Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Relations Couronne-Autochtones


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Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4

I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Loon River First Nation, in the Province of Alberta, at a meeting held on April 14, 2023.

Loon River First Nation Rates By-law 2023

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this j q day of


Hon. Marc Miller, P.C., M.P.



Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada

Chronological no. consécutif

File feference no. - de référence du dossier 20230414-01

BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words “from our Band Funds” “capital” or “revenue”, whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mots “des fonds de notre bande” “capital” ou “revenu” selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à mëme les fonds des bandes.

The council of

Loon River First Nation # 476

Date of duly convened meeting Date de l’assemblée dument convoquée

April 14, 2023

Province Alberta

Cash free balance Solde disponible

Capital account

Revenue account

Whereas pursuant to the Indian Act, R.S.C 1985, and specifically paragraph 83(1)(a) of the Indian Act, 1985, c.1-5, the Council of a band may make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters arising out of or ancillary to such purpose;

And Whereas the Council of the Loon River First Nation (also known as the Loon River Band) enacted the Loon River First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation By-law on June 26, 2007 and approved by the Minister on January 16, 2008;

Now be it Hereby Resolved That the following by-law be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Act, and in particular section 83(1) for the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxation.

1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the Loon River First Nation Rates By-law 2023. 2. Pursuant to Section 11 of the Loon River First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation By-Law, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule “A” which is attached, and forms part of the 2023 Rates By-Law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly elected Chief and Councillors of the Loon River First Nation hereby pass this Loon River First Nation Band Council Resolution as evidenced by their signatures duly endorsed hereunder.

______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (Chief) (Councillor) (Councillor) Print Name: Ivan Sawan Print Name: Cody Letendre Print Name: Darren Noskey

______________________________ __________ c____f___-___3_____ __________ (Councillor) (Councillor) Print Name: Heather McTaggart Print Name: Shayne Letendre

Expenditure - Dépenses

FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Source or funds Expenditure Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section) Source of funds Source des fonds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds les Indiens) C apital Cap ital Revenue Revenue R evenu Rev enu Recommending officer Recommandé par

Authority (Indian Act Section) Autorité (Article de la Loi sur les Indiens)

Recommending officer Recommandé par

Signature Date

Approving officer Approuvé par

_______________________________________________ _____________________ Signature Date

Signature Date

Recommending officer Recommandé par

Signature Date


Document Ref: 9ZVYU-C6VWA-YAVPA-B94HC

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The Council of the Loon River First Nation hereby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2023 taxation year for the following classes of property.

COLUMN 1 Class of Property as prescribed under Section 16 of the Loon River First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation By-law.

Class 1 Residential Class 2 Non-residential and linear property Class 3 Farm land Class 4 Machinery and Equipment

COLUMN 2 Rate of Tax applied against each $1,000.00 of the assessed value of the land and improvements as determined in accordance with Part 5 of the Loon River First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation By-law.




Document Ref: 9ZVYU-C6VWA-YAVPA-B94HC

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Signature Certificate

Reference number: 9ZVYU-C6VWA-YAVPA-B94HC

Signer Darren Noskey Email:

Sent: Viewed: Signed:

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14 Apr 2023 17:16:59 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:20:56 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:21:39 UTC

14 Apr 2023 17:20:56 UTC


IP address: Location: Vancouver, Canada

Ivan Sawan Email:

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14 Apr 2023 17:16:59 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:23:07 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:23:28 UTC

14 Apr 2023 17:23:07 UTC

IP address: Location: Vancouver, Canada

Heather McTaggart Email:

Sent: Viewed: Signed:

Recipient Verification: ✔Email verified

14 Apr 2023 17:16:59 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:22:50 UTC 14 Apr 2023 17:23:41 UTC

14 Apr 2023 17:22:50 UTC

IP address: Location: Vancouver, Canada

Cody Letendre Email:

Sent: Viewed: Signed:

Recipient Verification: ✔Email verified

14 Apr 2023 17:16:59 UTC 14 Apr 2023 18:04:50 UTC 14 Apr 2023 18:05:24 UTC

14 Apr 2023 18:04:50 UTC

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Document completed by all parties on: 14 Apr 2023 22:08:02 UTC

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Signed with PandaDoc PandaDoc is a document workflow and certified eSignature solution trusted by 40,000+ companies worldwide.

Signature Certificate

Reference number: 9ZVYU-C6VWA-YAVPA-B94HC

Signer Shayne Letendre Email:

Sent: Viewed: Signed:

Recipient Verification: ✔Email verified


14 Apr 2023 17:16:59 UTC 14 Apr 2023 22:07:33 UTC 14 Apr 2023 22:08:02 UTC

14 Apr 2023 22:07:33 UTC


IP address: Location: Vancouver, Canada

Document completed by all parties on: 14 Apr 2023 22:08:02 UTC

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Signed with PandaDoc PandaDoc is a document workflow and certified eSignature solution trusted by 40,000+ companies worldwide.

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