Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Deputy Minister Sous-ministre Ottawa, Canada K 1 A OH4 On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act , the following by-law made by the Enoch Indian Band, in the Province of Alberta, at a meeting held on the 20th day of December 1989 . Enoch Band Budget By-law Dated at HULL, Qu6bec this I7 "= day of ,~~y 1990 .
19tdian and Northern Affaires Indlennes T Affairs Canada( eLdu Nord Canada " BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE' The words 'from our Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue' whichever (s the case must appear in alt resOlulions rPques!ing e .uendaures from Band Funds NOTA' Los mots "des londs de notre bande" "capital' off ' revenu seton Ie cas dowent paran(e (Jails toutes Ie5 r(+sotlltons portant sur des dApenses A m6me les tonds des bandes . Cash free balance - Solde dlspontble The council of the Capital account Le conseil de THE ENOCH CREE NATION # 135 Compte capital D-,, M , A Province Date of duly convened meeting Revenue account Date de I'assemblee dument convoquee ' Compte tevenu 1 4 0 2 9 2 ALBERTA DHEREBY RESOLVE . DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES WHEREAS the Council of the Enoch Band of Indians of the Stony Plain Indian Reserve No . 135 in the Province of Alberta desires to make by-laws for the purposes contained in section 83 of the Indian Act R .S .A . 1985, c . I-5, as amended ; AND WHEREAS the Council has caused an assessment of all property shown on the assessment roll for 1990 ; and AND Whereas the Council has approved a budget for the 1990-91 expenditures for the Band in the areas of education, public works, recreation, protection and administration ; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Enoch Band hereby enact a budget by-law to establish the 1990 mill rate and allocation for the expenditure of revenues derived from taxation as follows : 1990 Mill Rate Commercial, industrial, vacant land and improvements at 31 .003 mills, and electrical power and pipeline at 33 .097 mills . Allocation of Revenues Education _ 6.20 6 .62 Public Works 6.20 6 .62 Recreation 6.20 6 .62 Protection 6 .20 6 .62 Administration 6 .20 6 .62 31 .003 33 .097 Mills AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the above Mill Rates and allocation of revenues apply in accordance with the Enoch Band Taxation and Business Licensing By-Law . Quorum 5 (Councillor - Consealer) A (Counci _ ll . or - Conseale() (Councillor - Conseluer! - -- - -- - - -= rOFi DEPF riI`tOEiV-T~A-L-l.iSE-Qfkl l<V-=--r-~L~Srfi'riE !1U--,AiNISi-EiT1= -ExpendAure - D6penses ~ Authordv Itndian Act Section Sc-ce M !.rnds r .penouure Uepnnans Authority (Indian Ac( So, lion Sour(e of funds AutnntA (Article de/la Lo, aur ; :wr, P des !onds Aulor-l6 (Arhcle de la La sur Sn(ncn des Ips Ind,ensl londs his Indiens) Flap-tal aRP .ernlue , aCaPrtal [:]Revenue Rtrvenu BD( :ommendmg officer - Recommand6 par iecommend(ng ollrcer - RecommandA par - ------_-._----- ._ . . ._ _ . . _ _ _ - - ' -` - - - - - - -- -Srgnalwe Date s,gna!ure Date --Approving officer - Approuv6 par Approving officer - ApprouvA par signature Da!P S ignatu re Date - . 845112~891 7531121-03Cr95B2 C.~.1la(1 11, 3 111
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