Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Minister of Relations Couronne-Autochtones Crown-Indigenous Relations Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Westbank First Nation in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 25th day of March 2019. Westbank First Nation Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2020 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this 2- 4 day of Al ray 2019. Hon. Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P. Canada
WESTBANK FIRST NATION By-law No. 19-TX-01 BY-LAW TO AMEND THE WESTBANK FIRST NATION TAXATION EXPENDITURE BY-Law, 1995, PASSED BY CHIEF AND COUNCIL THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE 1995 AND BY THE MINISTER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT ON THE 24' DAY OF OCTOBER 1995. WHEREAS: The Westbank First Nation Expenditure By-law, 1995 was passed by Chief and Council of the Westbank First Nation in the best interest of the Band, as a by-law in accordance with section 83(2) of the Indian Act for the purpose of the expenditure of monies collected by the Westbank First Nation pursuant to Westbank First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation enabling by-laws as approved by the Minister, in accordance with section 83(1) of the Indian Act; and WHEREAS: Pursuant to Section 3.2 of the Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-law 1995, on or before June 30 of each Fiscal Year, the Westbank First Nation Council will prepare the Annual Budget and will, by by-law, add the Annual Budget as a schedule to the enacted Expenditure By-law; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: The Westbank First Nation Council enacts the following amending By-law. Short Title This amending by-law may be cited as the "Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2020 ". 1. That the following Schedule Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2020 shall be added to the Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-law 1995; PASSED AND APPROVED by the Westbank First Nation Council at a duly convened meeting of the Westbank First Nation Council held at the Westbank First Nation Administration Office, Kelowna, British Columbia on this 25' day of March 2019. Chief Roxanne Lindley Councillor Christopher Derickson Councillor Brian Eli Councillor Th as Konek Councillor Fernanda A xander
WESTBANK FIRST NATION - PROPERTY TAXATION PROVISIONAL BUDGET 2019 - 2020 18/2019 19/2020 DIFFERENCE CHANGE Line REVENUE 1 Taxation Revenue 14,509,042 15,439,520 2 Penalties & Interest 122,000 122,000 3 Interest Earned on Bank Operating 50,000 170,000 4 Misc. Revenue 37,000 5 BC Transit Revenue Sharing 0 200,000 6 RDCO Sewer Parcel Fees 15,000 7 Property Tax and Other Revenue 14,733,042 15,983,375 8 Local Improvement Charge Bylaw 05-TX-03 138,601 133,600 9 Capital Projects Fund (LIC Bylaw 05-TX-03) -138,601 -133,600 10 Total Revenue 14,733,042 15,983,375 11 EXPENDITURES 12 WFN Home Owner Grants 1,800,000 1,900,000 13 General Government Services: 14 Board of Review 29,800 15 Ptax administration 467,071 443,942 16 Finance 794,074 984,976 17 WFN General Administration 1,864,376 1,705,227 18 Legislative 653,442 19 Intergovernmental Affairs 495,006 20 Advisory Council 63,000 21 Community Services 115,000 115,000 22 Allowance for appeals 200,000 23 Total General Government Services 4,681,769 4,769,198 24 Protective Services 25 Westside Fire Protection 1,748,411 1,915,902 26 Law Enforcement 409,036 460,437 27 Law Development - 28 Residential Tenancy 69,962 29 Total Protective Services 2,227,409 2,458,589 30 31 Recreation Services 32 Parks & Recreation, and Youth 665,995 33 Total Recreation Services 665,995 638,793 34 35 Collections for other Governments 36 BCAA 150,000 37 Municipal Service Agrmt RDCO 591,548 38 BC Transit Agreement 390,000 39 Municipal Service Agrmt WEST KELOWNA 418,936 4o Marketing 5,000 41 Library Services 394,811 42 Total Collections for other Governments 1,950,295 2,275,050 43 44 Community Development Services 45 Asset Management Software 0 46 Planning and Development 564,566 47 Public Works, Garage 948,623 1,044,326 48 Total Community Development Services 1,513,189 1,730,852 49 50 Fiscal Services 51 LGS reserve 50,000 52 Stabilization Fund -346,971 -170,035 53 Capital Projects Fund 1,450,904 1,543,952 54 Contingency Fund 725,452 55 Total Fiscal Services 1,879,385 2,195,893 56 57 Environmental Health Services: 58 Environmental Health & Emergency O 59 Total Environmental Health Services 0 60 Total Expenses: 14,718,042 15,968,375 -1,250,333 -7.8% 61 Less interest and other revenues -209,000 -528,855 62 TOTAL TAX REQUISITION 14,509,042 15,439,520 -1,570,188 -10.2% age 1 or 1 `, PERCENT COMMENTS 930,478 6.0% ESTIMATE 0 0.0% 120,000 70.6% INTEREST INCREASED BASED ON 2019 ACTUALS 36,855 -145 -0.4% 200,000 100.0% BC TRANSIT REVENUE SHARING (PREVIOUSLY DEDUCTED FROM COST) 15,000 0 0.0% 1,250,333 7.8% -5,001 -3.7% LIF FOR LAKERIDGE B CAMPBELL RD SEWER 5,001 -3.7% LIF FOR LAKERIDGE 0, CAMPBELL RD SEWER TO CAPITAL RESERVE 0 0.0% -100,000 -5.3% INCREASE TO REFLECT ACTUAL TAKE UP OF HOG 29,800 0 0.0% NO CHANGE -23,129 -5.20/0 NO TRAINEE 190,902 19.4% MOVED POSITION FROM HR, NEW GRANT COORDINATOR -159,149 -9.3% MOVED PAYROLL OFFICER AND 2 FRONT LINE STAFF OUT 695,849 42,407 6.1% SALARY INCREASES COUNCIL SECRETARIAT 525,404 30,398 5.8% FLAT BUDGET USING MORE OWN SOURCE 69,000 6,000 8.70/0 ADDED $5k FOR COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT GRANT PROGRAM 0 0.0% SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES, INCLUDING COMMUNITY CORE 200,000 0 0.0% $200K STANDARD PROVISION 87,429 1.8% 167,491 8.7% BASED ONCWK PROVISIONAL BUDGET 51,401 11.2% $40K FOR PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM - 0 N/A 82,250 12,288 14.9% 231,180 9.4% 638,793 -27,202 -4.3% -27,202 -4.3% 140,000 -10,000 -7.1% PER ACTUAL LAST YEAR 651,643 60,095 9.2% BASED ON ROCO PROVISIONAL BUDGET 563,816 173,816 30.8% BASED ON BC TRANSIT PROVISIONAL BUDGET 454,591 35,655 7.8% BASED ON WEST KELOWNA PROVISIONAL BUDGET 5,000 0 0.O% PROVISION FOR MARKETING 460,000 65,189 14.2% BASED ON ORL PROVISIONAL BUDGET 324,755 14.3% 0 0 686,526 121,960 17.8% INCLUDES ADDITIONAL STUDIES, ADDED 2 FRONT LINE STAFF 95,703 9.2% INCREASED MAINTENANCE, LANDSCAPING , EQUIPMENT LEASES, STAFF 217,663 12.6% 50,000 0 0.0% APPROX BC HYDRO, IR12 176,936 -104.1% TRANSFER FROM STABILIZATION RES. TO MODERATE TAX CHANGES 93,048 6.0% 1091, AS PER BYLAW 771,976 46,524 6.0% S% AS PER COUNCIL DIRECTION 316,508 14.4% O O ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, EMERGENCY, OR CONTINGENCY 0 O -319,855 60.5% BC TRANSIT REVENUE SHARING (PREVIOUSLY DEDUCTED FROM COST)
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