Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 16'h day of June 1999 . Tsleil-Waututh Nation Amendment By-law 1999-2000 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 7~~ day of ~~- 1999 .
TSLEIL-WAUTUTH NATION (BURRARD INDIAN BAND) CONSOLIDATED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION BY-LAW 1997 AMENDMENT BY-LAW 1999 - 2000 WHEREAS pursuant to paragraph 83 (1) (a) ofthe Indian Act, the Council of a band may make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land, in the reserve, including rights to occupy, possess or use land, in the reserve ; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, also known as the Burrard Indian Band, (the "Nation") enacted the Tsleil-Waututh Nation Property Assessment and taxation By-Law 1997 (the "By-law") on March 24, 1997 ; AND WHEREAS the Minister of the Indian Affairs and Northern Development approved the By-law 1997 (the "By-Law") on March 24, 1997 ; AND WHEREAS the Chief and Council of the Nation deem it advisable and in the best interest of the Nation to further amend the By-Law as set out below; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Chief and Council of the Nation enact the following by-law amending the By-Law pursuant to section 83 (1) of the Indian Act . 1 . Section 46 of the By-law is deleted and the following is inserted : If all or any portion of taxes remain unpaid on the 2"d business day following July IS` of the year they are first levied, such unpaid portions shall bear interest at 5% compounded annually, and such rate may be changed from time to time by by-law of the Band Council . If all or any portion of taxes still remain unpaid on the 2"d business day following September I S` of the year they are first levied, such unpaid portions shall bear interest at the rate of a further 5 % compounded annually, and such rate may be changed from time to time by by-law of the Band Council. THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY ENACTED BY THE BAND COUNCIL at a duly convened meeting held on the ~16 day Of LIU- 1999 . Chief Leonard George Councillor Lianna Martin Counctllor Travis4e-orge
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