Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

ndian and Northern Aft aires indiennes -~ Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Depuly Minister Sous-ministre Citawa. Canada MA 0H4 On behalf of the Minister Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, of Section 83 of the Indian by the Council of the Sarcee Alberta, at a meeting held Annual Budget By-Law 2.2). Dated at HULL, Quebec, this ~29’~ day of ,VaV4OT731~0Z., Canadaof Indian Affairs and Northern pursuant to subsection Cl) Act, the following by-law made Nation, in the Province of on the 11th day of July, 1989. By-Law 1989 (Sarcee Nation 1989
iS42.5~tM7I ~M?UEE U/’ 12/: OW 26 SARCEE NAT~ON THE SARCEE NATION flYsLAW ~ 2~2 RECITAL: The Council of the Sarcee following 8y-law: ~RT TITLE: This By~law be cited as Nation By-law 2.2) pzF~t4ILLftATh: The millratc for the 1989 mills. ID!:. The funds raised by taxation revenue and éx~ended in There are 9 council Members members. Thts Is hereby enacted by the Council corflzthwd meeting of the council held on JULY CHIEF EXE~ UI I Viz ADM~NISTRATIQN QFF9CE Nation therefore enacts the (Sarcee Annual Budget By~law 1989 fixed at 45.35 taxatiOn year is shall be included as general accordance with the attached budget. and r2 quorum consists of 5 and the Sarcee Nation at a duly 11, 1989. ILLOR
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