Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Affaires Indiennes . |KBun«aii©t f f f a id N B o e ct hi et du Nord Canada Executive Services ûdT 0 8 2003 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE (Ÿ /ft\Cüuu/& _ NOTE: The words "from our Band Fund a" "cap Hal* or 'revenue*, whichever Is iho case, muBl appear In all reaolullonB requesting expenditures from Bend Funds. NOTA: Lqb mots "dns fonde de notre Ponde* capital* ou "revenu* solon la doivent paraître dans toute* leB résolu! km s portant but des dépensée à même les (onde des bandes. The council of the , N O R T H L A N D S F I R S T N A T I O N Le conseil de \ h D-J M Y-A Date o 'd f e duly convened meeting 1 n n 5 ^ Date l'assemblée dûment convoquée ^ | U j «5 1 | U U DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE. PAR LES PRÉSENTES: Northlands First Nation Supplement Intoxicant and Leaders and Employees Bylaw WHEREAS the Inherent right o f self-government and sub-section 85.1 of the Indian Act empower the Council of the Band to make by-laws for the good governance of the band and the prohibition of the sale, possession and use of intoxicants; AND WHEREAS bylaws have been duly established by the Northlands First Nation and ratified by the Council prohibiting the sale, possession and use of intoxicants; audiorizing authorities to search for and seize such intoxicants; and providing for exceptions to the prohibition for medical, religious and other specified purposes; AND WHEREAS in order to give greater effect to the foregoing bylaws the elected leadership of the Northlands First Nation, the staff of the band Council, and other employed persons residing in the community must held to a high standard of conduct; NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted the following by-law: Short Title 1. This by-law may be cited as the Northlands First Nation Supplement Intoxicant and Leaders and Employees By- law. Interpretation 2. The terms band’, intoxicated’, intoxicants and reserve are used in the same manner as defined in Band Council Resolutions of January 20, 1988 and March 19,1999. FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépensas Authority (Indian Act Section Source funde Auforiié (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonda les Indians) r Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signature Data Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Date B0-5 (12-08) 7530-21-036-0502 Printed op recycled paper Irnprirhà sur pépier rocyclé «ÊJ u u ^ / u n Chronological no. - N conBécuüf t o ^ 3 n -File reference no. - N" de référance du dossier lO tf J -E T 4 a . | ( o - 3 l ~ l C C, l 0 l M - g ^ a - l ' 5 - M - 3 n Cash free balance - Solde disponible Capital account Compte capital 5 Province Revenue account M A N I T O B A Compte revenu ^ un LG UJ dj LG K cn r ^ & ilG W r ; Expenditure - Dépense* Authority (Indian Act Section Source of run de Autorité (Article de la Loi aur Source dea ronde loe Indiana) < * « » Recommending officer - Recommandé per Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Dale Canada
(Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE f - o -n d -s -d B noire band , e c ' ap c l a la p l U " a o l* r ' o r u e v " e r n ev u e s n " u , * w h sa ic lo h n e v t e a r c * a s t h d g c l c v a a s m e , p m ar u a a ît i r e a The council of the Le conseil de N O R T H L A N D S F I R S T N A T I O N ^ , k D-J M Y-A Date of duly converted meeting k Date de rassemblée dumem convoquée W 1 , 1 , 1 . -------------------------------------------------T ~ ....1 l o 1 3 .... l l l o l o 1 3 DO HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES; 3. A Leader here means a Chief or Councillor of the Northlands First Nation as described in section 74 of the Indian Act. 4. An Employee o f the Council here means any individual who in a full or part time capacity is employed by the Northlands First Nation Council or any agency, corporation or other legal body constituted by and reporting to the Council. 5. An Other Employee here means any individual who is not a member o f the Northlands First Nation and in a full or part time capacity is employed by any private business, government agency or other body. 6. A Visitor here means any individual who is not a member of the Northlands First Nation and does not reside on the reserve and is present on the reserve for any period of time. A Non-Member Resident here means any individual who is not a member o f the Northlands First Nation and resides for any period of time on the reserve. Leaders 7. Any Leaders of the Northlands First Nation who is found to have been intoxicated on the reserve, who is found in possession o f an intoxicant on the reserve, or who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured and intoxicant on the reserve, shall forfeit their office and their office shall be declared vacant immediately upon the presentation of material or information that satisfies the Council o f the validity of such a finding. Staff 8. Any employee o f the Council who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured an intoxicant on the reserve shall be dismissed from their employment with the band immediately upon the presentation o f material or information that satisfies the Council of the validity of such a finding. FOR DEPAR1fMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure ~ Dépenses A A u u t t h o o ri r it y ( A (I r n ti d c i l a e n d e A c la t S L e o c t t & io u n r Source ol fu f n o d n s d e les Jndiene] Source dps t cap,NU L b 9 Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signeiure Cato Approving officer - Approuvé pBr Signature Date BOS (12-09) 75S0-2"!-D3B«B5B2 Printed on recycled paper - imprimâ ear papier recyclé l&| U U 0 / U 1 1 Chronological na. - N» CanâàCülif Fila rofaranca no. - N° de référence du dossier p d p a e n a s r l i o n u a te ll a r a le e s o tu tl s o o n l B u ti r o e n q s u e p s o t r i l n a g n i e s x u p r e n d d e i a tu d re é s p e f n ro s m es B à a n m d a m Fu e n le d a i. fonds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible Capital account Compte capital § Province Revenue account Compte revenu $ M A N I T O T IA Expenditure - Dépense? A Au u t to ho ri r it y (Indian d A o c l t a Sec L s i o u n r Source of funds Ie9 Indian (A s r ) ticle Ld> Source des fonds c a ^ oszzxr Recommending officer - Hacommandé per Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé per Signatures Daie Canada
I « t L t .Ind s ian i » Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE ü n e jjf n lf o l i f r i a l' " b " a T n * d " e c ' a " p c i a ta p l i * t a o l" r ' o r u e v " e r n e u ve e n *, u w ' s h e ic lo h n e v le e r c l a a s m d e o i c v a e s n e t , p m ar u a M îtr e a The council of the Le conseil de N O R T H L A N D S F I R S T N A T I O N à D-J M Y-A Date of duly convened meeting k Date de l'assemblée dûment convoquée f I , 1 . 1 , _____________________________________ T 1 n 1 s 1 1 1 o . I n . 1 3 DQ HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES: 9. Any by law enforcement officer, constable, or security staff who have responsibility for enforcing these by laws and who is found to bave been intoxicated on the reserve, who is found in possession o f an intoxicant on the reserve, or who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured an intoxicant on die reserve shall be dismissed from their employment with the band immediately upon the presentation of material or information that satisfies the Council o f die validity of such finding. 10. Any Employee o f the Council who is found to have been intoxicated on the reserve or who is found to be or have been in possession of an intoxicant on the reserve shall be subject to progressive disciplinaiy measures specified herein upon the presentation of material or information that satisfies the Council o f the validity of such a finding. 10.1 A first offence by an Employee shall lead to a written reprimand and warning. 10.2 A second offence by an Employee shall lead to a suspension without pay from work for a period o f no less than two weeks and no more than two months. 10.3 A third offence by an Employee shall lead to dismissal from their position. ] 1. Em ployees dismissed as a result of the application of section 8,9 or sectionl0.3 shall not be eligible to be rehired for a period o f not less than one year. Other Employees 12. Any Other Employee who resides on the reserve and who is not a member of the Northlands First Nation and is found to have been intoxicated or who is found to be or have been in possession of an intoxicant on the reserve or who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured an intoxicant on the reserve shall be subject to removal from the reserve within two weeks o f the presentation of material or information that satisfies the Council o f the validity of such a finding. Quorum FOR DEPARIfMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Oepansos A Au u t t h o o ri r ity (Indian les Indie n (A s r ) ticle d e A c la t S L e o c t t s io u n r S So o u u r r c c e e o d f û s fu f n o d n * de r \JSSST Recommending olheor ftacarnmandd par Signature Data Approvino olfleer - Approuvé per Signature Dare ÔÛ-5 (1Z-59) 7530-21-035-B502 P/iatêd on fétyctedpaptt Imprimé sur papiêf/ûeycJé m U U 4 / U 1 1 Chronological rtû. » NB consécutif File reference . - N" de référence du doaeler p d p a e n a s r t I o n u a te ll s re lo s s o l r u é t s io o n lu s t i r o e n q s u e p s o t n in a g n t e s x u p r e n d d e i s tu d re é s p e f n ro s m es B à a n m d é m Fu o n l d es s» ronds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible Capital account C om pte capital $ Province Revenue account Compte revenu «g M A N I T O B A (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - COnOttiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) Expenditure ~ Dépannés Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Autorité (Article la Loi Puf Source des fonda lés Indiens) O * * - E t a r Recommending officer » Hoaommandé par Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Date Canadâ
m u u o / ü i i Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada Chronological . - N* consécutif File rgforoncc . - N° de référence du doaaiû/ BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION SOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE i "from ouf Band Funds" * capital* a/ '‘revenue**, vnlchcvor 1$ )ha case, muai appear In a* Tcrsduiione requesting expenditures from Band Funds, Lbs mots *dea ronds de noire bande* "capital" ou "revenu* selon le cas doivent paraître dons toutes lee résolutions portent sur oee dépenses à mémo loi fonda des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible Thô council of the Capital account Le conseil de Compte capital $ N O R T H L A N D S F I R S T N A T I O N k 0 -J M Y-A Province Date of duly convened meeting L Revenue account Date de l'assemblée dûment convoquée F i t 1 1 Compte revenu § _____________________ r In h It In In I t - M A N I T O B A --------DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DÉCIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: 13. Any Other Employee removed from the reserve as a result o f the application of Section 12 shall not be eligible to reside on the reserve for a period o f at least one year or greater, as will be specified by the Council at the time of their eviction notice. Visitor and Non- Member Residents 14. Any Visitor or Non- Member Resident who is found to have been intoxicated on the reserve, who is found in possession of an intoxicant on the reserve, or who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured an intoxicant on the reserve, shall be subject to removal from the reserve immediately upon the presentation of material of information that satisfies the Council of the validity of such a finding. 15. A Visitor or Non-Member Resident removed from the reserve as s result o f the application of section 14 shall not be eligible to visit or reside on the reserve for a period of a least one year or greater, as will be specified by the Council at the time of their eviction notice. Members on Social Assistance 16. Any resident Member of file Northlands First Nation receiving social assistance who is found to have been intoxicated on the reserve, who is found in possession of an intoxicant on the reserve, or who is found to have sold, bartered or supplied an intoxicant to anyone or manufactured an intoxicant on the reserve, shall be subject to the following measures upon the presentation of material or information that satisfies the Council o f the validity of such a finding. Quorum FOR DEPARIfMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépân&âà Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Expandku/â - DépenBéB Authority (Indian Att Section Source of funds Autorité (Article de la Loi aur Source des fonds Autorité (Adicla de la Loi SU/ Source des fonds lea Indiana) les Indiens) r c a m * C f c r c * » . * i Z f e r Recommending officer - Recommandé par Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signature Dale Signature Date Approving office/ - Approuvé par Approving Officer - Approuvé par Signature Dote Stgnolura Date 00-fi (12-60) 7530-21-036-6582 Printed on recycled paper - Imprimé sur pipiet racydâ Canada
I&J UUO/ Ui .1 rX fl BteŜ Vi târegi Affaires indiennes ,ei e l du Nord Canada Chronological no, « N* consécutif GC » 8 3 2083 FUe reference no. - N ° de référence du dossiar JBAND c o u n c il r e s o l u t io n RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE word» "from our Band Funda- "capital" (X 'ravonuo*, whichever ia ihe can, mual appear In all rwolutlona requesting expenditure: tram Band Funds. NOTA: Le: mote 'des fonda de notre bande' 'cepfcd' txi 'revenu* selon la caa doivent paraître dane toutes Iss rfcohitigns portant sur des> daépeenaseeas &à meenttee Itseaa londa des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible The council of the Capital account Le conseil de Compte capital j _________________ NORTH 1 .ANOS FIRST N A TIO N _________________ k D-J M Y-A Province Date of duly convened meeting k Revenue account Date de rassemblée dûment convoquée W \ « . . Compte revenu $ -- ------------------------:------------------------------------- - i Ol 3 I Ol fri..^ - ^ M A N I T O B A HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES: 16.1 A first offence shall lead to their social assistance being delivered by purchase order for a period three months. 16.2 A second offence shall lead to their social assistance being delivered by purchase order for a period of six months. 16.3 A third offence shall lead to their social assistance being delivered by purchase order tor a period of twelve months. Quorum (Chlat - Chef) FOR DEPARIfMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépenses Authority Expenditure - Dépenses A le u s to in ri d ie n ( A (I r n ti d c i l a e n d e A c la t S L o o c i l s io u n r Source of funds Au Source dos fonds A le u t t h o o ri r t l é L y ( A (Indian Act Section Source of funds s) s Indiens r ) ticle de la Loi Bur Source d8B fonds c p U B . L f ê H h * - » 'Recommending officer - Rocommùndà par Recommending officer - Recommandé per Signature Dale Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé par Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Data Signature Date 00-5 (12-09) 7530-21-030-0562 Printed on meyctod puper - imprimé sur papier rççyçïà Canada
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.