Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Minister of Relations Couronne-Autochtones Crown-Indigenous Relations Ottawa, Canada K1A 0H4

I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Whitefish Lake First Nation, in the Province of Alberta, at a meeting held on November 6, 2023.

Whitefish Lake First Nation Rates ByN/aw 2023

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this \ 9

day of De..U-rW'\ b~


--<.. " ;;;;;:::::::;-: ~ Hon. Gary Anandasangaree, P.C., M.P.




WHEREA pur uan1t0thelndian Act. R. .C . 1985,andspecifical l paragraph83( 1)(a) ofthe Indian Act. 198 -, .1-5. the Council ofa band ma make by-laws for the purpo e of taxation for local purpo e of land, or intere t in land. including right tO occupy, pos ess or u e land in a re erve and with re pect to any matter ari ing out of or anci llary to uch purpose:

AND WH EREA the Council of the Whitefish Lake First ation (a l o known as th Whitefi h Lake Band) enacted the Whitefish Lake First at ion Property Tax By-law on December 4. 1998 and appro ed by the Mini ter on F bruary 23, 1999:

OW BE IT HEREBY RE OLYED that the following b - law be and i hereb enacted pur uant to the pro i ion of the Indian Act, and in particular ection 83(1) for the purpo e of e tabli hing annual rate of taxation.


Thi by-law may be cited for all purpo es a the White[, h l ake First

ation Rates By-lmv 20_]_

2. Pur uant tO ection 5.1 of the White[, h lake First at ion Property Tax By-law. the tax rate for each etas of property hall be in accordance with chedu le "A" which i attached. and form part of the 2023 Rate By-la .


THI BY-LAW I HEREBYDlJLY E CTEDb Councilonthe L 20_3. atf\h 'c;,,,,,.e5 . in the Province of M~ M{ C.,

A quorum of Council consi ts of (__3 ik= Chief Albert Thunder

ounc i llor Cli ffo rd Laboucan

member of ouncil.

Councillor Dale Tallman

da of~N_ \)_ _

Councillor Cody Laboucan

Councillor Darren Auger


The Council of the Whitefish Lake First Nation hereby adopts the following taxation rates for the 2023 taxation year for the following classes of property.

COLUMN l Class of Property as prescribed under Schedule II and Section 5.1 of the Whitefish Lake First Nation Property Tax By-law.

Class I - Residential Class 2 - Non-residential and linear property Class 3 - Farm land Class 4 - Machinery and Equipment

COLUMN2 Rate of Tax applied against each $1,000.00 of the assessed value of the land and improvements as determined in accordance with Part IV of the Whit<:;fish lake First Nation Property Tax By-law.




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