Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

·~ Minister of CroY.ff-lndlgenous ReJ'atioml. HEREBY APPROVE, pureuant ~-se~cm 83 ofth& /ndiatJA~, tre foltowing by-Jaw ro~e by1;he-Nfcomen· h'ld!an Band, Jn the,.. of Brttlsh Coh.ll'nb.is1 at.a ·mmr.g hel,d OD the 23~ day .of Se¢sr'nbei' ·2~1~

Nlcorrltn ln,~ifli1 Bailll Annual Expenditure, 2021

Daleo at Ottawa, Ontario,, this 2 day af

0<Z.C.0vvi DU\. 2021.

Canadt,t,f; . . a


WHEREAS: A. P.ursµant fo section 83 of the Indian ihe· cO\.l11cil of a Fit-st Nation inay' make by-laws respecting taXatfon for local p).UjJoses of lands, resefve Jands or rights to occupy; ·possess,:of use-reserve Jan,dS including by-la_ws authorizing the.e?(pendi_tu,re·oflbcal revenues; B. The Cou~ci.l oft~e Nic'Dmpu First Nation,has enacted this 'By-law pur~uant to the proVJsiohS_ of the hulian Act and. in pa1'ficular sripsections 83(1) aod (2) thereof, for ·the pmpbse of authodzing expenc!Hures to be made. but ofprope:i:.ty tax revenue.

NOW THEREFORE, tile Council of the Nicome,, lndfanIJand duly enacl,a$ follo,ws:

I. This-By~Iaw inafl?e cited as· Nic.o_menlndian-1Jand Annual Exp·enditure .By-law, 2021. i. In this By-faw: '~Act"-m.eans the IiuiianAct, R.s:.c; 19&'5, c. 1-5, and the regulations made und,er that ACt; "Annual Briclgcit" ll).eai;is budget ;::etting put the projectei local ·revenues and projected c~penditures of those local revenues dlll'int the"get year; "Ban4•· J.J;leE_Uls·'lµe Nicomen.J,ndiap."Band; "'Band :Cou·nci{.ot Councff'-has the·.rileaning given to Jhat.tem;i. within the meroiirig of subsection. 2(1) c;,fthe.India.n·elected by the Band,Members fi:6m time to time pursuant to the cuStom of th.e Band;· ·••First Natipn?• means·l:he NicOmen-Irtdian Band; being a _band under the Ac.t;

11 10-Cal.Revenues" m~ans money raised by the First Nation.under ·a ptoperty taxatlbn by-Jaw;. ~·Taxable- Property" means, property in a, r.~erve 'that is .subject to \axatip.p. under a pr.op.erty ~~!=;smentby-law ani taxation by-law;, and "Taxatidn'By-law'' means the Nicomen FlrstNati9n}1 roperty Taxation By-law, 3. '];'he· First Nation's annual budget fur tbe•fiscai y~ar beginnin~,J)muary 1, 2021 and e.rrding 'I)ecember 31, ·2021 is attaqhed 8.s. Schedul~ A to this By~law. 4. This 'By-law-authorizes the·expendi,tllfe_s provideP fdt _i:~1,the annual bu.d~et. s: The: grant amounts set· out in the annual budget, are heie~y apptovea a~: expeUclitqres .in accordance wi~h th~ Taxation ~y~law. 6: This By-law authbl'izes the eKP¢nditure o:fContin,gci:my amouD;ts as necessary within any- of the c.atego'.fies. of exp~ditures. set o.ut in the Schedule, 7, .Expefiditui:e!;' ofioCal revem,1~ must b(made only in_accordanoe. with tfre_ahnual budget K Notwithstanding Section 7 of this-By-law,,-.cCnmcil may at any time amend the a_nnual Blldget by ·amending this By~law ih 9:ccordan~ with Council Procedure and. the-.requireinents of the, Act 9. Except Wlu~re oth~rwis~ defined~ words and expressions used in this By. . law haV.e the meanings ./l;i:v:en to them in the Property As's¢ssment ari9 Taxation. By-law.


Expenditure By-law continue ....

10. Where a provision in this By-law is expressed in the present tense, the provision applies to the circumstances as they arise. 11. This By-law must be construed as being remedial and must be given such fair, large and Ii beral construction and interpretation as best ensures the attainment of its objectives. 12. The Schedule attached to this By-law forms pait of and is an integral part of this By-law. 13. This By-law comes into force and effect upon the approval of the Minister of Crown Indigenous-Relations. THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council, on the ~ day of ~ft• 2021, at the Nicomen Indian Band Office, in the Province of British Columbia.

A quorum of Council consists of 3 members of Council. _____ _C_~ _, 1 Donna Aljarn

Councillor Aaron Justice

Page 2 of 3 Arlene Edwards

Expenditure cc.ntinue ..••.


R... EVENU. . Pcqperty r~ ~vi~. lii,te~sts & Pen~lUe.s for CurreQ.t.fl~GaJ


GeneraJ•Govemtnent Services Protective 'Setvid~s TranSp.orfation R.ecreation:and CulturaJ Servfoes Community Devefoplllent Environni~ntalriealth Seivices Fi~al S_etvices _ T~~ for Otl.ier Qov.emrnents .Other Expe.nditures· ,Permitted Property Assessment Imd Taxation By,,.law-Expertditures ·Munid~ S~rvfoesA_gre·ements


P~g_e 3 of 3

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$-$ -6,r22.oo $ .'$_ $ ·$ :$ J 325J10 ] .6.,4 4• .. 7 ·· .00 s 0,00

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