Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CANADA PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA . COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND IN THE MATTER OF the Canada Evidence Act; -and-IN THE MATTER OF the certification of Indian Band By-laws pursuant to Section 86 of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985 Chap I-5 STATUTORY DECLARATION I, Brian Dorey of Amherst, Province ofNova Scotia, do solemnly declare as follows: 1 . That on this date I was A/Director of Lands and Trusts Services, Atlantic Regional Office of Indian and Inuit Affairs ; 2. The incumbent of the position of Director, Lands and Trusts Services has the powers of superintendent as set out in the Indian Act by virtue of a Ministerial declaration dated November 25, 1987, with respect to "superintendents" under Section 2(1) ofthe Indian Act. 3 . That I have reviewed the attached copy ofMillbrook First Nation 1997 Rates Bylaw, being a by- law respecting the tax rates for each class of property in accordance with Schedule "A", having been enacted by the Millbrook Band Council on the 12th day ofAugust, 1997; 4 . My review has determined that the attached copy of 1997 Rates Bylaw represents a true copy ofthe original . Consequently, it has been stamped as such and I have put my initials on each of the two (2) pages to reflect this finding ; 5 . Pursuant to section 86 ofthe Indian Act I hereby certify the attached by-law as a true copy. 6. I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing it to be ofthe same force and effect as ifmade under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Declared before me at Amherst, Nova Scotia this 27Aday of yn. , A. D. 19-Q8 W Ralph R. Ragbir Commissioner for the taking of Oaths pursuant to paragraFth 10a (a) of ;he Indian Act.
; .. bIILLBROOK FIRST NATION 1997 RATES BYLAW WHEREAS pursuant to subsection 83(1)(a) ofthe Indfan Act the Council ofa band may make bylaws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, interests in land, includingrights to possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters rising out of or ancillary. occupy, to such purpose : AND WHEREAS The Council ofthe Millbrook First Nation, enacted the Land Tax By-law on June 3, 1996. NOW BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following bylaw is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions ofthe Indian Act and in particular section 83(1) for the purpose of establising annual rates oftaxation. . 1 . This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the Nillbrook First Nation 1997 Rates Bylaw. 2. Pn_rsuant to Section 11 ofthe Land Tax By-law, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" which is attached, and forms part ofthe 1997 Rates Bylaw. APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting ofthe M'illbrook First Nation held at the Millbrook Band Administration Office, 835 Willow Street, Truro, Nova Scotia, this 121 day ofAugust, 1997. AQuorum ofCouncil consists of 6 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Chief:-S, Councillor. CounciUor. Counc Councillor. Councillor: CounciUor; Councillor. .
MII.LBROOK FIRST NATION 1997 RATES BYLAW ® The Council ofthe Nllbrook First Nations hereby adopt the following taxation rates for the 1997 taxation year for the following classes of property. Class ofProperty as prescribed in Section 11 ofthe Land Tax By-law. .Schedule "A" Rate ofTax applied against each S1,000.00 of the assessed value ofthe land and improvements as determined in accordance with part V ofthe Land Tax By-Law.
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