Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86. Indian Act KSC 1985 C. 1-5 and rtmcndnlents thereto. I certify that the attached copy of thel'sleil- Wallruth Nation 2004 Tax Rates By-law datcd the 25"' day 01' May. 2003 is a ttwe copy of the said by -law. Thomas I Io1c.e. [lit'lzclor I-nnds and Trusts Scniccs (a Superintendent as dci-incd in Scc 2(1) L d i a n Act RSC 1985)
B *I I : , I Affa rc:c; ; r . d l i r l)~: ~ A!'l<i,> 'Cri, ;,>),I <!I ~ : L Jh ~ >tII I : I '~I - ; On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Tsleil-Waututh First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 25th day of May 2004. Tsleil-Waututh First Nation 2004 Rates Bylaw d Dated a! Ottawa. Ontario this day of 2004.
TSLEIL-WAITTIJTH FIRST NATION ItATES 13YLAiZ' KO. 06-02-2001 \vAERE.+6 {7UrSUaIIL lo ~ u b ~ e ~ l i8o3(l 1l ) (a) of thC I t t ~ / i r i rA~ cl, l<.S.c*.1 985. c.1-5. Ihc C'ourlcil of a baricl may make h!,l3ris fbr the pul-pnsc oftasation ii-11- I(>cd ~ U C ~ O S CofS 1 ~111do. r intercctt; in land. i11cIl~dinrgig llrs t o occupy. ~ O ~ S C So Sr use Iand i l l ;i ~CSCI.G'Ca nd Ir ilh I-cspuct~o an!. matters arising out of o r ancillary tn such purpasc: AND \!'IIF.KE..IS thr: ('ounci! 0:' Ihc' I sleil-Li'autu!h IK~rstN ation (also k n o ~ i nas thc Buirrard Indian L3;liiJ) e~lactetl11 1u I sleil-il'aututh I:i;sr hiit1~1P1r open!, ~ I ~ \ c s s m ean1t3 7-asatiun Byl;lw 01.1M arch 24, 1997. which said Dvlaw n r l s appro\ ed h! t h r 14inistur 01' Indian Afl11r.s and Korthrm Dcr~elopmrnto n Seplen~bcl3- 0, 1907 No\\' ~ 1IT: T HEWL..K\ RESOL\'L..I) that the f i d l o i i~l l g b! lait be and i s hereby u~~ac t ed pursuant to the provisions c) l ' t11~ Illdian Act and in parricular. section 8-3 1 ) fbr rlle purproic of cctablishing annual rates of tnurion. 1. -Illis byla\\ ma! be citcd ior, ;]I1 puiApc?scsa s the Tvlcil-\\'autu~h1 :irst hilrirjn 2004 I<;i~t.s R y law. 7 -. I'ursuai~tt o Section t: of' he 'I slcil -\l ' : i~~tulIh'l rst Nation P T C I I ~ICS~ . C~ ~S Si1IilCI3I L'III Taxation B!.lau, rhe i r ix rntcs for t.;~c.hc lasc of pribpt~r! shall be in accordiincc. \ii t11 Schedule .A iihich is attacheci. a ~ i Jl i > r ~ tp~ars1 c~f ' lhc2 O(I4 Kates 13) Ion. I I~isb ).Iarx is Ilerehy c r l ~ ~ thr ~I'lo' u ncil 31 i i dul! c c ~ r l \ . ~1~1)7~ecdti tlgh eld 017 t11r 25 J i i~ of' May 2004. -- , ' ---) .. , /; . -- - / / = d f l - . ' .- f . : ,4 / , Chief Councillor ., ,- Councillor Councillor
I'hc Council of:i~cT sleil-IVaut~~Fthir sr Natio~lr t3urrard Indtnn R a n d ) I~crehqa dc>~ltsh e fi)IIo\iit~; luxatiun rates fur thc 7004 tax~tt inrJ ~e ar ibr thc folloiving classes 01' prnpcrty. Class of P r n p e t . ~a~s prescribed undcr Schcdult I1 2nd Section 8 of the Tbicil-Ckaututh Firs: hation I'ropcrty 'I'axatiun 135 l a i t . C'lass l - Rcsidenlial C'Llss 2 - Utilities Class 3 - 1 lnnl;~nagcdb orest Land Class 4 - hdqjor Indusir? Class 5 - I ight Industry (.'ln~s6 - Businccs :lnd other I'l:l~s 7 - Managed Forest Land Class H - f<ecre3tion ' Non-Prt~fti Orgi~nization Class 9 - Farm Rate of '1 a?i iipplicd against each $1 . I X 1 0 . 0 0 01' thc assessed \.slue o r the land d i d Itilpruiramunts ;is Jctcrrnincd 111 accordance with I'rlrts IV. VI I , V'111 ancl IS ilf the Tslvil- Wnututh First h'atirm Pnjperty Assessmt.nt and I'axatiori Rylaw.
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