Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des . Minister of Relations Couronne-Autochtones Crown-Indigenous Relations Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4

I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Westbank First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on October 3, 2022.

Westbank First Nation IR No.09 and No.10 Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project Capital Expenditure By-law No. 22-TX-04

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this


day of



Hon. Marc Miller, P.C., M.P.



To authorize the expenditure of a maximum of One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Two Dollars and Twenty Eight Cents ($126,732.28) from money raised pursuant to section 83(1) of the Indian Act, for the purpose of completing the Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project within the Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No.09 and No.10.


A. Pursuant to Section 83(1) of the Indian Act and the Westbank First Nation's inherent right of self-government, the Westbank First Nation has enacted the Westbank First Nation Property Taxation By-law, 95-TX-08 (the "Taxation By-law");

B. In accordance with section 12(3)(m) of the Taxation By-law, the Westbank First Nation annually deposits Ten (10%) percent of annual gross taxes in an income contingency fund (the "Contingency Fund") to be used from time to time for such capital projects as may be authorized by separate by-law;

C. In accordance with section 4.4 of the WFN Expenditure By-law 1995, all surplus monies remaining in the Taxation Fund at the end of the Fiscal Year specified in the Expenditure By-law Annual Budget Schedule may be transferred into the Stabilization Fund, and may be applied towards the operation and administration costs for the next Fiscal Year, overruns on existing Capital projects or for any other contingencies, (the "Stabilization Fund");

D. Westbank First Nation deems it desirable and in the best interest of the community members to advance funds to complete the Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project on Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No.09 and No.10.

E. The Westbank First Nation has concluded the total cost of Development Services Purchase of the on Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No.09 and No.10 to be not more than One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Two Dollars and Twenty Eight Cents $126,732.28 as outlined in Schedule "A" to this By-law.

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Westbank First Nation hereby enacts the following by­ law;



This By-law may be cited for all purposes as the IR No.09 and No.10 Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project Capital Expenditure By­ law No. 22-TX-04.




The Westbank First Nation hereby acknowledges that it is in the best interests of all community and band members of the Westbank First Nation to proceed with the Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project as summarized in Schedule "A" to this By-law.

The Westbank First Nation hereby approves the expenditure of not more than One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Two Dollars and Twenty Eight Cents ($126,732.28) from the Contingency Fund for the purposes of Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project (the "Project Funds").

4. The Westbank First Nation also authorizes the expenditure of all or a portion of the Project Funds to acquire all such lands, easements, rights-of-way, licences, permits, rights and authorities as may be required or desirable for or in connection with the IR No.09 and No.IO Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project.

5. Any of the Project Funds not expended on the IR No.09 No.10 Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project or incidental costs related thereto, will be reimbursed to and deposited in the Contingency' Fund upon completion of the IR No.09 and No.I O Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project.



This ByMlaw comes into full force and effect upon approval by the Minister of Indigenous Affairs and Northem Development Canada.


That this ByMiaw, entitled the "IR No.09 and No.10 Development Services Leases Pul'chase Project By"law No.22MT X--04" has been read for the first, second (if required), third and final time by the Council of the WestbankFirstNation at duly convened council meetings.

' I I Read a fil•st time by the Council ofWestbank First Nation at a duly convened meeting held on the 06 u1 day of September 2022.

Exempt from a second reading pursuant to section 60.9 of the Westbank First Nation Constitution.

Read a third time, and enacted as a WestbankLaw, by Council of the WestbankFirstNation at a duly convened meeting held on the 3 rd day of October 2022.

Chief Robert Louie

Councillor Andrea P11 exander . l(t__,, .. foe,,c Cou11:?illor Angie Derl'ickson

Councillor Sal'a Tl'onson


BUDGET FOR IR No.09 and No.10 Development Services Vehicle Leases Purchase Project 22-TX-04

2018 Toyota Tundra 4 X 4 Vin# 5TFUY5F18JX712529 (Purchase Youth Centre)

2019 Ford Fl50 Supercrew Cab LWB 4WD Vin# 1FTFW1E53KKF05542 (Purchase Law Enforcement)

2018 Toyota Tundra 4X4 Vin# 5TFUY5Fl 7JX725823 (Purchase Public Works)

2022 GM Vin# 1GC1KUEY8JF244935 (Purchase Public Works)

2022 GM Vin# 1GC1KUEY9JF243924 (Purchase Public Works)

Contingency fee (5%) Total Cost

( 100%) of total cost

COST FUNDING SOURCE WFNLocal Government Services $ 22,330.42 WFN Contingency Reserve Fund





6,034.87 WFN Contingency $126,732.28 Reserve Fund

WFN Contingency $126,732.28 Reserve Fund

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