Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

�ii: .,t: ·:r-?Jl. Minist�r of Ralations Couronne"��:�f()�=� ',�ti�' CrovvrHndigenous Ftelatiofls. Ottawa. Canal:la K 1.A OH4.

I,. Minister ofCrawn,.lndigenous Relations, HEREBYAPPROVE; purst,tanf t0 s.ectiori &3 of the lndfan. Act, the following by-law. made by the Musqu�am Indian 'Band,. in the Province of British Columbia1 ata meeting held on the 8th day cif June,·2O21.

Musqueam lndian·.Band 2021 Rates ·eylaw No� 2021-01

Dated atOttawa, O,ntario, tt,is 3v ""' day of .J 1,<,n� 2021. Hon. Carolyn.Bennett, M .. D., P-.C., MP. Canada

MUSQUEAM [ND[AN BAND BYLAWN0.2021-01 Musqueam Indian Band Rates Bylaw WHEREAS pursuant to subsection 83(1 )(a) ofthel11dian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.J-5, the council of a band may make bylaws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes ofland, or interests in land, including rights to occupy possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters rising l out of or ancillary to such purpose; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Musqueam Indian Band has duly and properly enacted the Musqueam Indian Band Property Assessment and Taxation Bylaws;

NOW BE IT THEREBY RESOLVED that the following bylaw be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Act and in particular section 83(1) for the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxation.

I. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the Musqueam Indian Band 2021 Rates Bylaw No. 2021-01.

2. Pursuant to Section 18.l of the Musqucam Indian Band Property Taxation Bylaw, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule "'A" which is attached, and fonns part of this Bylaw being rates that are the same as those applied by the City of Vancouver for properties in the City and, in the case of farm land, the same as the Corporation of Delta.

3. This By-law comes into force and effect on approval by the Minister oflndian affairs and Northern Development and replaces any prior Rates Bylaw for 2021.

THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council at a duly ca!led and conducted Council meeting conducted by videoconference on C)(n.O\ 2021, at which the required quorllm of5 Councillors' was present throughout.

A quorum of Council consists of five (5) members of Council_.:_ ,L-7/4,,, af}/1,,d,, 1 �� c:::::: 1. 7 ...- ·· Chieli:;:...)1/'ayne Sparrow t/ Councillor Rosalind Campbell

��� ·;� ---· Councillor Howard E. Grant Councillor Gordon Grant Cefuncillor Mich;fle Point Cm:i:llcillor Nora Stogan-Councillor Brent Sparrow Councillor Allyson Fraser

..�) -----------Co ­u -nciI!or Nolan Charles L

SCHEDULE "A" 2021 ANNUAL RATE SCHEDULE The Council of the Musqueam Indian Band hereby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2021 taxation year for the following classes of property.



COLUMN3 COLUMN4 Class of Property as prescribed under Schedule II Rate of tax applied against each $1000.00 of the assessed and Section 18.1 of the Musqueam Indian Band value of the land and improvements as determined in Property Taxation Bylaw. accordance with the Musqueam Indian Band Property Taxation Bylaw as amended by the Taxation Supplemented By-Laws 2006 and 2008.

Class 1 - Residential 2.9225 Class 2 - Utilities 44.21992 Class 3 Sunnortive Housine: Not Anr Ii cable Class 4 - Major Industry Not Annlicable Class 5 - Li!!ht lndustrv Not Anolicable Class 6 - Business and Other 9.96974 Class 7 - Mana!!ed Forest Land Not Annlicable Class 8 - Recreation/Non-Profit 2.62917 Class 9 - Farm 24.9871 (Delta)

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