Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

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Contenu de la décision


Lac La R·onge Indian Band

Business Regulation Law 2021-01 November 16, 2021



PART 1 PRELIMINARY MATTERS .................. ......................................................................................................... 4 1. Name .... ............................................................ .. .. .... ........ .......... .................. ............. ...................... ......... ...... 4 2. Definitions ... ... ................................ ..................... ........ ......... ..................... ................. ................ ....... .......... ... .4 2. General Interpretation ..... .... ............ .............................................................................................. ....... ........... 5 3. Specific Interpretation ...... ...................................... ... ................ ............................... .. ............................... .... .. 5 4. Severability ..................... .... ............... ..................... .. .... ........................ ................. ....................... ... ...............5 5. Application ................... ................... ........................... ................ ................. ........................... .... ................ ..... 6 PART 2 ADMINISTRATION ....................................................................................................................................... 6 6. Administration ....... ............... ........................................................... ........ ....... ........................... ..... ... ..............6 PART 3 PROHIBITIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 8 7. Prohibitions ............................ .. ................... .............. ....................................... ............................................... 8 PART 4 LICENCES ......................................................................................................... ...................... ... .................. 9 8. Licence Requirements ....................................................... ........................................................ .. ....... .......... .. 9 9. Exemptions ........... ... .............................. ....................................... .... ...... ...... ........................... ........ ..... .......... 9 10. Business Licence Application .. ... ......... .. ........... .................... .... ..... .. ............................... .... .......................... 10 11 . Business Licence Renewals, Transfers or Changes ............. ...... ........................ ........................... ............ .. 12 12. Business Licence Fees ........................ ...... ............ ... .................. .. ... ............................................................. 14 13. Business Licence Terms and Conditions ...... ....................................................................................... ..... ... 15 14. Business Licence Suspensions and Revocations .................................... .. .... ........ .......... .. ........ .......... ........ 16 Part 5 APPEALS .................................................................... ............................................. .... ................... .............. 17 15. Appeals ......... .... ........ ........... .................... .. .. .. ................... .. ................ .. ....................... ........... ........ .............. 17 PART 6 ENFORCEMENT ........ ... ........................................................................................... ............ ...................... 19 16. Practical Enforcement. ....................... .......... ................... ................................. ...... .... .. ... ........ .... ................. . 19 17. Legal Enforcement. ....................................................................... ....... ................... ...................................... 19 PART 7 IMMUNITY .............................. ... ................................................................................................................. 20 18. No Liability ..... ................................... ............ ........ ........................................................................................ 20 SCHEDULE A: PRESCRIBED FEES ........................................................................................ .... .......................... 21 SCHEDULE B: BUSINESS LICENCE ................................ ... ..................................................................................2 2 SCHEDULE C: BUSINESS LICENCE APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 23 SCHEDULE D: RENEWAL APPLICATION ........................................................................................................... 28 SCHEDULE E: CHANGE OR TRANSFER APPLICATION ....................... .................... ........................................ 29 SCHEDULE F: NOTICE OF REFUSAL ...... ................ .................................................................... ......................... 30 SCHEDULE G: NOTICE OF CONTRAVENTION AND SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ........ ................... ...... 31 SCHEDULE H: REQUEST FOR A REVIEW HEARING ............................................. ............................................ 33 SCHEDULE I: NOTICE OF REVIEW HEARING ...................................................... ............................................... 34

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law

LAC LA RONGE INDIAN BAND BUSINESS REGULATION LAW PREAMBLE Whereas Lac La Ronge Indian Band has an inherent right to self-government which emanates from our people, culture and land and which is recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982;

Whereas the Lac La Ronge Indian Band has taken over control and management of Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land and resources pursuant to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management and has enacted the Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land Code, effective September 10, 2019;

Whereas under the Land Code, Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief and Council is authorized to pass various laws relating to lands including laws relating to regulation and use of Lac La Ronge Indian Band Lands;

And Whereas Chief and Council wishes to make a law governing businesses and to implement a business licensing system to record and regulate the conduct and development of businesses on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land.

NOW THEREFORE, Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band enacts:

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law PART 1 PRELIMINARY MATTERS 1. Name 1.1 This law is called the Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law. 2. Definitions 2.1 Unless otherwise defined in this law or required by the context, words and expressions used in this law have the same meaning as they have been given in the Land Code. 2.2 In this law: "Business" means, subject to the prohibitions set out in Part 3, the carrying on of a commercial or industrial undertaking, or the provision of professional, personal, contractual or other services for financial or personal gain or profit on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land, and includes a Non-Profit Society. For clarity, this includes advertising an open business, holding an authorized franchise licence, or dealing, buying, selling, bartering, renting, soliciting, promoting, or advertising any commodity, service, or use of residential or commercial space on anyone's behalf; "Business Licence" means a valid licence to carry on Business within Lac La Range Indian Band Lands issued under this law in the prescribed form; "Lands & Resources Department" means that office which provides, among other duties, administrative support to the Land Code Advisory Committee and the Traditional Lands and Resources Advisory Committee and is responsible for managing Lac La Ronge Indian Band Lands under the Land Code; for the purposes of this law, any delegate of the Lands & Resources Department must be a staff member, such as the Reserve Lands Manager; "Fire Inspection" means any written inspection report conducted by a qualified individual or company able to assess the fire hazards of the lands or Premises, which must contain required mitigation requirements of any potential fire hazards "Non-Profit Society" means a charitable society or organization that is incorporated and in good standing under the Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995, N-4.2, as amended from

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law "Person" means any natural person, but for the purposes of this law, also includes any corporate or government entity. 2. General Interpretation 2.1 In this law: (1) Headings and subheadings are for convenience only, do not form part of this law, and in no way define, limit, alter, or enlarge the scope or meaning of any provision of this law; (2) Unless the context requires otherwise, the use of the singular is to be construed as including the plural and vice versa ; (3) Unless the context requires otherwise, a reference to one gender includes reference to all other genders; (4) "Must" is to be construed as imperative; (5) The words "include", "includes", "including", "exclude", "excludes", and "excluding" are to be read as if they are followed by the phrase "without limitation"; and (6) A reference to an enactment includes every amendment to it, every subordinate enactment-including laws, by-laws, and regulations-made under it, and any replacement enactment. 2.2 If there is an inconsistency or conflict between this law and the Land Code, the Land Code prevails to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict. 2.3 This law must be interpreted in a fair, large, and liberal manner and in accordance with the Land Code. 3. Specific Interpretation 3.1 A Person will be deemed to be carrying on a Business within or on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land on a case-by-case basis, based on-but not limited to-whether any of the factors defining a Business in this law exist.

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law 5. Application 5.1 This law applies to the whole area of Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land. 5.2 Where any other enactment, including a law, by-law, or regulation, of Canada or Lac La Ronge Indian Band applies to any matter covered by this law, compliance with this law does not relieve any person from also needing to comply with the provisions of other applicable enactments. PART2 ADMINISTRATION 6. Administration

Council delegates authority 6.1 The Land Code Advisory Committee and the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate are expressly appointed by Council to administer this law.

Specific scope of authority 6.2 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate is authorized to: (1) create the form of applications, Business Licences, orders, and notices except to the extent that they are specifically prescribed by this law; (2) receive and review applications for Business Licences in order to make a recommendation to the Land Code Advisory Committee on whether to issue or refuse to issue a Business Licence; (3) receive, review, and approve applications for renewed, changed , or transferred Business Licences, and issue new Business Licences following approval, unless a substantial change in conditions requires the Land Code Advisory Committee to review the application; (4) issue orders and notices, in accordance with this law; (5) establish whether the methods or types of construction and types of materials

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law (7) order and allow the correction of any work that is being done or has been done in contravention of this law; and (8) enter a parcel of land or a Premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of ascertaining that this law is being observed and must: (a) where entering a residence that is occupied, obtain the consent of the occupant, or provide written notice to the occupant 24 hours in advance of entry; and (b) carry proper credentials to confirm their authority to administer this law. 6.3 The Land Code Advisory Committee is authorized to issue, or refuse to issue, new, renewed, changed, or transferred Business Licences, after considering recommendation by the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, as long as in the case of a refusal, it is: (1) reasonable; (2) provided to the applicant in the prescribed form as set out in Schedule F; and (3) accompanied by written reasons. Considerations 6.4 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, and the Land Code Advisory Committee, may consider any of the following in recommending or making a decision regarding an application for issuing a new, renewed, changed, or transferred Business Licence: (1) The completeness and accuracy of information in the application; (2) Any health, safety, sanitation, or environmental risks or requirements associated with the proposed Business activities; (3) Any risks to Lac La Ronge Indian Band's traditional, cultural, or spiritual values; (4) Building regulations;

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law (9) Adherence to Lac La Ronge Indian Band's other laws, policies or plans; (10) The applicant's compliance with previously issued Business Licences or other laws; and (11) Such other matters that the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate or the Land Code Advisory Committee deems applicable to the specific Business. PART3 PROHIBITIONS 7. Prohibitions Prohibition against unlicensed Business activities and locations 7.1 Unless otherwise exempted by this Law, it is prohibited for a Person to: (1) carry on a Business on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land without a valid Business Licence issued for that Business. (2) carry on Business at a Premises different than that listed in the valid Business Licence issued for that Business. (3) transfer, give, lend, sell, or otherwise grant any interest in a Business Licence to any other Person other than in accordance with the transfer provisions in this law at section 11.6. Prohibition against specific Business activities and locations 7.2 The following are expressly prohibited on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land: (1) adult entertainment stores, meaning Premises where sexual material or paraphernalia is offered for sale, or adult films are available for viewing, sale, or rent; (2) adult movie theatres, meaning a theatre where adult or restricted films are shown; (3) construction, sale, or trade of weapons or items designed to cause harm, unless

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law PART4 LICENCES 8. Licence Requirements

Licence required 8.1 Unless specifically exempted by this law, any Person who owns or operates any Business within or on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land must apply for, obtain, hold, and follow the terms and conditions of a valid Business Licence, in the prescribed form set out at Schedule B. Separate Premises deemed separate Businesses 8.2 Any Person who operates a Business from more than one Premises within Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land must obtain a separate Business Licence for each. Mobile Businesses 8.3 For clarity, any Person who operates a Business within or on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land, but not from a Premises, still requires a Business Licence. 8.4 Notwithstanding section 8.2, the Land Code Advisory Committee may, on a case-by-case basis, issue a single Business Licence to a mobile Business operating on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land. Licence is additional legal requirement 8.5 Every person who operates a Business on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land must comply with all the applicable laws of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and all applicable laws, rules, codes, regulations, and orders of all federal or provincial authorities having jurisdiction over such Business. 8.6 A Business Licence has limited effect, meaning that it is not a representation or warranty that the licenced Business, its operation , or the corresponding Premises complies with all applicable laws, regulations, or standards.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law Exempted activities 9.2 Despite the rest of this law, no Business Licence is required for any of the following activities carried out on Lac La Range Indian Band Land, as long as they follow other applicable laws and meet any applicable health, safety and environmental laws, regulations or standards: (1) door-to-door sale of newspapers published in Canada; (2) public schools; (3) teaching music, crafts, art, or cultural or language activities to small groups out of the home; (4) garage or yard sales held by Members or occupants of Lac La Range Indian Band Land; (5) sale of carvings, crafts, or artwork by Members; (6) sale of small-batch baked goods or food, such as in a canteen ; (7) small scale, non-commercial, periodic fundraising events by Members, organizations, or occupants of Lac La Range Indian Band Land; and (8) small scale, home-based activities by Members or occupants of Lac La Range Indian Band Land, such as Avon or Tupperware.

Waiver 9.3 For certainty, notwithstanding that the activities in section 9.2 do not require a Business Licence, no claims may be brought against Lac La Range Indian Band, its employees, Members, officers, representatives, or Chief and Council in relation to such activities or the Premises in which they are carried out. 10. Business Licence Application


Lac La Ronqe Indian Band Business Regulation Law (1) contact information (telephone number, mailing address, and email) for the applicant, Business owner (if different from the applicant), and other key people involved in the Business; (2) name, address, phone number, incorporation number, nature, and location of the Business; (3) an acknowledgement that the Business Licence does not provide authorizations for land use or other matters, and that other permits or authorizations may be required; (4) a release and waiver signed by a duly authorized agent of the Business, releasing and indemnifying Lac La Ronge Indian Band against any claims in relation to the Business or Premises for which the Business Licence is being sought; and (5) the applicable Business Licence fee as prescribed. 10.4 Where applicable, an application must also contain at least the following: (1) proof of personal, professional, or commercial liability insurance coverage; (2) detailed information on the Premises in which the Business will be carried out in , including: (a) address; (b) legal description; (c) square footage information; (d) a floor plan; (e) accessibility information; (f) the proposed parking area for the required number of parking spaces; (g) information on permitted uses of the Premises (including zoning, development, subdivision, strata and land use requirements);

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law (k) if necessary, a letter of assurance from an engineer or architect indicating that the Premises, if it is a building or structure, can be used safely for its intended use; and (I) if necessary, proof of insurance coverage for the Premises; (3) a copy of all necessary certificates from federal, provincial or municipal government authorities, or other regulatory bodies, including, fo r example: (a) a health certificate from the appropriate health inspector; (b) if the applicant belongs to a regulated profession, a copy of the applicant's professional licence and proof of any professional insurance coverage; and (c) proof of other licencing for the specific Business activities, including, for example, for the sale or distribution of liquor, proof of licensing under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997, or for a daycare, proof of licensing under the Child Care Act, 2014. 11 . Business Licence Renewals, Transfers or Changes

Timelines 11 .1 A Business Licence holder may apply to renew a Business Licence each year on or before March 15 th of that year. 11.2 A Business Licence holder may apply to change any conditions on the Business Licence at any point before its expiry. 11.3 A Business Licence holder must endeavor to apply to change the Premises on the Business Licence before the Premises where the Business is carried out from changes, but in any case, no later than five (5) days after the Premises changes. 11.4 Any Person who purchases a Business or the controlling interest in a Business of any other Person holding a Business Licence and who desires to continue this Business must apply for a transfer within thirty (30) days of the purchase.

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law (2) Pay the prescribed Business Licence renewal fee to the Lands & Resources Department. Transfer or change process 11.6 To apply for a change of the Premises listed on the Business Licence or the Person the Business Licence is issued to, Business Licence holder must: (1) Submit the prescribed change or transfer application set out at Schedule E to the Lands & Resources Department; and (2) Pay the prescribed Business Licence change or transfer fee , as applicable, to the Lands & Resources Department. Decision 11 . 7 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate will approve the renewal , transfer, or change request following receipt of the form and fee in sections 11 .5 or 11.6, and will issue a new Business Licence, which may include new terms and conditions. 11 .8 For clarity, the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate may consider any of the factors outlined in section 6.4 in deciding to set new terms and conditions to any approval of an application to renew, change, or transfer a Business Licence. 11.9 Notwithstanding section 11 .7, if new conditions arise which, in the opinion of the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, require fresh review of the renewal , change, or transfer request by the Land Code Advisory Committee, the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate: (1) must provide notice in writing to the applicant that the renewal, change, or transfer request requires review by the Land Code Advisory Committee, and provide the reasons; (2) must provide the timeline for such review; and

(3) may request any further information needed to facilitate the review. 11.1 O The Land Code Advisory Committee may approve or deny any renewal, change, or

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law (1) the Business Licence will be terminated; (2) applicable fines may be applied; and (3) Lac La Ronge Indian Band may post a notice of the Business Licence termination at the applicable Premises and on the Lac La Ronge Indian Band website. 11 .12 The holder or anticipated holder of the terminated Business Licence must apply for and obtain a new Business Licence in accordance with section 10 before it may recommence any of its Business activities. 12. Business Licence Fees Council may establish prescribed fees 12.1 Council may establish or approve fees in relation to this law, payable to Lac La Ronge Indian Band. 12.2 Council prescribes the fees as set out in Schedule A to this law. Fees 12.3 For clarity, every application for a Business Licence, whether new, renewed, changed or transferred, must include the prescribed fee. Fee waived 12.4 Notwithstanding subsection 10.3(5), section 12.3, and the prescribed fees set out in Schedule A, no fee is required to apply for a Business Licence where a Business is a Non-Profit Society registered as a charity under the federal Income Tax Act. Fee halved 12.5 Notwithstanding the prescribed fees set out in Schedule A, the fee must be reduced by one-half in respect of any Business Licence issued after October 1 st in any year. Fee refunded

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law 13. Business Licence Terms and Conditions

Duration 13.1 A Business Licence must be issued annually for a twelve (12) month period starting on April 1st and ending on March 31 st of the following year, unless the dates are differently stated on the Business Licence, according to exceptions in this law. Partial duration 13.2 Notwithstanding section 13.1 , where an application for a Business Licence is made after April 1 st , a Business Licence may still be issued for a partial term but must still end on the following March 31 st . Specific or seasonal duration 13.3 A Business Licence may be issued to a Person who intends to carry on Business on a temporary or seasonal basis of less than a year if the dates of the temporary or seasonal duration are specifically listed on the Business Licence. Visible posting or carrying 13.4 A Person carrying on a Business must post the Business Licence visibly at the Premises listed on it or carry the Business Licence with them at all times, if conducting a mobile Business. Access 13.5 Every Business Licence deems to grant access to the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate to conduct any inspection and enforcement of the Business or Premises in relation to this law. Other terms and conditions 13.6 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, or the Land Code Advisory Committee, may impose other terms and conditions in relation to hours of operation or occupant load, which must be included on the Business Licence.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law 14. Business Licence Suspensions and Revocations

Right to suspend or revoke 14.1 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate may suspend or revoke a Business Licence for reasonable cause after giving notice and offering an opportunity to be heard to the Business Licence holder, unless that Person cannot be found. 14.2 For certainty, reasonable cause to suspend or revoke a Business Licence would arise if the Business Licence holder: (1) has made a false declaration or has misrepresented or concealed a material fact with respect to the application for a Business Licence;







is convicted of an indictable offence which, in the opinion of the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, directly relates to the conduct of the Business; is convicted of an offence under any law in respect of the Business for which the holder is licenced or with respect to the Premises to which the Business Licence applies; has, in the opinion of the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, been guilty of such misconduct in respect of the Business or in respect to the Premises to which the Business Licence applies to warrant the suspension or revocation of the holder's Business Licence; has ceased to meet any lawful requirements necessary to carry on the Business for which the holder is licenced or in respect to the Premises to which the Licence applies; has, in the opinion of the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, conducted Business in a manner that may be harmful or dangerous to the health or safety of an individual actually or apparently under the age of eighteen (18) years; has refused to provide to Persons entitled to receive an exemption for the

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law applicable law, or neglected or refrained from doing anything required under the provisions of this law. Suspension or revocation process 14.3 The suspension or revocation of a Business Licence by the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate must be made in the prescribed form as set out at Schedule G and served on the person holding such Business Licence or delivered by registered mail to the address listed on the Business Licence. Notice 14.4 The Lands & Resources Department must post a notice of a suspension or revocation made pursuant to section 14.3 on the Premises for which the Business Licence was issued and this notice must not be removed until: (1) the holder of the suspended or revoked Business Licence ceases to occupy the Premises covered by such Business Licence; (2) a new Business is licenced for the Premises in accordance with this law; (3) twelve (12) months have passed since the applicable Business Licence was suspended or revoked; or (4) for notices of suspension only, the Business Licence is reinstated. Reinstation 14.5 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate must specify any terms or conditions for the reinstatement of a Business Licence holder's suspended Business Licence. 14.6 A Business License that has been suspended may be reinstated when the suspension conditions of the Business Licence have been satisfied in the opinion of the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, and after the holder of the Business Licence has paid the prescribed fee for reinstatement. Part 5 APPEALS

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law (1) if the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate suspends or revokes a Business Licence; (2) if the Land Code Advisory Committee has refused to grant a Business Licence, whether new, renewed , changed, or transferred ; or (3) if either the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, or the Land Code Advisory Committee, has imposed a term or condition on the Business Licence or for the reinstatement of a suspended Business Licence that the applicant or Business Licence holder considers is unreasonable. Timeline of appeal 15.2 The applicant must apply to Council for reconsideration within thirty (30) days of the decision. 15.3 Council must respond to the applicant with a date for the hearing of the appeal in the prescribed form, as set out in Schedule I. Content of appeal 15.4 A request for reconsideration made in accordance with section 15.2 must be in the prescribed form, as set out in Schedule H, and must include sufficient information to enable Council to properly consider the appeal. 15.5 The applicant must pay the prescribed fee payable on request for a hearing. Process of reconsideration 15.6 Council must consider the appeal at its next Council meeting. 15.7 Both the applicant and the original decision maker (the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, or the Land Code Advisory Committee) have the right to be heard when the appeal is being considered by Council. Result of reconsideration 15.8 After reconsideration , Council may either agree with, reverse, or modify the applicable

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law Continuation of business activities 15.12 For clarity, Business activities that are permitted under a Business Licence that is subject to a decision being appealed may continue during the appeal period. PARTS ENFORCEMENT 16. Practical Enforcement

General 16.1 No Person may obstruct, interfere with or hinder Council , the Land Code Advisory Committee, the Lands & Resources Department or its delegate, or any authorized employee, officer, or agent in the carrying out of their duties and responsibilities under this law. Right of Access 16.2 The Reserve Lands Manager, or that person's delegate, is hereby authorized and empowered to enter upon any Premises listed on a Business Licence, between the hours of 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, or to authorize entry by Lac La Ronge Indian Band security personnel, the RCMP, or the Lac La Ronge Regional Fire Chief, to ascertain whether the provisions of this law are being adhered to. 16.3 Holders of any registered Interest in Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land must give the individual or individuals outlined in section 16.2 access to that land as reasonably necessary to enforce this law. Orders 16.4 The Lands & Resources Department or its delegate may: (4) order any Person who requires a Business Permit under this law but who has not received a Business Permit to stop carrying out Business; or (5) order that a Premises, or a portion of it, be closed until there is a Business Permit in place for that Premises.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law (2) fails to comply with any of the provisions of this law, or any other applicable law; or (3) neglects or refrains from doing anything required under the provisions of this law, is deemed to have committed an offence under this law and is liable to a fine or imprisonment, or to both a fine and imprisonment, not exceeding the maximum allowed under the Land Code and any other applicable Lac La Ronge Indian Band laws, and each day such violation is caused or allowed to continue constitutes a separate offence. PART7 IMMUNITY 18. No Liability 18.1 The provisions in the Land Code at section 39.1 apply. 18.2 For certainty, neither the granting or refusal of a Business Licence is evidence that a Business, Premises, or any associated approvals are valid or legal or creates any liability on behalf of Lac La Ronge Indian Band. BE IT KNOWN that this law entitled Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law is hereby enacted by a quorum of Council at a duly convened Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, open to Members and held on Nov. 16, 20;),J_ and comes into force and effect on the I~_ day of ~ v&nber , 20~1.

Chief Tamdiy Miriam Cook-Searson

Councillor Jimmy Bryce Charles Councillor Linda Ann Mary Charles

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law SCHEDULE A: PRESCRIBED FEES

Fee On application for an annual Business Licence On application for an annual Business Licence after October 1 st On late application for renewal of an annual Business Licence after March 15 th On application to transfer an existing Business Licence to a different Person On application to change the Premises listed on an existing Business Licence indicating where a Business may be carried out On application to change any other terms or conditions specific to an existing Business Licence which require assessment or discretion On application to change administrative elements on an existing Business Licence (business name, business trade name) On request for a hearing (refundable if appeal found in favour of applicant's position) On request for reinstatement of a Business Licence after suspension For a replacement copy of a Business Licence

Amount $150.00 $75.00







$150.00 $5.00

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law SCHEDULE B: BUSINESS LICENCE

Lac La Ronge Indian Band PO Box 480, La Ronge, Saskatchewan S0J 1L O Phone: (306) 425-2183 Fax (306) 425-2170 BUSINESS LICENSE

License Number: -------

_ or occupation located on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land for the period commencing _ issued with the following additional conditions, as noted below: 1 /. 2/. 3/. This license has been issued with no additional conditions attached to this license.

____ ____ _____ , 20_ _ , and expiring on ___

_ _

___ is hereby authorized to conduct business, calling, trade _ _ ___, 20_ . This license has been

(Name of Business) (Civic address of the Business)

(Signature of the Lac La Ronge (Signature of the applicant) Indian Band Official)


Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law











Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law MAILING ADDRESS:




F. PREMISES (IF APPLICABLE) If the proposed Business will not be carried out from a Premises, skip and proceed to G.




Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law



1. Is there a floor plan for the Premises? If YES, please attach a copy of the floor plan 2. Has a Fire Inspection been completed? If YES, please attach a copy of the Inspection Report. 3. Is the Premises currently under construction or renovation? 4. Do you have insurance coverage for the Premises? If YES, please attach proof of insurance coverage

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

G. OTHER INFORMATION: 5. Have you previously had a business license from the Lac La Ronge Indian Yes Band? If YES, please provide the license number: ______ 6. Are you presently registered with the federal government or a self-regulating Yes No professional body with respect to the conduct of your business? If YES, please provide proof and give details below:

7. Are you bonded? If YES, please provide proof and give details below:


Yes No

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law

9. Is the business incorporated federally or provincially? If YES, please provide required details:

1 O. ls the business administered by a partnership? If YES, please provide required details:

Yes No

Yes No



11. Food/Liquor Services Only: Licence Required? If YES, please provide the license number: ________ If YES, please also attach a copy of the Health Inspection Report. H. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED ITEMS AND DOCUMENTATION: You must submit the following in support of your Business Licence Application: Applicable Business Licence fee, as prescribed in Schedule A of the Lac La Ronge Indian Business Regulation Law. Where applicable, you must also remit the following in support of your Business Licence Application: Further detailed information on the Premises in which the Business will be carried out in, including: o information on permitted uses of the Premises (including zoning, development, subdivision, strata and land use requirements) ; o proof of compliance with any other legal requirements; o if necessary and requested by the Lands Committee, a letter of authorization from the holder of an allocation or Interest in the Land for which the Business will be operated from, if the applicant is not the allocation or Interest holder; o if necessary, a letter of assurance from an engineer or architect indicating that the Premises, if it is a building or structure, can be used safely for its intended use; and

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law o proof of other licencing for the specific Business activities, including, for example, for the sale or distribution of liquor, proof of licensing under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997, or for a daycare, proof of licensing under the Child Care Act, 2014. I. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: By signing and submitting this application, I understand and agree that: 1. The Business Licence does not provide authorizations for land use or other matters, and other permits or authorizations may be required; and 2. I am authorized to act as agent of the Business named in this application, and release and indemnify Lac La Ronge Indian Band against any claims in relation to the Business or Premises for which the Business Licence is being sought. I NAME: I SIGNATURE:


DATE FEE PAID AMOUNT PAID $ METHOD OF PAYMENT: Fee waived Fee Halved Business Type:

Lease/sub-lease Number:

APPROVALS: Building Inspector: Health Department: Liquor Control Branch: Date of approval: Signature:


Business Licence number assigned to this application: Licence number if applicant licenced under a regulated profession:

Copy of lease or sub-lease provided:

Zoning: Use is permitted: Accessibility plan or report provided:

Fire Department: Lands & Resources Department: Environmental Health Inspection: Reviewed Bv:


Business License Number:

RE: (name of Business and location of the Business)

- -----

In signing, I _____________ warrant that the named Business and the listed Premises are in compliance with all the terms and conditions of my current Business Licence, and that I have read, or had explained to me, the content of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law, and am in compliance with the law and all other applicable laws and regulations that are applicable to my Business and the Premises where it is located. Dated this _ _ day of _____ __, 20_.

Signature of applicant Please provide to the Lands & Resources Department any updated information that may have changed since you submitted your business licence application (i.e., change of contact information, key people, updated proof of insurance) alongside the prescribed fee for an annual business licence by March 15 th LANDS & RESOURCES DEPARTMENT USE ONLY:



Business License Number: _____

RE: (name of Business and location of the Business)

I request to change the location of the Premises listed on my Business Licence, to --------------------------, as of (location of the Business)

(date) I request to change the listed holder of my Business Licence, to __________________________, as of (name and contact information of transferee)


Dated this __ day of _______, 20_.

Signature of applicant Signature of transferee (if applicable) Please submit this application with the prescribed fee to the Lands & Resources Department; a representative will be in touch requesting any specific information needed to process the application.

Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law SCHEDULE F: NOTICE OF REFUSAL NOTICE OF REFUSAL Business License Number, if applicable: ____ _

TO: (name of the applicant)

(address of the applicant)

RE: (name of Business and location of the Business)

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Lac La Range Indian Band Business Regulation Law, as amended from time to time, your application to: (Check only one) 1/. _ apply for a new Business License has been refused. 2/. renew a Business License has been refused. 3/. _ transfer your Business Licence has been refused. 4/. _ change the Premises listed on your Business Licence has been refused. 4/. _ change a term or condition listed on your Business Licence has been refused.

AND TAKE NOTICE that the reasons for this decision are attached. AND TAKE NOTICE that you have 30 days from the date of this Notice within which you may apply for a review by Council, by completing the Request for a Review Hearing form (attached) and paying the prescribed fee to the Lands & Resources Department.


Business License Number: --------TO: (name of the applicant)

(address of the applicant)

RE: (name of Business and location of the Business)

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Lac La Range Business Regulation Law, as amended from time to time, a site inspection of your business was conducted on the ___ day of ______ , 20_ to ensure that your business operation follows the requirements of your Business License and Lac La Ronge Indian Band laws, policies, and plans. The following contravention(s) was/were encountered during this site inspection: 1/ . 2/. 3/. 4/. or the following information has come to the attention of the Lands & Resources Department: 1/ . 2/. 3/. 4/.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law TAKE NOTICE that this decision takes place immediately, and as such, you must cease your business operations on Lac La Ronge Indian Band Land. You have 30 days from the date of this Notice within which you may apply for a review by Council, by completing the Request for a Review Hearing form (attached) and paying the prescribed fee to the Lands & Resources Department; TAKE NOTICE that if you file a Request for a Review Hearing, you will be notified in writing of the time, date and location of the hearing; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that if your Business Licence has been suspended, you may request reinstatement of the Business Licence upon satisfaction of the conditions, by written application to the Lands & Resources Department, and paying the prescribed fee to the Lands & Resources Department. Dated at _______, this _ ___ day of ___ ___, 20_ .

Reserve Lands Manger

This notice must be posted on the Business Premises so the public can view this notice, and must not be removed until authorized by the Reserve Lands Manager.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law SCHEDULE H: REQUEST FOR A REVIEW HEARING REQUEST FOR A REVIEW HEARING Business License Number, if applicable: _______

TO: The Lac La Range Indian Band Council c/o of the Reserve Lands Manager PURSUANT to the Lac La Ronge Business Regulation Law, as amended from time to time, I hereby appeal the decision as outlined in the Notice of Refusal or in the Notice of Contravention and Suspension or Revocation, dated the __ day of _____, 20_ and signed by the Reserve Lands Manager (or that person's delegate). I am appealing this decision on the following grounds: 1/ . 2/. 3/. 4/.

Dated this __ day of ______, 20_.

(Printed name of the applicant) (Signature of the applicant)

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Business Regulation Law -~ SCHEDULE I: .. NOTICE OF REVIEW HEARING ~ NOTICE OF REVIEW HEARING Business License Number, if applicable: _____ _

TO: (Name of the Applicant)

(Address of the Applicant)

RE: (name of Business and location of the Business)

PURSUANT to the Lac La Range Business Regulation Law, as amended from time to time, Council will hear your Request for a Review Hearing submission dated the __ day of ___ 20_; AND TAKE NOTICE that this Review Hearing will be held at __( am/pm) on the __ day of ______, 20_ , at the following location:

Dated this __ day of _______, 20_.

Reserve Lands Manger

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