Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

/, Edith A. Owen, do hereby certify as Superintendent pursuant to Section 86 of the Indian Act R. S.C ., C.1 -5, that the attached copy marked "CERT/FED TRUE COPY" is true copy of the original by- law duly made on the 3rd day of June 2004 by the Council of the White Bear First Nation Band of Indians being a 2004 Tax Rates By-law for the White Bear First Nation Resewe. /-- ../' , ' Edith A. Owen, Manager Registration, Revenues and Band Governance Lands and Trust Services Saskatchewan Region Signed at Regina, Saskatchewan this 3rd day of December 2004 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
'3a' @ * p Ministre des Affaires indiennes et %? , & .-, ? & # e $ M~n~steofr lnd~anA tialrr; and > du Nord canadhen et ~nterlocuteurf'2 deral I; 4;:;fiV PNgrthern Development and Federal Interlocl~tor aupres des hlets et des indens non lnscrits Gtlaa,<, Canada K I A OHJ I, the Minister-of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the White Bear First Nation, in the Provlnce of Saskatchewan, at a meeting held on the 3'd day of June 2004. - White Bear First Nation 2004 Tax Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this / 8 day of
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY 4s per Secticr? $6 of tile Indian Act White Bear ~ i r s ~t a tionp- L . - ./ . , Band Council Resolution AND St TRUST SERVICES Date E t i o n N umber: 1-03 , Purpose: I White Bear First Nations I 8 Tax Rates By-law 2004 I I ; June 3,2004 That ~ursuantto a Resolution passed at a dulyconvened meeting whit; Bear First Nations ("white Beai') at the-office of White ear on the 3rdd ay of June, 2004 the Council of White Bear have authorized the following: I WHEREAS Pursuant to subsection 83(7 )(a) of the Indian Act, R S.C. 1985, c.1-5, the Councll of a band may make bylaws For the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land. including rights to occupy, possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters rising out of or ancillary to such purpose; and I WHEREAS the Council of the White Bear First Nations enacted the White Bear Firs! Nations Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaw on April 23, 1998; and WHEREAS the Council has caused an assessment to be made of all property shown on the assessment roll for 2004; and NOW BE IT THEREBY RESOLVED that the following bylaw be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the (ndian Act and in particular section 83(l)f or the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxallon. 1 . This bylaw may be c~tedfo r all purposes as the White Bear Flrst Nations 2004 Tax Rates Bylaw. ' 2. Pursuant to section 11 of the White Bear First Nat~onsP roperty Assessment and Taxation Bylaw, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule " A which is attached. I Thl,s bylaw is hereby enacted by Council at a duly convened meeting held on the 3" day of June. 1 2004. Motioned by: Councillor G. Bruce Standingready Seconded by: Councillor Debbie Maxie Carried RCR 2004-2005i03
White Bear First Nation~;:~<I c:/ Band Council Resolution # 2004-2005103 Quorum 8(eight) "Tax Rates By-law 2004" Councillor Carolyn Standingready #492 RCR 2004-2005/03 , . . a ' - . - 4 .-.-- L C - ' L A h D & TRdS-1' SEA!//CES Date Counc~llorC lint Kakakaway #2I4 0 Councillor G. Bruce Standingready #933
\YHITE BEAR FIRST NATIONQAND'& TRUST S E R V ~ C 2004 TAX RATES The Council of the Wli te Bear First Nations hrreby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2004 taxation year for the following classes of property. 1 Classes of land and improvements as I prescribed under Schedule IT and Section 11 of the White Bear First Nations Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaw. I class ! Agricultural (a)(b) 1 Residential (c) (dl Seasonal Residential (el I Commercial and Industrid BCR ZOQJ-2ODi.f i3 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY AS Der Scct~ond 5 of tile Inffian Act /-- jr - -~ < S ~ ~k Rate of Tax applied against Ihe assessed value of the land and ii~lprovementsa s determined in accordance with Pan Vll 1 of the U7hite Bear First Nations Property I Assessment and Taxation Bylaw. I ! i I 1 i I I i i !
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