Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

I , +LL~. , I~ IhY AI I: I, ' 1 1 5 : ~~if Ln~dizirAi fiair-s 2nd Norii-tern De.?ieloprnent. HEREBY APPRO?/€, pursclant to ssction 83 of the India:] Act, the following by-law made by the Opaskwayak Cree Nation, in t h e Prcvince of Manitoba, at a meeting held on t h e S:h day of March 2004. - OCN Annual Tax Rate By-law No. 1, 2004 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 3dd ay of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY A Notar! P~blicin and for khs,grov?qaceo f 3lanitoba
P-4SSED ASH, EX-4CTEL) BY ?HE CHIEF AND C'OL-NCIL 0 6 THE OPASKIY,-I'L;AK CREE NL4TION, THIS - 8* D J OF M kRc--++ , A.D. 2003. CERTIFIED TWLX COPT Notar? Put~licin and for t hc ,J5r'?vi,pce of Manituba .' :*;. 2' 31) ,ippoir.?rnent Expires ar, /--7 ?
\$ IIFRE,+S pursczlt to s ~ c i i g n2 .1 oftils C)(::YLrxt?,iT ,!u n y - L ~ ~it9'9 6 C hicfand C'ounci! 373; in ~3*:'1:;c ar ~ 2 s 3s 1 1 y-],in. 1ei.yill~,l lnr!d la?: rills, may p;t.;iri5e a dift:;r:.r,t rate for eac!~~ 1-15fsif p:op~i-:;~d cscriSeJ in :he Lurtd 1~1.3 fij,--Lai.*;; YOJ\- BE 11' J-Ir.l<EByfw ';OT,'C'ED [hh~ t.172 f ~ , l l n ~ v F! n~y~- iay!-) c 2nd is j!i_.rl:hl:. e ~ : i ~ ! 7~3 : ,l rdc l l ,ulT t"" d'*"--- to 1li2 pmvi < I ons of thy I~ td tL~p. ii 2 1 an:! in p~rticu'ars ubsecti,??; S3( 1) ~ 1 r 23) t hereat': . . F~, ) .;:!tr p:irposes of j~:bs~cti i71?1 ~1( 1 ) 1111~1( 3) of 1112 OCiI-Li?:,.! 722.r By-l-ci I996 thzrt: 21 e hfrsbq' lcl, led 51r!-lz taxn\ior: yea:. 21i94 the falio.b:.'ingt ax rillzs fc>;~c,r2 c'h class +:^p r~p<:T; I.<esidc~i~j!a l( 10) 24.9 n i i l ls on 45"-, of asszssment v,~!uc Residz~itia3l (20 j 24.9 nlills clrl 35?4 of assessrncnt balue Fnnn Properr!. (30) 24.9 mills OH ;3?b of a;ssssrr,ent !.aIu:: Plpeline Pr~lperty( 51) 34.9 n:ills (73 SGoio o ~ ' ~ ~ S S C S S ~i'Lal'uTc~ T Rail:\-a>- I'rcpen?. (52j 74.3 1l1iIJs on 25?,6 0:' asaessn~envt aliic Other Propert!- i.611) 74+9 mills oi l 6 j cb of asssssrt~envt alue Go1f i7~711!-sIe3 ro;~erv(v7~0 ) 24.CJ mills on 8.735 of assessment :.aluz . 7 Fur thc ;lurposc of L . ~ I - ~ O UpSr o ~ i s i o ~of: ~ th e 0C':7:I.L~rT,da -t &~-Ln:vI 9 9 6 the fclIliin-;r:g f'i.c: and ch:~rgesa rc establisl~sll Copy of the asxs5n:ent 1*i?!1 550 ()1:1 Copy or'a poni;)n or" rile assesar lznt roil (p;r pagc) 50 25,'pq:: F i l i n ~ar ! i~ppcail ~ith t he Asse.;srnznt ,Appz;~ln .j;.:d S7it.Gii 'Lax Certificate $20.90 ', 3 . F L ~thre p:!rpdses o C S ~ imtn 10.4(3j of :hc OCh: Ll:?::;l ?-'axB y-1 CLI . !9 96. the pzna!ry rate in rtspect of unpaid taxes is 1.1SmJp.ej r m,)r,~h. - This 5 : ' - 1 ~m~a) . be cited tbr all PUI .P~SL 'aSs thi' OC!'\."+inl:u;tlT zl:l !LBy!-L;i~:~..v \ b. i, 20U;!. - + 41 . rii!.i bj--Ia?lQsh ~:! come into hrcc' and effzcr imed ia t r_ . lyh porr approv~:h !' t k x hl~ilisiero f India11 Xftiirs and Kzrrthern Dcvelopmcnt. CERTIFIED TRLE COPY A 5otary Public in and Fur thc;vov,i-n ce of %Janifoha
-- -- - - < : o m j ~I In !. -. -. - -- - C'ounc~llol- Councillor CERTIFlED TRLE A otaq Public i??an d fibs th ; e : Probg,, of blaniiuha \\\-</ ,c&pdqL I hl y ~ ~ ~ i n [ $ r ./ n d eEnxtp irc~ .' /{l,'<,. d.l
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