Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

On behalf cf l h e Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE,p ;rrst~arito sec;tiun 03 of the /t?U'jr7r1A ct, t h e fnllowing by-law m a d e by t h e Chemainus First Nation, in the Province of British CAumbia, at a meeting held on the 2n3 day ~f NovetnVjer 20ClT; Chernainus First Nation Proper ty Tax Expenditure By-law Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this /6 day of 620 05
CHGMATNUS FJRST NATION PROPERTY TAX EXPENDITURE BYLAW 17'1 I l-:I<l!.AS 11 15 ' / / ~ , t t t ( i i } ~ ~1i',1v - r ~ j ~ c:I r ,ts-~< f)v~5 , s - ~ > 1 ~[* ~i)7 /d 7 ' ~ 7 ~ ~ t ? i /o? )~?, - / ( t i i , ( [!I< " P ~ * ~ I ~ A?.cI .~suIss' n~rc' . ,z/ cir;d To.viitiur7 Bj.lcrl\ ") was ~natitp: ursuant to srtbsecti;)~S~3 r I i ot' tlic IIIL-licl.-llrr r, !<.S.C'. I 9S.i. c.1-5, f i , lr . t l l e prlrposc 01' !a>::it ion fur' local p ~ l l . p ~ j 1~;1~11Di!. f or inti:t-ests i n liind, in the Reservc, inc\uiIing rigl-11si o o x u p y , possess o r lrsc 1:incl in the I:<sct-~t' ; i?N r) Li i-IEl<ErlS sul~sotci on 5.3(2) of the It~:licrr? .4ci provides that an c-lrpcndit ur-e i,lnclc OII: r)1'111~ncy1-sa iscc1p urs~!:~t:t<! Is ~~b:cc(iuS.~3( I I o f the I I I C ~1 ~1 ~ 11~1 .I11I51 lx 1 1 1 3 ~ 1 ~ 1111dc1r1 12 nuthuriry o f a b\.-la~vo f 111c ~ i l u ~ ~ocf ithle h:~rid: 1'A'11 \\'I IERE A S se;t ion 5 5 of t lw Ptq~.:rg..jj ?.YL>.T,Y??,Q m t / 7>/:titt iv~ BJ*-/~/IV : I L ~ ( ~ C ~ I ~L~ILle CrXil aking ot' ccrtuin expen~l i t l~roe st ~ot f pi-npt.rty : u r~ev enup and. in ; i h I i t i o n , thy ( ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I AI'~irs~1- :YL:I~.~~i <1>1 iils htj to ci~:icT tl:e P t . ~ j ? ~7,2r1l ~: ~~ j > ~ ~ / ? ~c / ~ ! t t ! 14- !r-t ir: (the " -/[~lr.'') for the plllTr;;e, intt:?c. rlili, nf est;ibli:-;hing~ ~ r o c c d ~ ~ r e s I;?r thc arrll~orinationo f cxpenditurt.~to bc rnacie out of property tax re\.t'ljue i iom iimc Lo tiine: AKJI \','I 1ERli.4S (.'i)~~n1 c1ik. i S J I ~ S 10 a ~ i~t I O I . ~:sZj\~.= ~ldifitr.c!i~n ;1(Idiii011t o [hose a~~t11ori;lrudn der- section 5 3 of the I ' t , o p r i ~ A. .rsr~~.$urrr /r /~ri~c 7l i1ratio17U J*-IUU.t)o I)? 1n:lcle oil: rllp;.c~pcr~ILLjY scve1111e L ' L V I ' I ~ t i~neto tinlc ill illis byl:i\v; KOli' 13E 1'1 HJ=t<E!3Y RfLSOI.,VEII that thc followir-._r t3>.-laiv bt: and i s I~cschy C I I ~ ~ C ~pLu.r<.s~u cilt to rhc'isionosf tlw />wlrar.?/Ic 7{ :irlcI i n part icuin;. s~tbscul ionsS _i( l ) 'ind ( 2 ) thcrcol', for- the pct,l:or;e oi 'aut l~or lz ine~es penr.litur; 5 to 1c. 111 nde o r ~ ct f prfil:i"'ty l 'c'\ '~~llilt = . 1 , l'his 13y-la1v rnay he ciccd t2:r all pusposcs as tllc C' l~ tgr~rr i r~Irr' sr n p ~ ~T~onq I,:~;?e,rtl:'lr(f.c/ ~ ; , , - / L - L \ I + "~.r~nup;lrlo perty t ;~xhu dgc.rMm eniis n I~uJget h : ~ ti ~ ! u lu rlcs 311~i1d e~~tifjti 'lsl ;I gt.i~cral\ yay p:qicctc:l propyrty rnh revenue for a fiscal year, sul-plus or dehcil prop:rt:; tax I.C\~L'IILc~aEn- icti o i < r ;'rurri p:cviaus iiscili 5 c; :~-st l ~ ~~i1i 1 .qitci~ d cspen(l\turcst o bc tnade out 01 property :as i-cv,-nuc. fol- 111ef ..;cal ..cur for I ~ t n l pLLrpOsL'5; ' Band" Incall5 t11c Chenlnirius Eation, beirig a band within subsection 2 ( l ) cf 1 1 1 l~ft l/;illt -,ic,;
l'B311dC OLIIICIICI cs~lution'1' 11eni1s ;I in~ioti l passcd J I I a~p pro1 t r l r.t a mc d i n g [ti' ~.'c~~tir~cIilI suI ,1 11I lo the cc~ilsc'to~ft a ~nnjirrityo f the q~~oruonll: the C'o:~ncillori of' till: Rand: "co131mu11itsye i.i.ic=s'i 11cluili.s.\ \ i ~ l . c > i l tl i i ~ i t r ? ~ iI~rrc>~ .g r r u l l:ltn; d 5ci.i ice, jorl-tl%t. t h ~ ni ~ i i lti j se:,\-ices)o? perated, contmlled: ~;lanagsd.a dministc.rd, p:-n~,idcdo r iinnllriall!- \~lp]?c~r-tcc~d.' l ~ o l l0?1.i- n C a r l , b!- :hc. 13:lrld 01. C'ounzi! or1 bchdll-o f the E h n ~ ;il r~do f bcnttit t3 an]. residents of Rcszrve (\i.hether. i :c~omm oi~iv itl: ai.~!, nctl- ~-csi~lcsn ~t l Jf? ~ S C I . ~ Yr> r 1111l) incl:rd ?It: :[ ivithout liiuitirig tlls gct1cralir;l of' 1.1c f~j~-cgoinsgo.c i~ lp,n blic lic~ii111~. ~ 1 1 1 ~ ~1 -~c~c l1*:c i l t i~eni f,~ cn : ion ,d aj 'cr~re1: ih1.:11!,. p:>1'k, pla>,sra,.~npd~, j i iczo r GLI: j)r'okcction 1:r'ogr.atlls allit S C J , V ~ C C S ; ' cott~r~irrnir:iyu r.kst' irlc[~~tie\si,i r?lo~.rlri t~;iratic)nd, c.signil-t;, construcling, r.ccu11str~ictingc; l-cat ing, rep:aci~~egn. larging. c~tcilrling~. . r~* l~ r ;v imi~o;-<+. ., n;i rxpairing, ~rlaillraining2 1111 vpcidting buililitlgs, \i-orlts and facilities (othe: t l~w public nrui.Ls). lt.~;~tcivl , i rhi :~R c s ~ ~ - \;~- ci l d~ l ~ . i i > c~d),1 >~'13ttl~, ,0l1,1 t r . c r 1 i : ~ i . I I ~ , I I I : I ~ ~ . ~ ! , :idniir:istered, provided or fi:lancially s~ipporred1,i '11011y or in part, by tlic Banri or C'o~incil0 11 b~'11nfl of the Band 311d 11st'd ibr C C ~ ~ I ' ItIlIilIj~t ~S C:.\-iceosr g< -~ o ~ , t . r n m cseir~vitc es? including, n-ithout limiting the gcne:alit>- of thc forcgojil;. HLIIIL;Il t l i~~ i~~i : : lI ~o-f;f~~icjoc~sR ~J I Ip~ i ? ) lxi,~- u~-lJ<~r;:.I < I:,, c e ~ ~ ~ c t e ~l n, isc~s :g I \ ~ - ~ ~ l ~ c s . c i~l rumlc cnlrcs. ~1n)~carc.ce ntres, gr,.)up hnmcs. lihl-ni.ier;.n rchii,es. inrlscums. ;!l.t ?al!<rics, rccre:ition :cnlres, p;~rI;sx 1lr1 pI;\ygro~~ndiiss,g ct!lsr \\ill: l1zsur1.e ln!lLls al^lpurtuna~1~hte 1-do: "Coul~cil"rr lratls t l ~ Ci ' U ~ I Ifi; I Lthi~. i~'h c!nai~:it~F irst Nn1i311S < j ~ : ( . ! c r ! :'~~:,.>~-ili1i3i ; sec t i c l r l 74 of thi: Irl~Jilm, ~ L Y ; "fiscal \~.C;I." nlcAtls April I o i 'n ca1cnd:lr yzar thrcugh hlar-ch $ 1 o1rhz fi)lion.irlg <:i1~11il:i~y ear: "-rr e:'l~c~g-;r~)\l' c~'rllnc~s;et: '~'izcs"il ~cltrJcs, i t l l o u t Ii~utia tim, gijL C ~ I I H I C ~ I;1I1 1d r-lclll~inistlxti?;pi:r ograms? serviccs and opc;ations ~f t i l t I ) , ; I I I ~0 1' II:i;lll~lciOl II bthalf of'thc I3nr1d ir~cl tidir~gi.v itlio~itl i ~ n ~ t i[~IICl gg encrc.llt~u l'the fL'il:-e;c)i!~g~. h c opwitions of C:oul~cil aiid thc ( ic i ,c l i jpn~aip. rzp3ta:ion, ~ .n fo rc .~~nani rl~ : rrclr~iinisr~~iriuofr'Cl :lunciI or B;~ndp olicies, b>.-laws and prny.;lnis and thc ndrn in i~ t r ; i~nin~cni clpcrat ill11 of d<?nl-trne~itosf the Bond: "hl inistcr" j:le;ms the h l i ~ ~ i s tocfr lndinn ,4flhirs :!nd N o r ~ h t . i ~UlC r.i.ll?pn~c[~iIr I L ! irlcl ~c lcsa pcssvn dzsignatcd in \I-rit i t-~gh ~ the h4inister; "per:nittcd propert1 f axaticn b!.-law expenditures" mcr~nrt hose t>;pC1lili1t1 i .co~:: t of' propt-1-t). ras re\ ent.e authc?titr.d to be made u~~clts.:c ctinr~5 5 c3f :lw P ~ ~ o p c t ' i j ' 2 4 , ~ , ~ t L ~(Lms ~/T? il!.~ u~i~io~1J/1 J./u.I!.:
"propcsty f : i x I .L'\.CI!IIU'' i11~11iCli'2s1 1 tnscs a-td arller I : I C ~ ~j If iCt i~~ ~ iil1l l ~ l ~t ' ~h . ~ , P ~ . < I ; I C ~ ! Jv*.5 ~~5 + - ~ r ?iu~:ud /T U.YC)!~fOi yV- j t i ~ ii ~i~c l i i~ 1d12 -i \-itl~o~liii ~ n l ~1i ~1 ~~g :ci~c~.;di ty o f the. C~:,i.egning.3 11 i ~ ~ t c r tcsnt:: ~cd tllc~.cuna nd ot11c.r ;!cc~:mulations t l 1 ~ 1 ~ 1f01 .2111I ~ I I I (C1 ) i i ~ ~ l t ; i i ) c r ] u i p ~ l ~ c ~ lvt ,i rcs~, ~ v r iLl ~sl c lf :..cilitic.s, including stat~d:rrl<. qnd cot~il:~i~sl, uctcssnr~t o supply public ligh!ing iv i th i i~r t.scr,vs. includins, n-ithout l irr~ilingh e g cnern1it:i of tllc fclrc'goillg,n l l necessary j :r! lr~, ~~I\ \ . . c Is : C ~OSL-ai ' l l iS?C l l ~ ~ ~ ; ~ i l[ Il ; ~I IlI <~~tL~? [j- J ~SI ~t rY~ [ < t ~ i5r C~ I I I L ]< 1!1:<r r ~ l i t ! !~l'~ r!- l:.< :LIK! facil i t i c ~ ; ii i) cc>nduirs f o ~lvi res, iiS!-c-cptics and p i p s for purFoses other t h a : ~ yr,)~idingp ublic li~htirigii :ithin Reserve, I I I C ~ L I C !\1~ i~tl~lo. ti^ l i t l l l t i [IS tIlc ~cnc ra i i t> . tllc f;jr.rzgr~it;~a. 11 I I C C ~ ~ S R I . :p, olc3. tr?i\,! t-c:ss-c?rn~~~ c ccasenzznrs, t rcnsf t-tncr srruc ture_;m i nfl~er cl.itcd i5 .0 l . k~; I nil f , r l U + l I i ' t l ' c - 5 - 2 . i - s t j r m or- snilitury sevb-er or-w ater lines, wowks and fr-lcili:; -:. i~lc'ul!i:1~ s c v~iz z c o ~ ~ ~ i c c t i :co> nsse: !.cr or. \ Y ; I I ~ ' I . li11cs OJI~ ; t l ~; lc t~' ~ ~ f l:i ~il~lagil lj . . . x.) scivagc Ircat~nri~afn d IsnIer ~ I ~ ~ ~ ;It I Io~ .C:LIsfL~ : cll l f 1 ~ 5~ .~ ipi l ml~ : . . . I . v,i) I - ~ ~ ; I ~ I I ;iI\ .Id?1 sFs ~ ~ I - Y ~SI~;~>C,< I - ; > L I I IS-C.: ~~- I V.~ I ! I Y . 1~~ili:1g<~!\l.i ;<.>:! !;:I b ru;~h~vaterins , along or ~ d j a c u ~tol tt h:: s r i i , a lake or a r i ~ . i r i;i lld c.> crentir:~ncivInr1cls1~~-a1~~.l~i\\S~11~nea11-s, ii~cludi~1r..1r-itho~!;1imitin~the gerrer;-.l i t ~of, t he Furcyoir~g:b ~ the placcmeni allo c o ~ n l ? ; t ~ t(i,~fpr c rrni t t~~l soils and n:her fill 1113tct.ia15:
2 Sclui~w-I; ,!--On? Indian ICcscr~tN: o.1 1 : d) C h s n ~ a i n1~n~dis:i1 1 Rescr1.e No. 13 as defined i l l s11l7sccf\ or-.2 ( 1 ) of the Itliton .4rr alld any, l a n d hckl 2s n spccial rrscrvc f o r the use ~ i n d3 cncfit o f' ~ l i cC ' l lci~~ninF~irrs sf ?!~tic!n ~ ~ L I I . ~ L1cI :s~e[cIt ~ic t~3 6 of llle Z;,:l:liicjl A[.r: "u~i ltiy scn~icc '~in"c lutes \\.rite[.. star111 scn < r. sarlitarr. <,crlg a~.bngtc. ullcc~ion, gat-13;igc. dispmLll.s olid wastc disposal, seJvnze t r e a t m ~ a~nrd \\-:~trrt l-r1;itinent p~-og:uus~c,r \ , r i ts and operario~~s. AUTHOMZATIDS OF EXPEXDITKlXL O F I'ROPERTY TrZX REVENLT ? ( I j 'I'llis Uj,-la\v a~.rlr(>rizetlslc expc tldifurc of j)r~pcn!. 1a.1 1.~C1I ILIC'I ?)' COUIICo~nI bchalS af t ht l3nnd f o r .ocA 17urlwscs. (2) W i ~ l ~ nlrim~itti n_r the generality of subsection (1) but f c g~rs a tc~c. e~taic ly(,h is U>' - I t t i~~ L ~ ~ ~ L t >1 1I~ ~ ~~ pZ ~C i~ i do ~i tJ .~~t~~' u~LI~? : cYY<\t ~j i L>l < 1 ;) C - ~ L I I I OLI,I ~L~> CII~IpISi Ihc Ba:d on ccn~ruuni~\vyo rks, conltnlnity ser~icesg, eneral puvcrn l i~~ i~lct r~ . i c ' c s : pcr.n~itlziip l.op:; t!, t : :snt io~-hi ~ . - l n \ \c~s p c ~ t d i l ~ ~ rpz~sl,\ >liic~ v r k2sn d ii1i;ity ctrviccs. - AKNUAL PROPERTY TAN I3Cll)i;E'I J(l j O n or- heilrrc Jul> 3 1 i n ~ 3 ~ f1:s~1:r l ye:lr. the ~ I . Y V ~ ~ , oOf!'~. nxt'ss 11;ill pl,t.pnte nml table n-iih C:oilncil a d x f i annual prol~crtyt ax brtdgcr for the thcn currtnt 1isc;:l scar and n r i l - ; ~ f ~1 3:l:)d (7nj,r; Kcsol ur i01.ja pp:.,->\.i~tgl l ~l,~ ;id;c~.2 nd C'o~incil sl~nll cndca7;or to CCIIISsuLch~ 1E>'11TC gzat nd r c ~ o l ~ t i l0j1n1 or bel'orc August 3 1 of lhc sumc tiscril !e n!.. { 2 ) A n annu:]) P I - 0 p ~ 1 - t~~1. . cb udget Inn!.. h ~t ijs not recl~iirc,tlo . 1-be in the fc1.171 oi' tIl;i t clrafr znnual property us budgct attached 2.s Schcdulc "i\" to this by-liihv. (3) Subject to subseclion (4), all expc~ldihiresm n:le our of property tar: rcvcnut' t!lat C:ounzil is a u t l l n ~ . i ~ ciud 131nLe 1indc.1. this 13>.-I;:\v shu!l bi. rnnclc p~lssu;nltto nr: allnual pl.operrj. r,ix budget ih:tl lias brcn appruvcd 6). Ba17ilC ouncil Rcsolu t i o t ~ .
(4) For greater certainly a) Cvuiicil m a ? at rt11y tjmc nncl f rom tin-lc to tin]? nlnc111a1n y ;111n~-:a!rlo Fcri!' t : n buJgct a114r uly B L I I IC~'u uncil I<esolurion approking i l : ~a n n ~ ~pnrlo perty tas budgst: :ind b) nothirl; i n lhjs 13y-1xb\5 11~111l 13t.r I11e cflkct oi'ianii'l~ding S C C ~ ~ O5I 5I of illr l J t~up~,?~m. Tl.yS C . S . ~ l~l~f 7C~~7/ I >~1 .i(lliu1l/ l ~ ~ fi-r olf ~I i i~l~~i t i~ngt~h e ;l~~:l~oriz:i~oifo. n or rcquirirlg : ~ . i c l i ~ i c r ~p~ro~ci le dures ;o pcsrnir, crpe~~cliiuroefs propcrtjV:a ?; 1-c\'enuo t11cre11ndr.r. PROPERTY TAX REVENUE ACUOUSI'S 5j l i :\I I yropsrly t:ls ~.u j . t ' ~ ls~hiacl l bt. deposited irl n spcci;iI account or a~coLunts i~liii.~t;ri~ii~tdl -th1c1 a111C~ F t he 13:rnd atld bc invcqteil u:~t i \r ~ r ~ ~ ~ ),t i l -bce dcx pendcd 171:1,wnnt to 211 c l~ l~ iI~II.Oa~ClI .I~ f ~ ? b; ~1~1gtheat t h;is h tcn approved b:; Ban3 Council IZ_es31~1rion. (2) A I Is~ur plus propcl-ty tas iAcJ.enucr a j v 3 during a fiscal !,oar t h n t is not rc 'q:ii~.~fdij r e>ipcn~ii\urdeu ring thai fisci~ly ~"llp, i - ~ ~ l i ltno ta n a!~cualp roperty tax btlclg~tIl l f i t has hrc11 :~ppror.ed1 ))- Dr,nd Council R~';r~lutioS~ZILiI,II be set aside i n n special s ~ u p l u sfu nd n c c n ~ l nol r acccwnts tuaiiltaincd in Ilir nnme r j f the 13anri R I I C 3~ r : in! cstcd rrltil req.~irt.d[ or such cxpt11dil~1i1n. ~a' f u l u ! f~is cal ycar. M)i\.lIh!S'l'ltfi,'I'lON AN11 ENFORCEMENT 6. 'I'!.tc survc!.nr of ' tare: shall ndmitiistcr this Hy-lmv. BY-LAW XEMEliJiU, 7. ' i ' l l i ~B >.-l;i~vr;,h aII be consrrucd ac heir): rcmtdial: and sh;jll be gir.c r? sucl: fair , l a l . 2 ~a ni l libtral ;or ist~u c tion e t ~ dir Irl:rprctntio1~a s b x t ensures the 21i ; ~ it ~rnznot f i l c obic'cti\'cc. $ < I j I - I ~ ~ d i nfg0s1 .t~11 0 part o l this 13y-la~bj-u t shall be ~orlsttucrla s k i n g inscr-ted f'o; C L ~ : I V ~ I I ~ L . In~ SC TCL ' I L ' ~ - C ~ ~ C .oCn l!.. ( 2 ) 1'1 finditl: bv a co~11.ot fconlpc:cnr jurisdic~ioni h 3 ~ S C C ~ o~ rL ~~>r o\'isiorol f this By-law is voiil as invalid shall nor afkct or k~c;iru pon t l ~ c:n liJity or invalidity c.f an. othcr section or park of th is By-laii, or ~IlisB y-law as a whole. i.:) Il,hci.e a p1.01 ision i r t~h is I 3 j - l u ~is expl.csscd in tht. prcsenl tense: f ~ ~ ir r~n s~c 0r1 r in the past tense, the proi.jsinli applies tn thc ci~*c~iinstanuaesr the;; :rrije.
(4) 111 t l l is I3y la\!, words in the s i n s ~ ~ liai rw l t l ~Ii ~~ pCt ~ r a l a, nd \ \ : C I ~ + C ~ S i r~c!~~1 (1 l1e~s i n guI;~r. C:OMING INTO FORCE ?. T l l i ~T3 --1:1i1. sllnl' come into fix-cc i mmi.ciir>tcl! upor) k i n : ' I his H y - I a i ~is hcrcbq c11,ictcd h y tllc Co~itlciln t o dull, co~:\;cncd t i ~ c vitn g llelu at 1 , x I > ~ s n ~Bir~it his1~1 CO!L I I I I I - ~ ~ Ii ) n !IT .-d n" d:)!. in thc plural ap;?i-nx.ed 5) tkc bl in i srcr. of h;ci-t;\?ei- . 2005. { ~ - / I,7B4d UJ L.;.A"J& =- C'athcrine Harris, Coutlcillor
Chcmninus Tirst Xalion 20 - - Annual Property Tns Budge: S ~ ~ r p lc3~r i1s)c 'ficit ;lrr~pi_'t.t>7- '3s Jlt\.cnu=c arried over from prci-icius S .- Fiscal Yc'ars Total Re5 en u cs s-. Cornnl~ni tyD cve:oprncnt ( ~ ~ I ~ I I I5:1I-i,Iizc~!; I ~ b ~ n ~ , i r t > ~ ~ ~ i1i let~ ~a!l :tSli ~lc 1 - i . i ~ ~ ~ I:iscnl $ 2L.~ L ' I C C S C3~ic1;iGl ovcrnn~cntS en iccs!h Sel-i-icy.; 1';otccti~c Sen icis TCczrentior~a nd Cultural St-r\:iccs Tnses fbr Clll~cr( io~'crr~r;~t 'n!s
I'crrtt i ~LPLro'pCct-tI4 - Asseq~l -~t eann d 'Tasot ion Il~--Lai\Fr: rpe1)cli11uc s klunicip:~l Service Agt'ccment~ Total Expenditures S - S- .- - S
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.