccdi~ru!, 1r7 rw-mit, cxpc~~di tu r 0e1c' properzy tax rcveriric thcreur~dcr. 5. ( 1 ) ,411 ~~ropc i t~y: I K revenuc xh;~ll bc doposi~cd in 3 SIJL .~* I ; Ia~c count rjr accounts rn;iirltnincd 111 thc ilainc of the h ~ t l da lld be in\c'stc(l ~ l r i t i lr ilquired tu be cxpcridcil 1mtsua111I " an annual prc~l-rci-tyr nx budycr ha: I n s bcci~a pprrl~cdb y bnrid counciI rcstolul~on. (3) -411su~rp lus prupcrty tax re! cnlrc I-ilised ciurinp a ficc.:ll ycnr that is 11tot !-e~luircdt i ~ r expcnditurc dur.~r~thga t Gscnl yt3r pursuant tr:, an nrlilual properly tax hudget thal Ilas bcon nppr-oved by band cou~rcilr csulution, sh;il! br: set ;isirie i n a special surplus fund accuur~to r- accounts maintailled in thc 1i;llne nf tlic h;irid and be invested until rctluircd for sach cxpci~diturei n a I'iiturr: ljscal year. 7. ' t ' l~isb ylnn sl1.11I hc cnnstruc-:l as bcing rcmrili;~l.a nd sl~allh e given s ~ l c hfa ir, largc and lihetnl cc;rlsti-uclioiia nd in(c~prr.tntiona s hcsl ollr;ure?; the attaitlttit.~~nr1 .i ts r>bjcctivcs. S ( I ) l-lc-:t~i~rigfao nn no par1 of this tjylaw but s11:ill be consln~ctl2 .5 bcing inscrted hr C ' O I ~ \C I I~CIICLO' C rcfcre~~c~t1:[ 11y.
(2) A finditig by n court of conlpctcnt jurisdictio~t~ha t a suction o r p~ -o \ . i s io~fu t~hi s t)ylaw is w i ( i 01- i11vi1li~sIh all not affect ot. hear upon the \ ; l l i d ~ (o~r. invalidity o f ally u h c r scct iur~or ILI:-~o f'this bylaw or this b!,l;iw ; I> ;i \vl~ulc. ( 3 ) U'k~r-r-ac pro\ ~siorit 1 t l ~ i sh ylan. is cxprcbscd in (tic prcscllt ~ C I ~ S Cfi,it ure tense o r i n thc pnsl t cusc, t t ~ cpr ovisior~a pplies to tllc c~rcuri~a~;inc:I.>c st he*) arisc. (-1) 11i his h>-l;i\v word:; t t ~th e sir~gulnri ~ l c l ~ ~t il~l <cp lur:il. 2114n ortlb it1 thc ~ ~ l u r ianlc ludr: Illc s i ~ ~ g ~ i l ~ r . Council lor
 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.